Totally off-topic, but you know how Lauren Faust recently made a series of DC Comic related shorts for the Cartoon Network? Well, she tweeted about another set being made by Brianne Drouhard about "Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld", a short fantasy comic from the 80's.
I'm pretty sure I read at least some of this story when I was really young. Haven't thought about it in ages. Don't really remember it at all.
Also, DC decided to reboot the comic series. And they hired Christy Marx (creator of the 1980's Hasbro series "Jem") to do it. Unfortunately, the new Amethyst comic is going to be "Amethyst: In Name Only" and touches on none of the original themes, because DC wanted to take the story in a "new direction", something which the original creator is kind of annoyed about (although he's mature about respecting DC's rights and Christy's talent).
The Cartoon Network shorts are creator-approved though. Brianne was a fan and talked to him before starting and he says she "gets it". They're also apparently Lauren approved. I hope I get a chance to see them.
Edit: DC is apparently reprinting the original series, but the original art was full-color and and the reprint is black-and-white, so the reprint is fail and it's apparently not worth tarnishing your memories, if you have any, by reading it this way.