If there is one thing thats come from the exit from the EU is that its shown Nicola Sturgeons true colours, A hater of all things English, its borderline racist.
Horrible, vile woman
Nonwhite who voted leave can go fuck themself. You deserve the hate
Both sides imo
Um... no
Oh my, account suicide?
Some of this confuses me.
Do the people doing this shit think leaving the EU means there won't be foreigners in the UK any more...?
Adam Boulton (Sky news political editor) tweeted that he and his family as seen 3 incidents of racism aimed at EU citizens this weekend.
Immigration is the biggest reason behind brexit. so leave vote from non white or from immigrant family disgust me, For being ignorant and for being a selfish asshole
Do you happen to have a link to this?Damn. But GAF told me that only America was the racist.
As an outsider, I feel bad because this might be what America will be like should Donald Trump win. Disgusting...
Sorry, sarcasm, I should have made it clearer. Just tired of hearing such arguments.In what way did the Remain campaign embolden this type of behavior?
Voting "leave" was a clear vote against immigration. Do I need to link to that word bubble thing again, or that ad with the stream of immigrants?
I'd like to point out that this does not necessarily have anything to do with the referendum though. Racist violence is common and there was something similar in my (quiet) town last year but its never put in the spotlight like it is now. We need to look after each other and collectively stand up against violence all the time, not just when it fits our agenda
Wow it's been quite a fall for a country that used to believe it was a world power.
Wait, that can't actually happen right? This is fkin scary, the thought of people like that running the big countries is just so damn wrong
It's at 3 million, but it should be ignored because to do otherwise would be undemocraticExpected but ugly and awful. Racists in UK will take the vote as official mandate their views are backed.
And given the core pillar of leave campaign was based on immigration and xenophobic scaremongering for the first time I feel myself thinking the vita cannot be allowed to stand.
I normally support democratic process even while seeing obvious flaws but this feels like the exception to the rule: between apathetic youth vote (who hopefully woke up a little to seriousness of the situation), an alarmingly xenophobic campaign as to why to leave and a nasty something undercurrent of English white superiority the whole thing is very suspect.
Oh well: I do have possible out of Scotland leaving UK to join EU or building a wall around London and declaring it independent).
What's that poll for a another referendum at now?
It seems like a sizable amount of people thought they were voting if immigrants should leave or remain..
But Leave wasnt racist though!!!11!!
Yesterday at work, a female colleague was insulted by this old twat who told her she was 'young' and 'ignorant' for voting to remain
When he asked her what colour her boyfriend was, she said he was black
He then said that he will 'get strung up on a tree'
Fuck anyone who voted Leave
The UK was always trying to wear the big boy pants alongside America.... It never really worked.
yup there was no world prior to the United States.
Hate is becoming more mainstream.
Do you really want to push colonialism era Britain as something to be proud of?
I live in Sheffield, a city with two universities and a diverse range of nationalities and ethnicities among the student and non-student populations alike. Since the vote, I've heard so many stories from minority friends and friends of friends of the hostility, slurs and hatred they've encountered. It breaks my heart. I thought my city was better than this, but it really isn't.
And that theme is repeated across the country.
Not every Leave voter is racist. But many are. The rest have merely enabled them, however unintentionally.
I live in sheffield as well. I always used to laugh and mock at folks who said sheffield was messed up place. Little did i know...
Man at Euro Gaf gives US a lot of Flak for this shit... I did not know it was as bad over there.
It's not. There are always incidents, now they're just being picked up on more due to the referendum.
It's not. There are always incidents, now they're just being picked up on more due to the referendum.
The majority of people aren't voting because they want to stop immigration, that'd what the stupid idiot racists think but the majority of smart intelligent voters just want a better immigration system in place.
Nonwhite who voted leave can go fuck themself. You deserve the hate
yup there was no world prior to the United States.
He's just pointing out that it's incredibly silly to say that Britain wasn't a real world power in the pre-WW1 past.
What inner-G might have meant is another matter.
What the fuck
I have no words
Yea I do
Fuck this world