Click and grab the new avatar and drag it over the current one. There is no difference.
yeah its, the exact same thing lol.
lurky u silly filly.
run n hide

Click and grab the new avatar and drag it over the current one. There is no difference.
yeah its, the exact same thing lol.
lurky u silly filly.
run n hide
pointy horned gurl
Click and grab the new avatar and drag it over the current one. There is no difference.
Am i really the only one that sees her hair being cut off? D:
I want to see a episode where spike marries Rarity and it's all a dream of Twilight
If you mean in the new avatar, it's most likely the drop shadow that's giving that effect. (Middle left side hair strand?)
Why Twilight?
If you mean in the new avatar, it's most likely the drop shadow that's giving that effect. (Middle left side hair strand?)
Why Twilight?
Is this the best gif? Yes.
Cause she'd panic and be uncomfortable for those two suddenly falling in love and marrying.
Twilight doesn't approve.
By new avatar do you mean my current avatar or the one that xzeon made?
Rarity sounds totally different in song. Her actress can't do slight changes in her voice well. She can do extremes like Granny Smith. Luna sounds exactly like Rarity half the time.
If anyone has a 3DS, I have the .MPOs of the mask too...=p If you'd like, I'll upload those...but I was lazy.
Running afoul of importation rules instead of copyright law is OK with us.So I was thinking about season three... Since I'm European (Swedish, to be precise) I can't view it when it airs, and since this is a show I'd very much like to support I wonder if there's a way for me to view/buy the episodes legally without much delay. I've heard that the Itunes store have them, but they don't sell tv series here in Sweden and I have no idea when they put them up for sale in relation to the airing date. I know some people who have gotten American accounts via a proxy or something and are able to buy shows that way, so that's not a big concern. European pony-GAF, how do you cope with this? And be careful of what you answer, I don't want to get anyone banned.
Just needs a top hat and monocle to be complete.
Yeah the avatar Xzeon made was based off an older version of this avatar and while it's not that noticeable, it irks me the way that i cropped it. Which sucks because he did a really good job with the transparency.
Actually, the transparent version doesn't have cropped hair, it actually has more hair, but it has a slightly skewed aspect ratio.
I'm not crazy! Thank god! Although i might still be crazy.
That .gif didn't need to be edited to be awesome.
I know who I'm rooting for here.
That's kind of cool for anthro art...
So it looks like Ahoyhoy volunteered to fix my current avatar. Like it?![]()
Doc's coming around. ;0
Is this ponygafs true intention, to indoctrinate all members into mindless clop clop supporters?
Doesn't follow. You can do that without anthro art.The first step:
Doesn't follow. You can do that without anthro art.
*pats on back*Well it's working on me. Dat caboose. Wowza.
Well it's working on me. Dat caboose. Wowza.
I know. Sometimes it feels like i'm cheating on Arche when i oggle hito's avatar.
Like I said before, much better than Busty twilight..... much better
Why we always got to be pickin' on Twi?
How about Flutters? I don't care if she gets demoralized.
It's not like I posted it in here a couple pages ago.Is it bad that I immediately knew which picture he was talking about, and found it in less than 30 seconds?
Edit: In hopes to achieve the good Dr.'s goal. I amend this post.
Edit 2: How about a Dawww page?
Edit 2: How about a Dawww page?