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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT| We will love and tolerate the SHIT outta you!

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What do we have here?

SHED.MOV - heads up, NSFW

DEAR GOD! Look at all this porn!

I am rather disturbed this was much more....dark and twisted than the others...and REALLY bad timing for the whole
Derpy is DEAD
thing. Overall, unlike the others my sister likes to watch on repeat, I don't think she'll ever want to she this one again...I don't know if that is good or bad. =/


This is almost as good as Beyond Her Garden


Just to be critical, the music and vocals don't sound nearly as good as BHG, the choice of pony is much better than BHG, but the lyrics seem crazy wrong, while BHG's lyrics are crazy awesome. And the lyrics don't really match the feel of the song.

Which isn't to say the song's bad, or that I could do any better. Just that everything feels like it's solidly behind Beyond Her Garden. Of course that might just be me.
I found it boring because it was played completely straight.

The hints were so obvious in both the previous episodes, I thought they would do something unexpected.

also I prefer Pinkie as the murderer of the series more than Fluttershy


Ugh, Apples didn't need a sequel, let alone five of them. The joke is just being beaten into the ground at this point.

I love them all, well...#2 wasn't that great, but so far I'm enjoying the series. "Don't tease I'm shyyy!" Haww. They do a pretty good job of digging through the themes for parody.

I didn't get the flower cutie mark joke though.
halkun said:
Hanging out on the Japanese side of the fence, I'm surprised how much in step the Japanese fandom is. What's cool is the English community lends a hand to help fix up translations and help out with some of the odder in-jokes.

It's adorable that Fluttershy has become an "honorary Japanese". Her nickname is "Fuwatan" and they write it as a Japanese name 「ふわたん」. She is also, by far, the most popular over there.
Big Macintosh is now known almost exclusively as "Aniki" 「兄貴」 and Cheerlee is "Sensei" 「先生」. There are many looking forward to the new episode with those two.
Rainbow gained the name "Rainbow Glass" after she started wearing the shades.

From looking at the comments, the fans are evenly split between boys and girls. (You can tell gender of the poster, women use a feminine dialect.) Speaking of dialects. AJ speaks with an Osaka accent.

I was going to translate some more 2ch comments... but the Vicadan kicked in (Whoo boy!).
more imports




That was great. Youtube needs more Python/MLP crossovers.

Speaking of which, this deserves a lot more views than it has: http://www.gstatic.com/apps/gadgets/youtube/play.pngCanterlot!
Reminded me of this one.
Edit: Same channel it seems doh.
So how long until

...Actually, considering the preview clip from a few days back, it probably already exists, doesn't it.
So I guess I'm going to have to admit defeat... (I'll warn you now, I'm about to rant about something completely meaningless, but regardless, I feel like I need to vent. You've had those moments, right?)

So, I'm sure you're aware of how episodes 11-13 have two different "correct" orderings - production ("Family Appreciation Day", "Baby Cakes" and "Hearth's Warming Eve") and airdate (the same, but "Hearth's Warming Eve" comes first). Working on the recaps on TVTropes a few months ago, I insisted we use the production order instead of the airdate order. Naturally, there were people who didn't agree with me, and it swapped to airdate for the longest time. I don't like getting into fights, so I waited for some more concrete proof that I was right. Frankly, the whole thing was rather aggravating, watching pretty much everyone go with airdate order, while there were small indications (such as image filenames, or the numbers of the episodes on the website for the one week they actually put them up) from The Hub or Hasbro that they'd go with production - but nothing concrete (I mean, they're skipping the holiday episodes in reruns, so I can't point to that; Shout won't do a box set, so I can't point to that; they don't have an ordered episode listing on The Hub's website, since episode uploads to the website are only up for a single week, so I can't realistically point to that...).

I was honestly hoping iTunes, the next best thing to a box set, was going to straighten things up. Initially, it did, when it uploaded "Hearth's Warming Eve" as episode 13 - but the next day, it changed it to 11, to my confusion. But it gets better - when "Family Appreciation Day" and "Baby Cakes" got uploaded, they were episode 11 and 12, respectively - so there were two episode 11s. This carried on through "The Last Roundup" and "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" (around when they took down "The Last Roundup", presumably over the Derpy hullabaloo). Sometime between last weekend and this, though, they finally fixed it... by going back to airdate order. ("Last Roundup"'s still missing, though, so they've still got some issues.)

So y'know what, I guess I'm wrong. It's really hard for me to admit this after holding out hope for so long that I might be right, even as the rest of the fanbase just rolled with airdate, but there it is. I guess the best thing to do is just admit it with some semblance of dignity, especially since the issue is by-and-large moot (I mean, really, there wasn't a reference in one of those episodes to another in the same subset - you could air them "Baby Cakes" -> "Hearth's Warming Eve" -> "Family Appreciation Day" and it'd still make perfect sense). Still, I can't help but feel like Rainbow Dash here... but if I obsess over this any more, I'm going to end up turning into Psycho Twilight or something.

Sorry, I've been trying my best not to even bring this up here - the few times I've tried venting to people, all I ever get are "get over it" and "who cares" (and understandably so), so I didn't really want to bother you all with it.

To atone for this wall of text, have some fanart from the latest episode. Impressive how fast this fandom works.



That's funny. I was originally going to end my comment with "with a heart of gold" but decided against it because I didn't want to imply that it was mutually exclusive to just RD.

And thank goodness they didn't go with that second name for "Secret of My Excess". Ew.

Seconded. Still, what is it with western animation studios and their fascination with parodying movie/tv/book titles when naming episodes? I see it all the time. I don't dislike it, but it feels... overdone. Almost like it's some unwritten tradition that they all feel obligated to continue.


At first I was all like d'aaaaw. Then I noticedthe bandages around Twi's eyes and thought she might be blind and I was all like


Don't worry, according to the creator she just had a crazy weekend of studying. It was just a contrived way to get Dash to be reading to her. Besides, she doesn't look too concerned.


Let the Indiana Jones jokes commence!

Also, that pic of Dash reading to Twi with the bandages and the balloons from Pinkie and Smartypants... DAWWWWWWW. I think we need some sadness to balance that.


"It is impossible for a pony to open its mouth without making some other pony hate or despise it." - George Bernard Pony
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