Alright, but I know people aren't going to like hearing it. 1. I think Menege's character has been handled pretty poorly tbh. Sure, not clad in the usual gay stereotypes you see, but they are one of the first LGBQT characters in the manga, and more importantly, one of the first characters to die in the manga, which is an issue with LGBQT characters in particular, where they're almost
always the first to die to raise the stakes for the heteronormative characters. They don't get points with me if they die early on. 2. I actually think it's really shitty to reveal Menege is a "she"
after they die. It just compounds and makes #1above a lot worse. 3. Part of representation is visibility, which a lot of people don't seem to get. Menege gets zero points from me because they weren't visibly trans, if anything, they weren't visible at all, with little to none feminine characteristics that could have hinted to me, they were trans. It's like the Dumbledore is gay thing, a lot of people outside of the LGBQT community championed it as great! but in the community, people were annoyed because J.K. Rowling didn't write Dumbledore as gay
in her books; she just kind of said it after the fact in an outside comment. Visibility is really important to LGBQT characters. 4. This is one of those cases where I think it's a translation error tbh. Where twice tends to say the opposite of what he means so instead of calling Menege a "he" twice went with "she" which makes more sense because I haven't seen really anything that would have made me personally believe Menege is trans outside of a flashback where they talked to an actually visible transwoman. In a similar vein, calling a gay man "she" is a pretty popular joke in general (especially in Japanese media) so I wouldn't be surprised if that was a little joke said by the character that tends to tell jokes.
So sorry, but honestly Menege isn't that great or progressive in all honesty ¯\_(ツ

He does get his ass beat on a lot. Also he's short. He's definitely Toga's type.