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My friend is going to die for what he did.

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When I watching the Flash version I was thinking "Damn, I wish the singing wasn't so high pitched. I hope someone does another version that sounds more realistic."

Lo and behold, the original version! Bless you!

And LOL at the metal version!
Jason said:
I whipped this up in Sound Forge. I think it's the same tempo...just increased the pitch.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it is just increased in speed by 40%. Don't take my word for it though. You can download the PaceMaker plugin for Winamp and change the song's tempo, pitch, and speed independently, rather than going through the trouble of making a new mp3.



I get a call, I answer the phone and my friend is playing banana phone through the speaker..... GOD DAMMIT

Mind you it's 12 am.
That's awesome. Bannaphone's so awesome. AquaTeenHungerForce fans'd agree that Carl reply with, "frggin sweet."

on a personal note:
You know, I do things like this...making sily song and what-not. I'm weird all these years...different they say. Well, they, the proverbial 'they' used to accuse me of being hopped up on drugs. I would back then always reply with the truth that, no, I never did use any type of drugs. Now that I'm in college and have seen it all, it is the creators of 'BannaPhone' that I accuse of being hopped up on goofballs. Seriously.


Nikashi said:
I've had this avatar for a while, about time you people watched it :)

No I can't read any more of your posts without getting sucked into the sweet world of the bananaphone delirium...

Boogie9IGN said:
Bumping this because IAWTP, anyone have any luck finding the flash MP3?
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