How in the world do you get shipping from that picture...
Twi+Flutter while dash had a thing for one/both of them and she is being left out in the cold.
Edit: Maybe I'm thinking too much about it.
How in the world do you get shipping from that picture...
Didn't we have a Celestia page not long ago? How about a Rarity one next?
Yes please!
but for now it is for the prettiest pony:
This is the best one yet. Rarity is next I guess.
You're looking at the wrong end of the list.
Celestia page, huh?[IMG][/URL][/QUOTE]
You said best in the world. It certainly is best at something. [SPOILER]:p[/SPOILER]
Thing is, they're not "rumors", they're complaints, from people who claim to have been there. And instead of being taken at face value to make sure they can't happen, they're being denied and shouted down by people who "didn't have the same experience" (therefore anyone who did is lying).
I think the most telling comment was this one.
He was there and he didn't personally experience what the complainer claims, but he did experience and can confirm some of it (which rules out the immediately-jumped-to accusation that the complainer was an enemy of the con who didn't even attend), but... he can say with 100% certainty that the complaints are exaggerated or fabricated?
That's a load of crap. He cares more about protecting his con's reputation than taking a complaint seriously. Which kind of confirms yet another one of the complaints (that complaints weren't being taken seriously).
And when a minority of the people shouting the complainer down go this far, I have no trouble believing that a minority of the people at the convention were assholes.
ponies and trouble. how fitting.
I think the idea is that those shoes are made from Twilight Sparkle. Same color coat and cutie marks. Yeah, it's a silly picture.Is he sad that he can't fit into the booties?
I want MLP trouble! If only I had someone to play it with...
My Little Pony ver. Trouble
That reminds me, Hasbro should use the Mr. Potato brand and combine it with My Little Pony. The basic shell that was in a potato shape could be in the shape of a pony. Peg holes to place features and accessories of a pony just like the Potato. I'd think you could get to show quality with proper attention to detail and people can make their own OCs if they feel the need to.
Starting to feel left out. Time to go back to being Twilight's #1 fan.
Why not AJ's number one fan? She never seems to get any love. =[
Hey, the slots open. You could always fill it!
Edit: I swear to god that wasn't intentional.
Hey, the slots open. You could always fill it!
Edit: I swear to god that wasn't intentional.
Hey, the slots open. You could always fill it!
Edit: I swear to god that wasn't intentional.
went to Walmart, found those plushies with the rastafarian ribbon hair. i got Dashie.
literally, everythin on em is perfect, except that stupid fucking hair.
went to other Walmart, found those small posters. i was like 'these have no price tag on em. do i have to buy something else with em?' and the employee was like 'uhhhhhh i dunno, theres no bar code on em, i guess their free?' and i said 'i guess their just like a promotional thing then.' and she said 'looks like it.'
grabbed 2 of each, free pony posters.
swag swag swags swag swag swag swag swag swag.
will post pictures later.
Have you thought about changing the mane? Doesn't seem like it would be really all that difficult to make a two sided cut rainbow fabric, cut, stuff, and sew it quickly.
Whoa, pile up going on here. At least your on my side Xzeon!
You know... For a guy that claims not to be a pervert, this happens way too often.![]()
Speaking of avatars, I've cleaned up mine a bit. Should I keep my current or the new one?
Go with the transparent one.
Yes, and shift it to the right about 1 or 2 pixels. It's cutting the hat off.
Yes, and shift it to the right about 1 or 2 pixels. It's cutting the hat off.
You're not gonna let me live that down, are you?
someone cut the background from my avatar plz thx kk
Or am I missing something here?
someone cut the background from my avatar plz thx kk
When I first got this avatar I was too lazy to crop it correctly. Xzeon and Ahoyhoy ended up doing it for me.![]()
You're not gonna let me live that down, are you?
That's just my bad cleanup. It's fixed now, and some other small things.
Make me wear an Applejack avatar and now I'm watching you like a hawk.
Now it is time for the prettiest in ponyville:
Be thankful I didn't make you wear a Pinkie avatar! That would have been all kinds of evil.
While I don't mind Pinkie, she is the only Mane that doesn't have a decent dress. So I wouldn't want to have her as an avatar really. So, thanks?
Some made up pony that doesn't actually exist? I think someponys got that beat.
I'd do it, but it's 2am here and I really need some sleep. I'll do it in the morning if no one else has.
I can try.
There. How about this?