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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


My guess is that Iida will go out in a blaze of glory to make up anything he did wrong. That's just me though.

What happens to him will define the tone of the rest of the manga. If he is killed, we know we are getting a hardcore manga, if he becomes a villain we are getting a story around him and deku, etc etc. I want him to be able to escape but be badly injure, or maybe for another character to be sacrificed to save him. I honestly don´t expect Stain to be defeated easily


What happens to him will define the tone of the rest of the manga. If he is killed, we know we are getting a hardcore manga, if he becomes a villain we are getting a story around him and deku, etc etc. I want him to be able to escape but be badly injure, or maybe for another character to be sacrificed to save him. I honestly don´t expect Stain to be defeated easily

Stain is interesting since his ideals are very different compared to the other villians. It's likely he'll be defeated but his arc will certainly be a turning point for the manga.
Big changes are 'a happenin'!
Yeah I can see that. They are both super happy go lucky and childlike.

Plus the whole "small normal form, giant superpowered form."

I really love it when Japanese creators take inspiration from Western works, beyond the general fantasy tropes. I dunno why, it just always seems to work well for me, barring stuff like Bomberman Act 0 where they just don't understand what it is they're going for.


shit getting REAL.

Stain is the vilain Batman

Aquaman is not fucking dense!


That latest chapter...


The author's got a real talent for juggling his cast, keeping everybody interesting and effective, and it's paying off on the villain side too. Stain is significantly more interesting than I gave him credit for when he first appeared.

I'm gonna guess that Iida neither dies nor kills Stain; instead, he ultimately joins his crusade. Maybe not any time soon, but it's gonna happen.
Bro this situation isn't even close. Also, there is basically no way "I am going to kill Stain for revenge" becomes "I am going to work with Stain and kill heroes"

Really, it's a tale as old as time. Stain probably started a hero, then got twisted over time. Iida hunts him, becoming consumed by his revenge and obsession, and eventually he comes to view the world as Stain does. You can actually see it a little bit now, with how he disregards whats-his-face on not going after Stain.

I'm not saying they'll necessarily team up, but Iida will eventually go herohunter. That's a money-back guarantee.


I really don't see Iida going hero hunter, and Stain isn't a long term villain. Dude's going to get wrecked before long.

Wouldn't be surprised if they introduced a third faction, Punisher-type vigilantes.


I've just started reading this (I'm not very far, I just got to
the 1v1 tournament part of the sport's festival
) and while I have a ton of experience with western comics, this is the first shounen Manga I've ever read.

It's a lot different from what I expected. The idea of Superheroing requiring trying really hard at a prestigous school and then getting a good sponsorship with a big company definitely feels very Japanese, but I also feel like it runs counter to the central "anyone can be a hero" message of most cape comics. I'm also surprised how little relationship drama there is, but again, the only adolescent super hero comics I've read are western ones which feel closer in DNA to something like Degrassi than anything else.

I have a question about the Sport's Festival arc though:
Why did tail guy and class-b guy resign from the tournament? I feel like the translation I was reading for this part was kind of crappy. Tail guy says it was because he feels like he was mind controlled by mind-control guy, but weren't they on the same team? Why would he need to be mind-controlled?


I've just started reading this (I'm not very far, I just got to
the 1v1 tournament part of the sport's festival
) and while I have a ton of experience with western comics, this is the first shounen Manga I've ever read.

It's a lot different from what I expected. The idea of Superheroing requiring trying really hard at a prestigous school and then getting a good sponsorship with a big company definitely feels very Japanese, but I also feel like it runs counter to the central "anyone can be a hero" message of most cape comics. I'm also surprised how little relationship drama there is, but again, the only adolescent super hero comics I've read are western ones which feel closer in DNA to something like Degrassi than anything else.

I have a question about the Sport's Festival arc though:
Why did tail guy and class-b guy resign from the tournament? I feel like the translation I was reading for this part was kind of crappy. Tail guy says it was because he feels like he was mind controlled by mind-control guy, but weren't they on the same team? Why would he need to be mind-controlled?

Since this this is the first shonen manga you've read then you'll likely not understand how refreshing this manga is until you've read some current ones (like 5 years or so). Most protags in shonen manga are kinda dumb people and/or use their gut feeling or instinct to save the day or win a fight. Now some are written well in this regard but falls flat on others. Deku is the opposite. He's rather smart, deliberate, and nervous guy that really makes him a fun character to root for. That and his progression in his power feels visceral since so much is on the line for him using it correctly.


I have a question about the Sport's Festival arc though:
Why did tail guy and class-b guy resign from the tournament? I feel like the translation I was reading for this part was kind of crappy. Tail guy says it was because he feels like he was mind controlled by mind-control guy, but weren't they on the same team? Why would he need to be mind-controlled?

He feels like he didn't earn the win since he was unintentionally being controlled by his teammate. He didn't want to proceed without earning the spot for himself.
He feels like he didn't earn the win since he was unintentionally being controlled by his teammate. He didn't want to proceed without earning the spot for himself.

I was under the impression that he and that other dude were mind controlled to join the team in the first place?
Time for Ida to die? Unless Midoriya can somehow come over there. Not really liking that the arc became focused on this though.

Oh this was chp 50 too, wheres the 1yr anniversary cover and cp coming?


Chapter 51 SPOILERS!

get hype

Endeavor and Uwabami (Snake Hair) fight against the Noumu. she's actually more than a cameo, haha
Deku gets new technique.
Color page next week.

Untranslated Japanese spoilers:
・イズク「救けに来たよ 飯田くん!!」

I can't freaking wait for this one!

Image spoilers:

I do hope they don't do the whole "you defeated/saved me from my enemy so now I hate you
thing. Always feels very forced.


Chapter 51 SPOILERS!

get hype

Endeavor and Uwabami (Snake Hair) fight against the Noumu. she's actually more than a cameo, haha
Deku gets new technique.
Color page next week.

Untranslated Japanese spoilers:
・イズク「救けに来たよ 飯田くん!!」

My body is ready


Episode is up at the usual places.

Holy crap it was amazing!

Even when I spoiled myself with the raw image, it did not take away how AWESOME that punch felt. Damn.

Deku is clearly more in control of his powers now and I absolutely love it, and its clear he is just going to get better. And Stain is a badass villain, one panel it took for him to win me over.

And I feel that at least for now Iida is not turning evil or dying, but he was clearly injured. Man, I can´t wait for next episode.
Stain is turning out a lot better than I was afraid he would. Typically, when you see some guy with an edgy design make some off-panel accomplishment and get all talked up, it typically means he's going to end up as a speedbump for the main cast, but this dude is on fucking point.

I really do think that Horikoshi's real skill here is in juggling his cast, making sure that no member feels poorly used. It even extends to his villains, I'm honestly impressed.


think it'd be kinda cool if Iida got crippled to a point where he could never be a hero again, but still dedicate himself to fighting crime as a cop or w/e. Would let the author explore another side of the world, while maintaining some nice parallels with All Might and that one sketchy investigator dude.


think it'd be kinda cool if Iida got crippled to a point where he could never be a hero again, but still dedicate himself to fighting crime as a cop or w/e. Would let the author explore another side of the world, while maintaining some nice parallels with All Might and that one sketchy investigator dude.

I can see him getting a bit handicapped, but
his legs suffered no damage and that is where the true power of his quirk is. But I can totally see having some trouble with his hands. But honestly with recovery girl there its going to harder to pull off and I really want to see Iida grow.
think it'd be kinda cool if Iida got crippled to a point where he could never be a hero again, but still dedicate himself to fighting crime as a cop or w/e. Would let the author explore another side of the world, while maintaining some nice parallels with All Might and that one sketchy investigator dude.

So kind of like Oracle in Batman comics?


On Stein's quirk.

It looks as if Stein can only activate his power to immobilized people under certain conditions like that mind control guy. Notice how he first tasted Ilda's blood before Ilda became unable to move. Explains why he's a weapon specialist.


Next week will mark one full year of My Hero Academia. Just remembering the first villain encounter while reading these new chapters shows how far deku has come, as well as the manga itself. It has continued to grow in potential and quality, congrats to all involved!


Horikoshi's doodle for MHA 51:
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