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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time


I've mentioned this before, but I've always liked how relatively mature the class is, like most series would contrive to make Bakugou the popular kid and Deku the underdog nerd, like how the middle school scenes went. But everybody in UA knows what should be immediately obvious, that Deku is the far more likable guy and Bakugou's a total dweeb.

That kind of relatively mature cast is a bit atypical for high school settings, so I always wonder if that's a residue from the time MHA was set during university and everybody were young adults instead of teenagers. It'd make a lot of sense!
It's because he's an abrasive dick, which is actually not all that popular. I'd imagine he gets more attention from people who only know him from a distance. Kirishmia is basically the only person in the class who actually likes him other than maybe Deku; the rest seem to have varying levels of grudging respect, mostly for his sheer ability. Very little fondness for him as a person.
I've never really gotten the impression that Deku actually likes Bakugou. Like yeah maybe you could read it that way, but that's a really shallow read of what's going on.

Deku's behavior is pretty easily chalked up to his (former) lack of self-esteem vs someone who was better than him in every way (which is something I totally understand, and is pretty common), and him just not being the kind of guy to hold grudges. Mix that up with Deku's insistence on being a hero and saving people whenever he possibly can, and Bakugou having nobody else who knows enough about him to help him with personal issues, and that pretty much explains everything he does.

Otherwise, Deku pretty much avoids talking to the guy and clearly doesn't like him as a person. Maybe that'll might change since Bakugou's starting to chill out, but it was always a silly interpretation to say that Deku likes him.


I can live with a lack of Ashido because I do not care about Ashido until she asks out Bakugo and we can finally begin the dumb slice of life manga we all secretly want MHA to be.
How has no girl asked out Baku yet? That dude has to be canonically hot as all hell. Is it just a Japanese thing to have ridiculously low libidos?
Whoever that wants to ask Byakugo out probably has to be as aggressive as his mum.
I've never really gotten the impression that Deku actually likes Bakugou. Like yeah maybe you could read it that way, but that's a really shallow read of what's going on..

what? I think at the least he considers him a friend and someone he cares about and enough to at least look and learn from even if they had strained conversations. Why else would Bakugou give him advice?

Bakugou having nobody else who knows enough about him to help him with personal issues, and that pretty much explains everything he does.

I think Bakugou does have relations with others, why else would he have his crew around him, I think its just the authors fault for speeding through stuff and not showing more development around him and others. He isnt an antisocial loner.
I've mentioned this before, but I've always liked how relatively mature the class is, like most series would contrive to make Bakugou the popular kid and Deku the underdog nerd, like how the middle school scenes went. But everybody in UA knows what should be immediately obvious, that Deku is the far more likable guy and Bakugou's a total dweeb.

That kind of relatively mature cast is a bit atypical for high school settings, so I always wonder if that's a residue from the time MHA was set during university and everybody were young adults instead of teenagers. It'd make a lot of sense!
I've never really gotten the impression that Deku actually likes Bakugou. Like yeah maybe you could read it that way, but that's a really shallow read of what's going on.

Deku's behavior is pretty easily chalked up to his (former) lack of self-esteem vs someone who was better than him in every way (which is something I totally understand, and is pretty common), and him just not being the kind of guy to hold grudges. Mix that up with Deku's insistence on being a hero and saving people whenever he possibly can, and Bakugou having nobody else who knows enough about him to help him with personal issues, and that pretty much explains everything he does.

Otherwise, Deku pretty much avoids talking to the guy and clearly doesn't like him as a person. Maybe that'll might change since Bakugou's starting to chill out, but it was always a silly interpretation to say that Deku likes him.

Bakugou's treatment in the series is actually really true to life from what I've seen, though it's more common at a college level (so agreed on that front). Massively talented athlete/student breezes their way through highschool, acquiring acclaim and popularity just on sheer ability, then hits college and runs face first into a brick wall 'cause suddenly, they might be good, but so's everybody else. Not nearly so impressive by comparison.

And yeah, I wouldn't say Deku likes Bakugou very much, but the relationship is a little complex due to the self-esteem issues and former childhood friend status. I wouldn't say that he dislikes him either.


Bakugou's treatment in the series is actually really true to life from what I've seen, though it's more common at a college level (so agreed on that front). Massively talented athlete/student breezes their way through highschool, acquiring acclaim and popularity just on sheer ability, then hits college and runs face first into a brick wall 'cause suddenly, they might be good, but so's everybody else. Not nearly so impressive by comparison.
Yeah, the way Bakugou went from "popular" to disliked felt a lot more like high school -> college than the middle school -> high school, and in context it kinda feels like Horikoshi adjusted the dates back?

Plus, though it's a general "anime high school" trope, UA kinda feels like a college or trade school, with things like internships and whatnot.
And yeah, I wouldn't say Deku likes Bakugou very much, but the relationship is a little complex due to the self-esteem issues and former childhood friend status. I wouldn't say that he dislikes him either.
Yeah, agreed. He doesn't like him, but he doesn't hate him either.
The girls don't care about bakugou because they all have dignity and self-respect. The guy's shitty behaviour is a turn off, logically.

So that's why we'll get kirishima x bakugou.
Nice outcome with Midoriya, its not like he would have not managed to get chosen anyway.

Hopefully this arc makes Chisaki interesting, having someone in his possession is not giving me hope.

Tomura Shigaraki just seemed so well done for an antagonist.
Yeah, the way Bakugou went from "popular" to disliked felt a lot more like high school -> college than the middle school -> high school, and in context it kinda feels like Horikoshi adjusted the dates back?

Plus, though it's a general "anime high school" trope, UA kinda feels like a college or trade school, with things like internships and whatnot.

I will say that while parts of Bakugou are definitely a holdover from the original setting, it does occasionally happen when you see a kid transfer from a regular public school program into one for gifted students, so it's not really as odd as all that.


I will say that while parts of Bakugou are definitely a holdover from the original setting, it does occasionally happen when you see a kid transfer from a regular public school program into one for gifted students, so it's not really as odd as all that.
Yeah, that's how I'd normally look at it too; just making some guesses based on knowing what Horikoshi originally had planned.
omg if I were in JPN Id so get the Kaminari one


You know, pics like that make me wonder about how the world has restructed itself around quirks. For example, in baseball, Deku would have an INCREDIBLE advantage over any normal player. His strength would mean that every hit he made would be inevitably a home run while his speed would mean he probably catch baseballs.

What about heroes that can fly or have super speed or something? Are these quirks regulated? Do they not allow people like those quirks to play?


You know, pics like that make me wonder about how the world has restructed itself around quirks. For example, in baseball, Deku would have an INCREDIBLE advantage over any normal player. His strength would mean that every hit he made would be inevitably a home run while his speed would mean he probably catch baseballs.

What about heroes that can fly or have super speed or something? Are these quirks regulated? Do they not allow people like those quirks to play?
All regular human sports are probably irrelevant now.
It is also explained that the sports festival eclipsed the world olympics as the must-see event in one of the earlier chapters.

So it's safe to assume all other sports have seen declining viewership/fanbase?


The MHA world seems to be deliberately imitating pre-apocalyptic 20th/21st century society and trying to suppress non-hero use of quirks (though that'll probably fall apart since All Might is no longer around to enforce it). Way back at the beginning, Aizawa says something like "you've never been allowed to use your quirks in PE" and complains a bit about the Japanese Ministry of Education being backwards.

So presumably quirk sports do exist, but are pretty heavily restricted, and might not be a common thing in Japan specifically? I'unno.

(...as an aside, the Japanese word for "quirk" literally means 'individuality', so that hints pretty strongly at the metaphor Horikoshi's going for)
I wonder if we will ever see those OVA released here in NA. Did VIZ ever release special editions of mangas? I know Kodansha did with AoT, but thats the only time I heard of it.

Maybe Funimation could have them released with season 2. I know wild dreams, but I really like the Funimation dub cast for MHA.


Well, everything from the beginning of the Sports Festival to All MIght and Deku meeting on the beach after All for One's defeat, all that happens in 74 chapters. A typical anime adapts an average of 3 chapters per episode.

Rounding up, 74 divided by 3 is 25. So, well...


Welp, was hoping the anime's pacing would improve considering they're adapting Stain but if they're doing that many episodes then I guess maybe not.

Well, let's hope they don't just adapt to Stain with 24-26 episodes. Unless they add a lot of original material, the manga chapters are just not enough to stretch that many episodes.

Well, everything from the beginning of the Sports Festival to All MIght and Deku meeting on the beach after All for One's defeat, all that happens in 74 chapters. A typical anime adapts an average of 3 chapters per episode.

Rounding up, 74 divided by 3 is 25. So, well...

It really should get to All for One if it's 2-cours. Let us hope.


It would be better than first season which i checked was usually something between 1-2 chapters per episode. if it's 3 chapter per episode it would a bit better. At least it would continue to make great moments like first season


By the way, if we go with the 3 chapters per episode metric, the arcs would be approximately this long:

Sports Festival = about 8 episodes
Stain = about 5 episodes
End of Term Test = about 3 episodes
Forest Lodge = about 5 episodes
Kamino Ward = about 4 episodes
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