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My fucking nutjob neighbor


The Tribe Has Spoken
OK I must have misread something. Do you like your house and neighborhood so much that you just wouldn't consider moving or are you being stubborn?
Cause I'd just put the house up for sale if I were in that situation.
He shouldn’t have to sell his house because of one fucking spastic.

I still recommend my biker scenario. Won’t hear a peep out of him after that.


Neighbours from Hell
No updates, just took a picture of the car because I think a few people in here asked what the car looked like or wanted to see it. This was in the middle of a 37 minute car running before he came out and turned it off. As you can see there is nobody in it, the window's down, and he installed these annoying little red lights on the side small back window. If the paint job looks grainy it's because it's spray painted. And look at the front plate. "Eat Slp(sleep) Drift"

Fast and Furious wannabe.



No updates, just took a picture of the car because I think a few people in here asked what the car looked like or wanted to see it. This was in the middle of a 37 minute car running before he came out and turned it off. As you can see there is nobody in it, the window's down, and he installed these annoying little red lights on the side small back window. If the paint job looks grainy it's because it's spray painted. And look at the front plate. "Eat Slp(sleep) Drift"

Fast and Furious wannabe.


Of course that fucker owns a car like that. Of course he does.


No updates, just took a picture of the car because I think a few people in here asked what the car looked like or wanted to see it. This was in the middle of a 37 minute car running before he came out and turned it off. As you can see there is nobody in it, the window's down, and he installed these annoying little red lights on the side small back window. If the paint job looks grainy it's because it's spray painted. And look at the front plate. "Eat Slp(sleep) Drift"

Fast and Furious wannabe.


Dude....sugar...water...end this misery.


No updates, just took a picture of the car because I think a few people in here asked what the car looked like or wanted to see it. This was in the middle of a 37 minute car running before he came out and turned it off. As you can see there is nobody in it, the window's down, and he installed these annoying little red lights on the side small back window. If the paint job looks grainy it's because it's spray painted. And look at the front plate. "Eat Slp(sleep) Drift"

Fast and Furious wannabe.

Oooooohhhh, looks like a early 2000 Mitsubishi spyder. Was a piece a shit back in the day and still holds true today.


Neighbours from Hell
Gonna take a pic of his other car and post it tomorrow if I remember... it's even cheesier looking. It's not quite as loud as this one, and he rarely uses it because it makes horrible popping sounds kinda like a gunshot whenever he starts it and it randomly stalls out. I'd say once every couple weeks he's messing with that one trying to get it to run and all you hear for hours is a bunch of popping sounds. Today was one of those days.

I was gonna do something to the car, but I think the building has a security cam, I'd get busted cold.
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No updates, just took a picture of the car because I think a few people in here asked what the car looked like or wanted to see it. This was in the middle of a 37 minute car running before he came out and turned it off. As you can see there is nobody in it, the window's down, and he installed these annoying little red lights on the side small back window. If the paint job looks grainy it's because it's spray painted. And look at the front plate. "Eat Slp(sleep) Drift"

Fast and Furious wannabe.


How the fuck are you gonna drift in a front wheel drive or awd lol. It's time to get the local government involved. You have proof, clearly the landlord isn't going to be doing anything about it. What area are you in, maybe we can look the laws up.


Golden Boy
Take vacation.
Rent a hotel for a week at some place a few hours away.
Stay there for 2-3 days.
Return home in the middle of the night, but park some streets away.
Sneak to your neighbors car and stuff an old rag into the exhaust.
The cloth should not be yours and should not have been in contact with (touch with plastic gloves)
Sneak back to your car and return to your hotel/vacation.
Return home after a few days.

Tell me if you decide to go ahead with it so i can delete this posts to cover your tracks.
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Neighbours from Hell
Where do you live that has an apartment near a house? Any pictures of this said apartment and houses near you?
It's a small apartment building, like 5 apartments in a building that looks like a normal city sized twin house. It might have been a large house when it was originally built decades ago and then converted into an apartment building at some point, I'm not sure.

Not sure how common these types of buildings are in different cities.

Around here we have a lot of mini apartment buildings like this on residential streets that on the outside would look just like a slightly bigger than average home, but they're actually apartments.
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Neighbours from Hell
No major updates, just wanted to share what his second car looks like. Today he was revving the engine on this car from 12 noon to 2:30 pm. He'd take it around the block. Come back, park it, rev the engine a bunch, then take it around the block. He rinsed repeated that from 12 to 2:30. Then he started the other car, let that sit for 45 minutes and just took that out. I'm probably gonna call the landlord sometime next week and threaten legal action. I'm gonna make up some BS that I have a neurological condition and the noise and vibrations triggers seizures and if something happens to me I'm gonna sue him for every penny he has. Anyway, this is his second car.



If legal action wont do anything, you need the power of the cloud to come up with ideas to sort of passively fight back.

For example rent a long uhaul truck for the day and park it on the street there. do you have any children, young cousins or family? Get them to come over and play in the yard and act annoying, ride their bicycles near the parked cars, throw water balloons on hot days, spray water in the windows on accident during water fights. Get some of your buddies to dress a bit shitty and look like criminals and "hang out" by his cars sort of. Maybe get him worried that the cars would be stolen. Find a friend and get him to fake interest in the guy and his car to a point that car dude gets creeped out. you could possibly report that people are street racing in your neighborhood during one if his long idle sessions... So many little things we could think up for you.

You basically need to set up a series of interactions that will detour him from leaving the car running unattended for long periods of time. You should brainstorm a significant list of social deterrants then plan to execute them on various days over a period of time.
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No major updates, just wanted to share what his second car looks like. Today he was revving the engine on this car from 12 noon to 2:30 pm. He'd take it around the block. Come back, park it, rev the engine a bunch, then take it around the block. He rinsed repeated that from 12 to 2:30. Then he started the other car, let that sit for 45 minutes and just took that out. I'm probably gonna call the landlord sometime next week and threaten legal action. I'm gonna make up some BS that I have a neurological condition and the noise and vibrations triggers seizures and if something happens to me I'm gonna sue him for every penny he has. Anyway, this is his second car.

Are those rims supposed to look cool?
I don't know, the man could not even afford to buy a replacement fuel door with the same color as the car.

Go down to the local biker bar, tell them your story and give some guy a hundred bucks. He will beat up your dead beat neighbor and torch the car.
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I know a solution:

Post a video of the car running for hours on youtube and accidentally slip in the street sign while you complain that your co2 already has fallen to a worrysome level and that your small cactus will die because of it soon.

Then watch how a furios crowd of Greta "how dare you" activists will help you to sleep again and even get rid of that non electric car of hell

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Where are you located? In the UK? I would suggest stopping by the police station in person and ask to speak to the chief. explain your situation and ask him what your options are.


Unconfirmed Member
No major updates, just wanted to share what his second car looks like. Today he was revving the engine on this car from 12 noon to 2:30 pm. He'd take it around the block. Come back, park it, rev the engine a bunch, then take it around the block. He rinsed repeated that from 12 to 2:30. Then he started the other car, let that sit for 45 minutes and just took that out. I'm probably gonna call the landlord sometime next week and threaten legal action. I'm gonna make up some BS that I have a neurological condition and the noise and vibrations triggers seizures and if something happens to me I'm gonna sue him for every penny he has. Anyway, this is his second car.

Is this 2001?
could you get in touch with your local councils environmental department? here in the UK (or at least in the country i'm in) you can get fined for leaving your car running without good reason such as keeping elderly warm, taxis at a taxi rank, breakdown vehicles, defrosting windows in cold weather.

if not enviromental then whoever deals with anti social behavior. tell them it's stressing you out and disturbing you in your own home.

the police will be more likely to take action if it's a government department contacting them about it.

Where are you located? In the UK? I would suggest stopping by the police station in person and ask to speak to the chief. explain your situation and ask him what your options are.
looking at the cars definitely not in the UK. we don't need to display tax badges and our driver seat is on the right side not left :)
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Neighbours from Hell
Not gonna allow him any chance to know I’m recording this stuff. I’ll lose any edge I have when I present this stuff to whoever it ends up being. Jackass 😂
looks like he has a lancer that he's trying to pretend is an Evo, and an eclipse - assuming gsx or gst since you mentioned turbo, unless he got a non-turbo model tossed a kit on it

by the amount of ricey shit he has bolted on both cars, i'm gonna assume he's running basically a straight pipe on a 4 banger, which generally sounds terrible

evos and eclipses are actually sweet cars when you don't ruin them, but here we are....
Here is what you need to do. Record a fuck ton of evidence on this guy disturbing the peace consistently and then turn it into the police. You will have so much evidence they just can't ignore it.
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Neighbours from Hell
Coming off as macho on the internet means nothing to me. I care about winning. Doing shit to his car accomplishes nothing other than potentially getting me arrested or fined and then losing any grounds I have to present any case I have to any authorities.

I’d love to post some elaborate story that I fucked up his car, he ran out of the apartment to confront me, I beat his ass, the cops came, sided with me, and I win for internet points, but this is real life.


Coming off as macho on the internet means nothing to me. I care about winning. Doing shit to his car accomplishes nothing other than potentially getting me arrested or fined and then losing any grounds I have to present any case I have to any authorities.

I’d love to post some elaborate story that I fucked up his car, he ran out of the apartment to confront me, I beat his ass, the cops came, sided with me, and I win for internet points, but this is real life.
I’m not surprised given how passive you are.


Neighbours from Hell
I’m not surprised given how passive you are.
It's necessary. Plenty of neighbor disputes have gotten violent because one neighbor flew off the handle and decided to take things up a notch to the destruction of property or violence. Then it just escalates and leads nowhere good.

Nor will walking out there and start filming him in front of him other than pacifying some innate male tough guy instinct to feel better about myself. But it certainly won't help matters.
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It's necessary. Plenty of neighbor disputes have gotten violent because one neighbor flew off the handle and decided to take things up a notch to the destruction of property or violence. Then it just escalates and leads nowhere good.

Nor will walking out there and start filming him in front of him other than pacifying some innate male tough guy instinct to feel better about myself. But it certainly won't help matters.
I wasn’t advocating violence or vandalism.


Neighbours from Hell
I wasn’t advocating violence or vandalism.

Then what other than opening my blinds when recording?

I'm trying to prevent any escalation and I don't want him to know I have the recordings so he can start coming up with excuses ahead of time for the shit he does. I've already confronted him in person about it multiple times. Any potential downside to him know he's being recorded outweighs any potential upside.


Don’t bother giving this coward any advice. This shit’s been going on for 3 years and OP is still hiding behind his blinds.
Why the hostility? Would you go out there and punk him into submission? I guarantee that neighbor would slap you and burn out in his rice rocket while you sobbed on the curb. Then you'd come back to Gaf pretending to be tough.


Why the hostility? Would you go out there and punk him into submission? I guarantee that neighbor would slap you and burn out in his rice rocket while you sobbed on the curb. Then you'd come back to Gaf pretending to be tough.
I mean it's been going on for like 3 years. Surprised op didn't just snap one day and slash the guys tires, break his windows with a bat then use the same bat on the guy when he came running out of his house.


Then what other than opening my blinds when recording?

I'm trying to prevent any escalation and I don't want him to know I have the recordings so he can start coming up with excuses ahead of time for the shit he does. I've already confronted him in person about it multiple times. Any potential downside to him know he's being recorded outweighs any potential upside.
HAve you talked to your other neighbors about this? Are they upset too? You could form some sort of collation and drive him from your lands.
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