double posting is terrible
double posting is terrible
Who?What was your record? 17 in a row?
Hey, watch what you say! Remember, I represent the character that actually understands the owl.
Hey, watch what you say! Remember, I represent the character that actually understands the owl.
You represent Fluttershy?
Sir, I take great offense of that and furthermore I...
.... .. I really don't like the fact that I'm thought to be considered
eeeehhhh fine. I'm Fluttershy.
Twilight really deserves a better pet...
She does have a better pet! Spike is an amazing pet.
Spike deserves a better owner.
You know I've always liked Twilight, but she does treat poor Spike like a tool a little too often.
Love and Tolerance
Or: How I Was Choked For Making a Joke at Everfree Northwest
We were there as fans of MLP:FiM who are not actively involved in the online fandom, and representing the con that we help run. Everfree NW had set up a table at our show, so we were setting up at theirs. We had a great time, tabling and DID meet a lot of really nice people. We also met some people who were not so nice.
I was sitting at our table in the main hallway of Everfree NW, just outside of the doors for the livestream room, eating dinner with my girlfriend. I got up to use the bathroom, and saw some people peeking into the panel room to see what was going on. They were wearing pony shirts and buttons and were all decked out, while I was just wearing my Vendor badge, with a Nightmare Moon pin on the lanyard. Maybe I wasnt obvious enough of a pony fan, I dont know, but I leaned in, smiled big and said quite sarcastically, Oh, you dont want to go in there. Those guysre strange. They like a kids show about talking horses. You know, to break the ice, and have some friendly fun poking fun at ourselves for being at a pony con. Ive done this before, and it has never upset ANYONE in my last 10 years of going to comic book, pop culture, sci-fi, and anime conventions. The woman smiled back at me and said, Ooohh yes, very strange!
We chuckled a little bit, and she walked away. I was about to turn to continue on my way to the bathroom, when some other man came up on my right side, grabbed my trapezius muscle, and pressed his thumb to my jugular, and applied light pressure. Basically, the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. I am blind in my right eye, so this already took me by surprise and set me on edge. I was lead to believe by his actions that this kid knew what he was doing because he found my jugular quite easily, and applied enough pressure to imply the threat of further violence.
Backing up stories of Everfree
The Molestia meme was in full effect at the CMC panel, though I dont think the VAs were aware of what it meant (thanfully). This was easily a situation where the staff couldve done something if they werent also joining in on it.
Why I Wasn't At Everfree Northwest
However, EFNW's relationship with another convention, Canterlot Gardens, has grown to the point where I can no longer support EFNW as an organisation. For those who are not aware, CG was founded primarily (4 of their 5 core staffers) by a group of people who tried (and failed) to assume logistical and financial control over BronyCon after BroNYCon January 2012. (For one thing, I would not give them financial control because one of their number-- who the "mutineers" had requested/demanded be given access to the convention's bank account-- had stolen a significant quantity of money from me in the recent past.) Upon my refusal to let them take control, they walked. Shortly thereafter, in addition to badmouthing BronyCon to at least one key staff member (in an apparent attempt to convince him to quit), they began leaking various private documents pertaining to myself (including an audio recording of a private 2-party Skype/phone conversation between myself and their head of PR, Klisk Midori) and BronyCon in general (including a screenshot of a private Google Doc containing the personal phone numbers and email addresses of staffers).
These leaked documents were posted, "doc dropping" style, on a 4chan hate thread which referred to me as "tranny" over a dozen times.
For those who are not aware, I am transgendered, and "tranny" is the closest thing to the "n-word" for transgendered people. It is a slur. There is also strong evidence that at least one CG staffer participated directly in this thread, if not starting it altogether.
Furthermore, a forced meme was created on memegenerator.net featuring my OC's likeness and a number of disgusting claims, including accusations of paedophilia and additional instances of transphobic language (one recent picture refers to me as a 'titanicly retarded transexual cunt' (sic)). At least one of the images on this meme page includes information which only certain CG staffers were privy to. In fact, one of the most recent images includes a reference to my birth (male) name, which I seldom if ever discuss with bronies, and which would only have been easily accessible to someone who had access to my apartment and the paperwork therein-- such as, for example, CG's convention organiser, who lived in my apartment at my own expense for many months.
This isn't exactly appropriate here but:
I want to so I was really impressed in the other thread Luffy. You did a good thing.
Element of
Razek has abandoned the Church of Twilight.
What hope do we have now?
Now... We chill.
Yep, we all just gotta chillax. Enjoy my de-twilitifcation while it lasts.
Unicorn to Pegasus is quite the promotion though.
Hoo boy.
I urge all USA and Canada ponygaffers to not support Everfree or Canterlot Gardens unless their lives depend upon it.
- Assault over a kids' tv show,
- molestation jokes around underaged children,
- kids' tv show conventions conspiring against and stealing from each other,
- open transphobia!
Yeah booiiiiiAw yeah, Vinyl Scratch page.