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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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I finally gave in to my curiosity and read Cupcakes. It was very... uh... interesting. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go get some brain bleach.



you win

the everything.


Lurky i made you an oovatar and you didnt even look at it.


weep weep




Jeez, I miss all the fun. Stupid Strep throat.

First of all, some of those above videos are great! The only thing that gives it away for me is some of the tween animation goes faster than 23 frames per second. I will not deny this fanbase is absolutely talented. Too bad some of them have to use their talents for evil...

No, the fanbase should absolutely NEVER be given creative control. Look at the last round up and some instances of what happened during season 2 in general. While S2 was pretty awesome, I prefer the world Faust gave us in season 1 much more and her explanations for things in S2(Trains pulled by ponies, no fancy mechanical stuff, just a more innocent world in general). Hence, the pandering to the fans I mentioned.

Because the community has better taste than the creators, we just lack the finances to match the production values.

I'm on the opposite side, I generally can't give two flips about what the community does. I've been warming up over time though. What made the show so special to me was it was just an innocent kids show that really is fun and motivating to watch. Sneaking some older references here and there is also fun too. I don't want a grown up/fan run MLP universe. May as well just cancel it at that point, it wouldn't be the same anymore and misses the point for me.



Unless I am blind, I haven't seen anyone mention the obvious debunking of that whole episode, which was the apples have absolutely no time to ferment before being sold as 'cider'. Aka, non-alcoholic.

Derpygate is a play on the term "Watergate" (the scandal that brought down Nixon).


Thanks Ruby for giving me an up to date summary of the Derpy crisis. I remember the stir it caused in here when it first came out.

Wish I have pony dreams..

I've had one pony themed dream that was weird:

I was in this weird rusty dungeon place to the theme of Resident Evil 4. I went into this fenced off storage room and found a shotgun. It was a yellow and orange Nerf gun. I picked it up and started aiming it and Twilight just appears and put her head in the way. I kept trying to aim away from her but she kept moving her head right there. I told her to move and then I woke up.

What is wrong with me.


Wish I have pony dreams..
I haven't had a pony dream as such. Only one where Pinkie Pie interrupted another dream, then skipped away as if nothing had happened. Then the dream continued as if it never happened.

At least that's somewhat in character for her.


I finally gave in to my curiosity and read Cupcakes. It was very... uh... interesting. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go get some brain bleach.

The most shocking and disturbing aspect of Cupcakes is how poorly written it is.

Rainbow Factory is much worse, though. Your brain bleach will never quite wash the terrible characterizations and dialogue from your beleaguered, battered mind.



Everything is moe to me
I've had one pony themed dream that was weird:

I was in this weird rusty dungeon place to the theme of Resident Evil 4. I went into this fenced off storage room and found a shotgun. It was a yellow and orange Nerf gun. I picked it up and started aiming it and Twilight just appears and put her head in the way. I kept trying to aim away from her but she kept moving her head right there. I told her to move and then I woke up.

What is wrong with me.
You're trying to deny your unconscious urges to fire your 'gun' into twilights face.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
The most shocking and disturbing aspect of Cupcakes is how poorly written it is.

Rainbow Factory is much worse, though. Your brain bleach will never quite wash the terrible characterizations and dialogue from your beleaguered, battered mind.


Got a synopsis?


I must be the only one who finds Rarity to have the most disparity in Speaking and Singing voices. Evans is a nice singer on her own, but she never actually sounds like Rarity to me as much as Pinkie's and Twilight's Singing voices do.

I don't get what you are saying, it sounds to me as the same Rarity while she is singing or talking.


Got a synopsis?

It's a sunny and happy day in Cloudsdale. Today's the day all the fillies and colts take their flying exam, because as we all know, standardized testing is the best way to measure one's abilities. The same holds true in a land of colorful flying ponies!

Hey, Scootaloo is there! We know her. She's pretty cute! HI SCOOTALOO! Also, some OCs, 'cause a fanfic just ain't a fanfic without some self-insertion.

Anyway, the test is apparently RIDICULOUSLY HARD and the whole group fails, including one filly who breaks a wing or some shit yet isn't hospitalized because apparently pegasi society is a meritocracy. Who knew?

Oh yeah, the test also establishes a pretty weak theme that recurs later. Something about the instructions the kids are given when taking the test. Scootaloo and the others try to use it later to escape.

Escape from where, you ask? Why, my dear Pancakes, the factory where the pegasi make rainbows, of course! You know, where all the kids who fail the exam are taken! What? There were no kids there in the show and we saw how they make rainbows? ... you shut up. You shut up right now.

ANYWAY, turns out the factory makes rainbows by grinding up children who are too weak to pass the flying exam. Culling the weak and shit. Makes sense to me. I mean, ponies are lots of different colors, so you could probably distill them into rainbows. Pretty sure. I'm not a scientist.

The kids are understandably upset. But then... RAINBOW DASH APPEARS! HOORAY! But actually, she's the evil mastermind behind the factory. Oop aww.

She is understandably unsympathetic to the plight of children who are about to die, because as we see in the show, she is shallow and self-centered! I mean, it makes sense to exaggerate that for the story, I think. She has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, so she might as well be evil. Seems legit.

Anyway, the kids try to escape, making use of the things they learned while failing the exam and actually showing that given enough time, they could just take the exam again and pass.

Oh wait. No. See, 'cause they failed the first time. So they get killed off one by one during a wacky chase. Oop aww.

Scootaloo lives though! Hooray! You're gonna go far kid! You made-- oops. There's Rainbow Dash.


Guess that's it, then. Hey, Rainbow Dash does have pretty eyes! That's a good line to end on.

The end.

Basically, you should watch this instead of ever, ever, EVER reading that.
The most shocking and disturbing aspect of Cupcakes is how poorly written it is.

Rainbow Factory is much worse, though. Your brain bleach will never quite wash the terrible characterizations and dialogue from your beleaguered, battered mind.


Yeah, just read it before your godlike synopsis went up. Between that and Twilight making out with herself, I think I've seen enough of shady pony shit for the day. :/


I don't get what you are saying, it sounds to me as the same Rarity while she is singing or talking.

I don't really get it either. Until I read about it in here, I wasn't able to tell the difference. It's noticeable in Sweet and Elite but she's singing, of course her regular voice wouldn't be the same as a singing voice. It's like that for nearly every person who talks and sings.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, just read it before your godlike synopsis went up. Between that and Twilight making out with herself, I think I've seen enough of shady pony shit for the day. :/

If you stop now, you'll fall behind.

There's always more shady pony shit to see.

Much more.
Following up on a previous discussion, I was asked the other day by a friend at Circle K when I was wearing my Fluttershy shirt, "why are you wearing My Little Pony, and what about the show do you like?" I was completely honest, and had an answer to her question, that I shall share here:
To be honest, I wear the shirt because I watch the show, and like her as the character. There are other characters I like as well, but are not on shirts, and it is a shame. Truth be told, when I initially started watching the show, I didn't like the show itself for a number of reasons. The fans, and what they have done brings me back, but I always remind myself, my little sister watches this as well.

*another question is asked if I watch other shows or just this*

Well, yes, I actually am an Adventure Time/Regular Show watcher, and despite the fact it has only just started, and 6 episodes in, I like Gravity Falls as well. There are other, more 'adult' shows I watch, but, ehh, what is the point of watching the same boring crap as everyone else? I enjoy animation for what it is. I shouldn't reflect on who I am maturity wise...oh hey! Can I get a Cherry tripler!

The last bit was in reference to a Lotto ticket, I forgot to pick up. but the rest of the conversation holds up for my opinion of the show..=p Still, much like Adventure Time, I also get the figures that interest me (if anyone has seen the Fiona and Cake figures outside of online stores, LET ME KNOW!)

Hmm, oh the subject of dreams came up?!? Hehe I have one to share! Really quick, I had been playing Dark Souls, so the fact that my mind made a crossover was of no surprise. I however refuse to make "fiction" of this...
Realized as the dream started I was Haphinea (my character in Dark Souls who happens to be a Royal linage thief class) and was exploring the other areas of Anor Londo. Thing was my mind filled out the empty building and there were lots of rooms, but not much in there. Pinkie sprung up and said it was best I went back, so I listened, but didn't know why she came out of nowhere (I would have preferred a Mimic...=/)

I somehow negotiated with the Six-eyed guards to skip over the initial fight with Seath, and go to the prison. I escaped like the game, but to my horror saw the octopus things that were supposed to be made of Maidens, were a weird hybrid of pony-like features. I dealt with them, and as I figured, it was Twilight instead of Logan in the cage, BEGGING me to release her, as she need to read all these wonderful books! I didn't mess with keys, and just burned the lock and we continued on the way, all the while she read various tomes within the Library prison.

Skipping ahead I make it to the Crystal Caves, and instead on Seath, I am told by Twilight I must weaken and stop "Spike the Wingless" and she would cast something to bring him out of his curse. I complied fought briefly while making my way to that crystal that is in the back, and manage to get his tail cut. Truth be told, he somehow fought WORSE than both Seath and/or Nito, but whatever, I didn't expect a giant baby dragon to do much anyway! The sword, as it turned out, sucks but Twilight and Spike were back together. I warned her to not become obsessed with study, lest she become Logan, and go insane, and leave with nothing to show for this fight save that purple tail sword that sucked. The secondary attack was nothing more than green flames, which I assume sent whatever I hit with it somewhere else...(hmm, maybe it wasn't so bad.)

I wake up after I get killed by some freakin' weird bunny/Harpey hybrids in the painted world. (I assume I would have got to fight Fluttershy, instead of Priscilla, but at that point, I didn't care.) Fucking things were scary....

Not exactly a dream about ponies, but the closet I have gotten! Oh, and to those who complain about wheel skeletons in the games; They are worse to fight in the dream world!
If you stop now, you'll fall behind.

There's always more shady pony shit to see.

Much more.
Bu-but my poor psyche! No, wait, plumbing the abyss sounds more fun. Bring on Cupcakes 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Hmm, oh the subject of dreams came up?!? Hehe I have one to share! Really quick, I had been playing Dark Souls, so the fact that my mind made a crossover was of no surprise. I however refuse to make "fiction" of this...

Not exactly a dream about ponies, but the closet I have gotten! Oh, and to those who complain about wheel skeletons in the games; They are worse to fight in the dream world!
Now this is horrifying. I refuse to accept a world where those wheel skeletons are even nastier, dream or no dream.
So I was thinking about season three... Since I'm European (Swedish, to be precise) I can't view it when it airs, and since this is a show I'd very much like to support I wonder if there's a way for me to view/buy the episodes legally without much delay. I've heard that the Itunes store have them, but they don't sell tv series here in Sweden and I have no idea when they put them up for sale in relation to the airing date. I know some people who have gotten American accounts via a proxy or something and are able to buy shows that way, so that's not a big concern. European pony-GAF, how do you cope with this? And be careful of what you answer, I don't want to get anyone banned.

The most shocking and disturbing aspect of Cupcakes is how poorly written it is.

Rainbow Factory is much worse, though. Your brain bleach will never quite wash the terrible characterizations and dialogue from your beleaguered, battered mind.


The writing didn't disturb me that much, I've read worse and to top it off I'm not a native speaker (although my English is pretty good... I hope). Your synopsis of Rainbow Factory was awesome, by the way.

Andrew J.

The only member of the Mane Six who sounds really different in songs is Applejack. There's not even a different singing actress, it's just that Ashleigh Ball can't keep up the accent.


Kills Photobucket
The only member of the Mane Six who sounds really different in songs is Applejack. There's not even a different singing actress, it's just that Ashleigh Ball can't keep up the accent.

Rarity sounds totally different in song. Her actress can't do slight changes in her voice well. She can do extremes like Granny Smith. Luna sounds exactly like Rarity half the time.


Kills Photobucket
The most shocking and disturbing aspect of Cupcakes is how poorly written it is.

Rainbow Factory is much worse, though. Your brain bleach will never quite wash the terrible characterizations and dialogue from your beleaguered, battered mind.




It was a nerf gun though!

I did tell her to move.
You were supposed to use the cartoon gun on the cartoon pony. She was asking for it (in your dream). Your subconscious wants you to clop to ponies. You fought against it so your subconscious gave up for the time being and ended the dream.

So I was thinking about season three... Since I'm European (Swedish, to be precise) I can't view it when it airs, and since this is a show I'd very much like to support I wonder if there's a way for me to view/buy the episodes legally without much delay. I've heard that the Itunes store have them, but they don't sell tv series here in Sweden and I have no idea when they put them up for sale in relation to the airing date. I know some people who have gotten American accounts via a proxy or something and are able to buy shows that way, so that's not a big concern. European pony-GAF, how do you cope with this? And be careful of what you answer, I don't want to get anyone banned.

Buying the show on American iTunes from outside America is not a legal way to watch the show.

It is one way to support the show though. And they generally go up on iTunes a day or two after they first air on The Hub.
Buying the show on American iTunes from outside America is not a legal way to watch the show.

It is one way to support the show though. And they generally go up on iTunes a day or two after they first air on The Hub.

It's not? Well, crap. At least I think it feels morally right, but what is GAF's official stance on this? I mean, I'd be paying for the show but technically I'd be watching it illegally. Would it count as piracy and an insta-ban, or would it be discussable to a degree?


You were supposed to use the cartoon gun on the cartoon pony. She was asking for it (in your dream). Your subconscious wants you to clop to ponies. You fought against it so your subconscious gave up for the time being and ended the dream.

Nonononononononoooo lalalalalala I'm not listening lalalalalala


It's not? Well, crap. At least I think it feels morally right, but what is GAF's official stance on this? I mean, I'd be paying for the show but technically I'd be watching it illegally. Would it count as piracy and an insta-ban, or would it be discussable to a degree?

I believe that GAF looks the other way regarding piracy when you have no legal alternatives. Just don't talk about the piracy openly or post any download links or anything like that. If you say you saw an episode, they're not going to ask how.

But breaking minor laws and terms of service in order to give money to artists that you like (and Apple)? GAF is cool with that. I don't think you'll get into trouble there.

I'm just pointing out that it doesn't offer the legal vindication you're looking for, and that if you're just looking to support the show, there may be more appealing ways, like buying Pony toys, or using the internet to send flowers to voice actors.

Is this ponygafs true intention, to indoctrinate all members into mindless clop clop supporters?

Hey, it's your dream, not mine.


It's not? Well, crap. At least I think it feels morally right, but what is GAF's official stance on this? I mean, I'd be paying for the show but technically I'd be watching it illegally. Would it count as piracy and an insta-ban, or would it be discussable to a degree?

protip: just dont fuckin talk about it and do whatever you want.

you wanna talk come to IRC.

Wait when did you make me an avatar? And where is it?

Lurky... that Avy is janky as fuck.

King of Pones sends you this gift.



Ah i see. But that one is based off my older avatar where i cut off a shitload of arche's hair. Do you mind making one based off this avatar? <3


Ah i see. But that one is based off my older avatar where i cut off a shitload of arche's hair. Do you mind making one based off this avatar? <3


cant tell the difference, like, at all.

+ im lazy.

just do Magic wand tool + outline/boarder/drop shadow effect OR defringe tool



cant tell the difference, like, at all.

+ im lazy.

just do Magic wand tool + outline/boarder/drop shadow effect OR defringe tool

Well i was too lazy to do that in the first place. I guess i'll just keep it like this until someone volunteers. :p
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