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My Hero Academia (Shonen Jump) move over pirates, ninjas, reapers, its Hero time

I'm reading the chapter right now.


Did Twice just fucking shame overhaul for misgendering Magne? IS THAT A THING THAT LEGIT HAPPENED? IN A MANGA?

Fucking hell this may be my new all time series if the writing stays like this.
I'm reading the chapter right now.


Did Twice just fucking shame overhaul for misgendering Magne? IS THAT A THING THAT LEGIT HAPPENED? IN A MANGA?

Fucking hell this may be my new all time series if the writing stays like this.

We really need a LGBTQ+ couple and this shonen could become groundbreaking. Props to Horikoshi for going for diversity in the cast, and in a tasteful way.


The preceding debate had me kinda on the fence. As far as an advocate of human rights, I feel most confident in how I know my shit around feminism (which isn't to say I have a formal education on it's history, but I've studied a gender discrimination in culture), second most confident in racial relations (studied some black history), and that's basically it.

When it comes to transgender issues (and LGBTQ in general), I freely admit that I'm far less educated. It's not a neglect thing so much as I can only take so much actual, present day human suffering at a time, and I decided to focus on the first two issues more because I know several women and several black people. I have only one gay friend and no transexual friends that I know of (though I've met a few and they were pretty nice. One group once helped me out and gave me a clutch car ride to a train I was about to miss). So you can say I relatively "specialize" (and I want you to imagine those quotes as ten times the size they are because neogaf won't let me change fonts) in sexism and racism, but I'm an advocate of humanism in general and think people should be allowed to be who they are and treated with compassion and empathy.

Anyway, as far as representation goes, I notice that change is always made in increments rather than full blown positive representation right out of the gate. I remember in an english lit class I had way back when that we were discussing one of the first examples of a positively depicted jew in that time period. Every other jewish character was depicted as a low life villain. This dude was, however, also serventile, humble to the point of pitiful and just kind of depicted as a benign but lesser type of person.

I remember a similar sort of argument about the feminism of Lara Croft. Like, yeah, she was definitely a sex symbol whose appeal was that she had huge titties...but being the first major female game protagonist opened doors for other female led game protagonists, to the point where now Lara Croft has been reworked to not be sexually objectified, and we're getting more and more female protagonists as we go on. It's not enough, sure, but it's progress.

I think Flowers totally has a point in that killing your LGBTQ character carry's it's own baggage and problems. Totally. But at the same time, how many Trans characters do we get? How many trans characters do we get who are defended for being trans?

So my answer is that the depiction is both good and bad. There are improvements to be made for sure, but an imperfect representation is better than no representation at all.
I'm reading the chapter right now.


Did Twice just fucking shame overhaul for misgendering Magne? IS THAT A THING THAT LEGIT HAPPENED? IN A MANGA?

Fucking hell this may be my new all time series if the writing stays like this.

Huh, yeah, that's a point, especially since Twice has been treated as one of the more sympathetic elements of the Villain League. So the act of misgendering someone is, even among villains, treated as wrong. Just kinda got glossed over since the previous discussion focused on how the series had used Magne herself.

Also something I realise: The translations seem to differ slightly on how exactly Toga's powers work with regards to clothes. From what I can tell it seems like if she doesn't strip down first she'll absorb whatever she's currently wearing as part of her transformation (including reverting to her base self), but she can subsequently make new clothes as part of her change into someone else.


Is the anime ongoing or just 26 Episoides this season?

The Identity thing makes sense, now I'm curious how heroes from other countries operate.
As far as I can see Shigaraki is still not remotely a thing on most anime-watchers radars.

He's only just now starting to be a thing on my radar. Seeing how Toga and Twice are responding to his leadership says way more interesting things about the character than anything he's done himself so far.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
There isn't much to say about Hand Job.

He's fun and got some great character development, but the problem is we always go straight to the moment of his development instead of being on the road for a bit listening to him bitch about All Might or taxes or something. To add context, the next big moments for him are almost kill allies to Black Mist saying how much he's grown with a tear in his eye. Seriously, that extra gag chapter with the VA is great and i wish we got more of it in the main story.


ugh i hate this so much right now and in the fandom and week after week, cant people just ignore him if they dislike him so much? Its not like he has more than 1minute of screentime if that.

Is this the darkest timeline because I completely I agree with you

I would rather discuss anything else but grape dude for the billionth time


Tbh, so far I don't really find Shigaraki an enjoyable character. He's just an annoying manchild (which is kinda the point I guess, but he's still annoying). Hopefully by the end of the Manga he becomes an great villain.
Mineta is more worthy of discussion
I'm biased as a Shigaraki stan (though I do have one issue with his character), but when you look back at old manga discussions he was a fixture of discussion in and of himself and in relation to Deku ever since the end of the invasion, meanwhile if you look at the anime thread in Reddit for this episode he's only mentioned twice, and that twice is in one unnoticed comment.
I just would have expected more, even the reactioners on YouTube don't mention him at all, have only seen one person broach potential parallels between the two.
Same for written reviews as well.
I can't imagine his confrontation with Deku in the last episode of this season being a big thing for them at this rate, that might sr8pp be my favorite chapter in the series especially considering how much I was carrying Shiggys flag prior to that scene


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm biased as a Shigaraki stan (though I do have one issue with his character), but when you look back at old manga discussions he was a fixture of discussion in and of himself and in relation to Deku, meanwhile if you look at the anime thread in Reddit for this episode he's only mentioned twice, and that twice is in one unnoticed comment.
I just would have expected more, even the reactioners on YouTube don't mention him at all, have only seen one person broach potential parallels between the two.
Same for written reviews as well.

Dude's kind of one note and doesn't stand out a lot from the other villains who have flashier powers and more personality to them even if given less screen time. He's involved in so many big moments but doesn't really do all that much during those events.


Mineta is bad, but he doesn't take my pleasure from the story. After reflecting and some rereads I think Midnight is worse because she is a teacher and there are scenes that she is straight up pedophile.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Mineta is bad, but he doesn't take my pleasure from the story. After reflecting and some rereads I think Midnight is worse because she is a teacher and there are scenes that she is straight up pedophile.

So she's the Hisoka?


Dude's kind of one note and doesn't stand out a lot from the other villains who have flashier powers and more personality to them even if given less screen time. He's involved in so many big moments but doesn't really do all that much during those events.

From Day 1, I'm like "So this is AfO's protege huh..."


I didn't like Shigaraki at first, and he still isn't myon of my favourites, but I like that he is basically evil Deku.
I usually don't like evil versionof characters because you don't see they becoming like that, but with Shigaraki and Deku you can clearly see they growing. Chapter 69 is great because of this.
Talking about chapter 69, I love these chapters where it doesn't seem very good at the first read, but suddenly become pivotal and much more interesting on a second read. It reminds me of One Piece and the other chapter tha gave me the same feeling is the chapter we see twice origin.


The most interesting aspects of Shigaraki are his connection with Shimura, and his parallel development with Deku. Both of these haven't really be explored much in the anime, so it doesn't surprise me that anime folks aren't really talking about him yet.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
The most interesting aspects of Shigaraki are his connection with Shimura, and his parallel development with Deku. Both of these haven't really be explored much in the anime, so it doesn't surprise me that anime folks aren't really talking about him yet.

I would say they haven't really been properly explored in the manga tbh. The big moment (which really is a great moment) is him rejecting All Might at the Bakugo rescue arc, its a moment where characters are praising him for his growth, and the biggest issue is we just don't spend time with him. Not enough to make the parallel stories the manga is trying to create work. Which sucks cause I think Shigaraki is a legit interesting character and I appreciate what the author is trying to do, its just not working.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'll admit it feels like he's basically a mash up of different gimmicks and ideas and called a leading villain. Lots of detached hands all over his body. Makes a lot of videogame, analogies to stuff going on, and so on. He's not terrible or anything but just feels a bit undercooked.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I'll admit it feels like he's basically a mash up of different gimmicks and ideas and called a leading villain. Lots of detached hands all over his body. Makes a lot of videogame, analogies to stuff going on, and so on. He's not terrible or anything but just feels a bit undercooked.

When you write him out (He views encounters in terms of videogame desing, covered in trophies of his kills, pretty shit at his job but that's the point) he sounds pretty great but we haven't seen him do dumb videogame stuff in what feels like forever, or kill someone important, or even do a particularly undercooked plan (except maybe his initial encounter with Overhaul).

Telling you guys, they should toss out Vigilantes into the mediocre bin and start regularly publishing the 4koma adventures of the VA alliance.


I would say they haven't really been properly explored in the manga tbh. The big moment (which really is a great moment) is him rejecting All Might at the Bakugo rescue arc, its a moment where characters are praising him for his growth, and the biggest issue is we just don't spend time with him. Not enough to make the parallel stories the manga is trying to create work. Which sucks cause I think Shigaraki is a legit interesting character and I appreciate what the author is trying to do, its just not working.
I disagree. I have seen a lot of more people liking shiggy lately, and he had more development than Deku in this arc imo.
I like what Horikoshi is trying to do with Shigaraki, and i understand he's kind of stretching out his development considering this is supposed to be a long story. Still wish the character was written in a stronger way too, if he's supposed to be such an important figure. Death note had 2 leads (until halfway, though) that were really strong, so i wish this was more like that.
I like what Horikoshi is trying to do with Shigaraki, and i understand he's kind of stretching out his development considering this is supposed to be a long story. Still wish the character was written in a stronger way too, if he's supposed to be such an important figure. Death note had 2 leads (until halfway, though) that were really strong, so i wish this was more like that.

But DN had a smaller and focused story and cast and also felt planned for its length, hoirkoshi is probably not yet determined how long he wants this to go and his end goal (midoriya no 1 hero) is so vague and for off by keeping the story in 1st year of high school incorporating so many random school type things, heavy shigaraki development, would to me, suggest he may not be the true big bad of the story.
Honestly, I feel like Illegals is a letdown.

It suffers way too much from prequel syndrome: important things for the world can't happen because otherwise it'd mess up the main story, tons of main story characters all show up coincidentally and have their traits exaggerated.

Not to mention that the main trio are all... Koichi is a wet noodle nerd who comes across as even more of a loser than Izuku ever was, Pop Step is just fanservice who always needs help and wears revealing clothes and is a nerdy glasses girl AND has a secret tsundere crush on the wet noodle protagonist, Knuckleduster is fairly badass but his whole "Quirkless dude who is so good at regular punching he can beat Stain" borders on OC territory.


Don't forget able to go for toe to toe with Aizawa

To be fair they established he's not hero killer level yet but I love how he cheated.

I don't Stain enlightenment he went from killing villains getting punched and losing his nose to suddenly deciding wait a minute I should kill fake heroes
149! halfway to 200, go Horikoshi and assistants, go!

Surprised one small line in the chapter caused such intense discussion last week here, didnt know Magne had fans. Oh well, RIP.

I just want more chapters on Shigaraki Tomura's folks, Toga and Twice are great.

Good chapter.


Yeah, I'm kinda starting to treat Illegals as fanfiction at this point.
I don't really like that origin story for Stain at all. I feel like this completely undermines his 'charisma' and 'resolve' in the main story, he's basically presented as a babbling lunatic here.


Yeah, I'm kinda starting to treat Illegals as fanfiction at this point.
I don't really like that origin story for Stain at all. I feel like this completely undermines his 'charisma' and 'resolve' in the main story, he's basically presented as a babbling lunatic here.
I mean he was even if he had a point but his transition is Shit

Like it would have been better if the vigilant performed better than a pprofessional hero or a hero was being a dick. Something like that

But here her just got punched heard knuckles talk for a bit and decided heroes need to die. It's such an abrupt end


I mean he was even if he had a point but his transition is Shit

Like it would have been better if the vigilant performed better than a pprofessional hero or a hero was being a dick. Something like that

But here her just got punched heard knuckles talk for a bit and decided heroes need to die. It's such an abrupt end
I'm guessing the mangaka gets some rough outlines from Horikoshi and fills in the blanks himself, and he just isn't good enough.
I mean he was even if he had a point but his transition is Shit

Like it would have been better if the vigilant performed better than a pprofessional hero or a hero was being a dick. Something like that

But here her just got punched heard knuckles talk for a bit and decided heroes need to die. It's such an abrupt end

In that regard, I think keeping Koichi in the dark for longer as to Stain's true nature may have helped. In particular, maybe allowing him and Stain to strike up more of an actual camaraderie or friendship, though I realise that sounds like it's leaning even harder into being canon fanfiction.

In such a proposed alternative though, it wouldn't be the thing we have now where the side cast, in a weird and twisted way, shaped Stain's ideology through a punching match, but instead explored it over a more prolonged exposure. There's an easy point of discussion that could enable that, and double as foreshadowing: Ingenium. Koichi thinks highly of them as a hero but well, knows they don't approve of vigilantes; it would be easy to have Stain break down why he thinks Ingenium is one of his much loathed 'false heroes' (thus setting up why he would feel validated about his actions in the main series), and how it's up to vigilantes like him and Koichi - guys doing good for the sake of it, rather than profit or fame - to give the people a better class of hero. Then throw them up against a pro with even shittier standards than most, though still in the legal right as they reveal Stain's a murderer, and that should have been the tipping point at which a violent vigilante becomes the hero killer. Instead of some weird conclusion drawn from a breakdown of the psychology of Spider-Man, of all things.
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