I'm guessing it's a shop. Someone took a scene of ponies jumping into a lake or whatever (with one of them getting playfully pushed in), as well as a similarly-animated image of a volcano, and superimposed one over the other.

I'm guessing it's a shop. Someone took a scene of ponies jumping into a lake or whatever (with one of them getting playfully pushed in), as well as a similarly-animated image of a volcano, and superimposed one over the other.
More Slice of Pony Life.
I recognize it as My Little Pony Tales which I remember from my youth. A quick Wikipedia search and
25 "Ponies in Paradise" December 18, 1992 325
Bright Eyes is going on an exchange trip to the Tropical Island. Her friends have rumours that the island has a sea monster, the inhabitants are savages that cannibalise and sacrifice little girls to the volcano. Bright Eyes dismisses those ideas and goes to the island where she stays with Sunbright family. Bright Eyes' fear of the superstitions is declared when the Sunbrights take her for a hike to the volcano. The Sunbrights rescue Bright Eyes from the crater. After that Bright Eyes experiences more fun and activities with Moki.
Not fake, at the very least it is an imagine spot
Well, let's see. I like ponies, oh and cupcakes. I had cupcakes today even though I wasn't supposed to for another 11 days but I got tired of waiting. I kind of have a stomache ache though, why must you be a bad influence pinkie! What else... hmmmm, I like Ruby I mean Cheerilee's big explanations, those are fun to read... uh, I am staying up late tonight to watch Survivorman. I switched between gaf and Minecraft all day, but I nearly borked my save file (NOT MY FAULT) so I might just be done with that. That's all I can think of for now
I also like long walks on the beach and cool summer nights! I won't be paying for the meal.
Bet you didn't think I'd do it.
Edit: Am I sick for being curious what dash would look like with that body shape in the picture but standing like a regular pony? It would be pretty funny I bet!
Edit2: Actually, you probably know the most about me Xzeon since you were in that thread with me a while a back.
I think you all are missing the most important part.
You need a crappy plushie with noodly hair?
Pandering to fans with a Vinyl plushie doesn't change the fact that these plushies suck.
razek r u a 15 year old girl?
this is the person i see when i read your thoughts lololololol.
I'm not really a fan of the official plushes either. They don't look much like the characters, but I suppose that's really not the point of collecting.
YES IT IS, you are supposed to like what you are collecting -.-
Why do I get the feeling that this isn't a hypothetical question...But what if I collect bad fanart?
Why do I get the feeling that this isn't a hypothetical question...
I think the point is that if you like your collection, it's worth collecting. And bad fanart does have its charms, usually.
I am subscribed to that thread, yes. It is magnificent in its weirdness.
is that yours?
now i want to do the same! dammit arrghhh
Haha, I wish. Cool though, isn't it?
i don't see an adult pony in there, so, are they over 14?
*PonyCraft 2*
Yep, and would be great for a kid dorm.That kid being me.
^ what a shame this artist draw so well and only makes sad pictures
What part of "villain page" do you guys not understand?
Let's quote large pictures and comics from now on. Thanks.