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My game is better than your game. FACT.


Hollywood Square
It looks better on my system than whatever your game looks like on your system. The AI is most definitely better and certain aspects of the graphics are better. The story is better too. It is most definitely GOTY and all you other game fanboys are annoying. True story.
My thread got a 9.6!

My thread>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your thread

(As for being a crappy forum day.. we are still fighting sleep depravation from one of those games that just can't compete with the other game.)
I can't tell if you're ragging on Halo 2 / Half Life 2 / Metroid Prime 2 / Metal Gear Solid 3 fanboys, ragging on yourself, or ragging on everyone.


Red Mercury said:
(As for being a crappy forum day.. we are still fighting sleep depravation from one of those games that just can't compete with the other game.)
Heh.... maybe you are, systembot


radioheadrule83 said:
I can't tell if you're ragging on Halo 2 / Half Life 2 / Metroid Prime 2 / Metal Gear Solid 3 fanboys, ragging on yourself, or ragging on everyone.

You forgot GTA:SA fanboy. :(
NPD number just came in. Figured I'd just put the nail in the coffin on this supposed fact!

My game = 3.13 Million

Your game = 1..02 Million

Clearly this shows just how much better my game is than yours!
ElyrionX said:
My game has more fanboys so

My Game>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your Game

My game has more mainstream appeal so their voice is not heard on these forums.

My game>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your game.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Willco said:
It looks better on my system than whatever your game looks like on your system. The AI is most definitely better and certain aspects of the graphics are better. The story is better too. It is most definitely GOTY and all you other game fanboys are annoying. True story.

Willco... the Onion called and they want their material back
My game features the innovative dual-wielding lock-on strafing geo-mod 4D time travel voice recognition adrenaline action system, and yours is a tiresome Dynasty Warriors clone.

My version of popular multiplatform game has connectivity/online scoring/EyeToy compatibility, and yours doesn't.

My game has a multi-million dollar television ad campaign. Your game is giving doors away to charity.

My game has 492856 hours of gameplay, ALL of which I will enjoy while you sit at home contemplating suicide after finishing your linear 8 hour game.
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