Looks like a Final Fantasy villain.
Oh, you want ponies eating things.
Sad to see talented artists wasted on crappy shipping.
Sad to see talented artists wasted on crappy shipping.
Are you saying that all shipping is crappy, or only that that one particular ship is?
Here is a thought:
What is everyone's absolute least favorite character in the show that makes at least more than a 10 second appearance?
For me, I think it would be Angel. He isn't just a jerk to Fluttershy, he's also a jerk to spike too. I really don't find him all that funny. One of my favorite fan works is the comic where he slaps FS for the super salad but it ends up going horribly wrong in his favor.
Edit: Oh, of course when I try to start a discussion one just magically appears in the time it took me to make this post.
Here is a thought:
What is everyone's absolute least favorite character in the show that makes at least more than a 10 second appearance?
For me, I think it would be Angel. He isn't just a jerk to Fluttershy, he's also a jerk to spike too. I really don't find him all that funny. One of my favorite fan works is the comic where he slaps FS for the super salad but it ends up going horribly wrong in his favor.
Edit: Oh, of course when I try to start a discussion one just magically appears in the time it took me to make this post.
Twist, with a tie for second place in Snips and Snails.
Twist is awesome. Twist gets new friends eventually. Ones that won't abandon her just because she got her cutie mark.
When was Angel mean to Spike specifically? I'm spacing on when they've ever interacted.
Anyways, I'd tie between these guys.
Twist, with a tie for second place in Snips and Snails.
Forrester giving into fanon.
Here is a thought:
What is everyone's absolute least favorite character in the show that makes at least more than a 10 second appearance?
Edit: Crap, are we getting into a shipping war?
Probably Philomena. Hated that episode.
Probably Philomena. Hated that episode.
The bird was just practicing passive-resistance against a kidnapper. How does that make Philomena bad?
Even if her actions are justified, it doesn't stop her from being a boring and annoying character.
I honestly thought it was concept art for a game until I remembered what thread I was in and looked closer.
EDIT: I've been wondering for a while, where does this "gamer luna" thing come from? My searches have come up with nothing.
You know about Bronibooru, you shouldn't have any problems anymore...
I think it's all Careksims, though I could be wrong.
Twilight vs. Trixie