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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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forester doesn't brush his teeth and ladies will never kiss him



I don't see why bronies can't be plumbers.

That's not for plumbing (or at least, not as most people generally understand plumbing), it's for car engines.

It looks like it's part of the liquid-cooling radiator system (because the description says so), so technically I guess it is plumbing, but it's just clamping one piece of specialty cast-metal to another piece of specialty cast-metal with two heavy-duty bolts, and crushing a gasket in-between the two pieces so nothing leaks out from the joint, which is more of a "mechanic" skill than a "plumber" skill (although there is some crossover).

tldr; I pose a question to PonyGAF: How do you feel about the show now compared to when you first started? How about compared to the start of S2? Do you see yourself sticking around to S4 (assume it hypothetically exists)?
Not currently watching episodes with any regularity. Excited to acquire the S1 DVD boxset. More excited for the boxsets that don't yet exist.

S1 quickly became my favorite show of the year when it came out, and S2 was no different. S3 is my most anticipated new show, even if it's going to be painfully short, and I'm already hyped for S4.

I can survive the downtime in new Pony episodes because I have an underpaying job that keeps me busy most of the time, and plenty of other interests for when I'm off-work. I'm currently ignoring my massive videogame backlog and trying to chip away at my massive manga and anime backlogs. And just earlier today I told myself "Maybe I should rewatch Xena." Someday soon, I also hope to get a life (but first I need to fix my broken roof, and my broken bathroom, and my other broken bathroom, and my broken fence, and my broken car).

I'm actually kind of amazed that I've been able to enjoy PonyGAF this long nonstop without new episodes. If we all get bored and walk away, that's fine and normal. I expect we'll all be back for S3, and then maybe there'll be an even bigger window for people to get bored and quit, but we'll be back for S4. Beyond that? Who knows.


Unconfirmed Member
Don't worry about it. I was just poking fun is all. It was definitely the "This is my kind of fun" line that made me think of something either Panda or Cheezmo would say was all, especially with their hit and run style lately, haha.

On an unrelated note, I've come to a rather serious conclusion. I also believe it's had an impact on my feelings the last 2 weeks. I think ponies might be getting a bit stale for me. I have a feeling this might be because I haven't really sat down and paid attention to an episode in over 3 months, or that Season 3 is taking its sweet time. Either way, it had me pretty down last night when I was thinking about it.

Does anyone else feel this way? It's not getting boring, it's just 'different' feeling for me than what it was over the summer. I'm not going to lie, I have a theory that me joining ponygaf might have a bit to do with it as well. My low level of exposure to anything pony including the show itself is pretty gone now.

I need to make a promise to myself to sit down and watch some episodes like I used to. I really miss my 'pony days' I had, the smiles, and joy it would bring as well. Recently though, I've been chickening out every time I get a chance.

tldr; I pose a question to PonyGAF: How do you feel about the show now compared to when you first started? How about compared to the start of S2? Do you see yourself sticking around to S4 (assume it hypothetically exists)?

I've never sat down and re-watched an episode by myself before. Even though I really enjoy most of the episodes upon first viewing, there's not really enough there to warrant constant re-watches. The voting events are enough for me and give me an opportunity to catch little funny moments I might have missed the first time. In addition, whenever I decide to randomly churn out .gifs, I usually end up cycling through entire episodes looking for funny moments, so I feel like I've seen each episode at least twice, maybe three times, if not in random chunks.

Ponies, for me, was never 100% about the show anyway. I fell in love with the community as much as I did the show. The hoopla surrounding the show and the original thread here, and the reactions of the original ponyGAFers to the hatred they encountered for weeks on end, really inspired me to give the show a watch, and kept me motivated after watching that first episode didn't hook me instantly.

I think there's a temptation for people to turn the show into a "lifestyle" sort of thing, primarily because of how isolated the fandom became after the show rose in popularity and the inevitable push-back from the rest of the Internet began. The "circling your wagons" mentality took root and, as a result, people felt more comfortable adapting their Internet habits around this new, curious fandom they had stumbled into. I enjoy chatting with the people who post in this thread, but about other things (at least in the IRC) not related to ponies in the slightest.

At the end of the day, MLP is just a TV Show, and like all TV Shows, there are boom times, there are dry spells during breaks, and there is the inevitable cancellation we all must face. Just because you don't constantly have ponies on the brain doesn't mean your interest in the show is dying, it just means you're coming down off that initial Pony High and are settling into more of an equilibrium.

Trust me: when the new season starts, you'll be excited to watch again and participate. Just don't feel bad if you don't have the strong desire to constantly look up fan art/watch old episodes over and over.
Was there? I thought there was debate between Romana and Susan before the stupid Colgate thing started.

Pft. Crest 4 life.

And the Minuette name is great. It's cute and has a time theme to it. Glad they went with that.

Yeah even though I've gotten used to thinking her as Colgate because of fan works (I DO like her being Ponyville's resident Dentist), I do agree Minuette is a brilliant name that's shamefully ignored by fans.


tldr; I pose a question to PonyGAF: How do you feel about the show now compared to when you first started? How about compared to the start of S2? Do you see yourself sticking around to S4 (assume it hypothetically exists)?

I still check EqD every day, hang out in the PonyGAF IRC channel, follow some pony tumblrs and listen to pony music, but I'm certainly not as enthusiastic about ponies as I was when I first found the series and during season 2. I remember that at some point I'd obsessively watch every PMV and listen to every song that was featured on EqD, but nowadays I just can't be bothered most of the time. As for the show itself, I haven't actually sat down and watched an entire episode for a while now beyond briefly checking out the terrible Finnish dub that began airing here recently.

Overall I feel like I'm hanging on because of the community aspect and because I don't have anything better do with my time; this is the only fandom I've ever been even somewhat actively involved in.

However, I'm sure things will pick up again when season 3 starts and I'll likely stick around to S4 too unless there's a major dip in the quality of the show or something.


tldr; I pose a question to PonyGAF: How do you feel about the show now compared to when you first started? How about compared to the start of S2? Do you see yourself sticking around to S4 (assume it hypothetically exists)?

i think its just my personality. i tend to go full tilt into things, like get way obsessed and then get burnt out on em.

at the start i fell in love with MLP and bought so much merch and would be in chat for hours, well, now i am pretty content with the items i have, only want like a few more things, theres no new eps to talk about and chat is dead most of the time. i think the pone train is slowing down for me, im not that into it right now.

we will have to see how i feel when S3 comes, but right now my passion has def died down for MLP. the entire culture around it has become stale, i over saturated myself and am beginning to not like where i am right now.

i still like the show, but im just not super into it right now, things that didnt bother me about the fandom before are now starting to bug me. maybe its just me, i really dont know.


Unconfirmed Member
tldr; I pose a question to PonyGAF: How do you feel about the show now compared to when you first started? How about compared to the start of S2? Do you see yourself sticking around to S4 (assume it hypothetically exists)?

It's was a great show. To pitch up some wholesome entertainment in something new and refreshing for me was a great experience. I've learned so much about animation that I wouldn't bothered to pick up thanks to this highly driven community. I think some aspects of the show that first hooked me was diluted as season 2 came aboard, but the quality of it all still stood. I look forward to good shows ahead, that applies to all mediums.

And no, I haven't really developed any kind of thing for the fandom that follows. Like I said, I've read up on how things are done when it comes to animation. Wouldn't have found that out. I don't seek out art, music, crafts, what have you. At most, I follow this (basic portal to fanbase), Round Stable (occasional learning from inside the studio and show itself), Friendship is Witchcraft, and Mane 6. Oh yeah, and a few friends I have to deal with which are into it. I'm just not one to be a part of a community, I guess.


tldr; I pose a question to PonyGAF: How do you feel about the show now compared to when you first started? How about compared to the start of S2? Do you see yourself sticking around to S4 (assume it hypothetically exists)?

I started watching the show at the end of last year, the premier episodes being at Hurricane Fluttershy by the time I caught up. As one would think, ponies are still pretty fresh to me. I just recently started re-watching the entire series and it's still fun for me, though there are some episodes that I'll likely be skipping.

I like the series a lot but I never really considered myself a brony. A have a lot of hobbies outside of ponies, plus school to deal with so I haven't necessarily had the opportunity to burn out on the series yet. I don't do much pony exploring on the webs outside of GAF and Fighting is Magic, so when I come here and see cool arts and blogs it's always a nice treat for me. All in all, I guess you can say I like the series just as much now as I always have.


Hoho! Didn't think I'd fish that many responses! (Oh god, so people do read my posts?) Keep em' coming for anyone else who would like to chime in.

I'm actually a bit surprised at a few of the answers. How can you even remember what happened in an episode if you've only seen them one time haha?


Hoho! Didn't think I'd fish that many responses! (Oh god, so people do read my posts?) Keep em' coming for anyone else who would like to chime in.

I'm actually a bit surprised at a few of the answers. How can you even remember what happened in an episode if you've only seen them one time haha?

That's the thing, the episodes are very memorable to me, unlike in some other shows. Give me a title and I can give you a basic plot synopsis for almost any episode.


Unconfirmed Member
The only two shows I watched religiously over and over again were The Simpsons and Seinfeld, mainly because I didn't have much else to do during my Middle School years and they were on 5 nights a week.

Most shows, even ones I really love, I can't watch over and over again. It's not because I don't enjoy rewatching them, it's just I don't think it's largely a good use of my time. Shows that are packed with content and subtle hints (such as Arrested Development) hold up after several rewatches, but MLP falls into that range wherein I don't feel like I get much out of rewatches.

I still like rewatching episodes with the community, though, because it's fun to riff during them and hang out with friends.
Not totally pony related, but I found this via the "Koopalings aren't Bowser's kids" thread:

The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3-The Beauty of Kootie. Hearing Rarity in this as a Koopa Kid kind of just blew my mind.

I didn't really hear it until I got to the 3:30 mark and then I was like FFFFFFFUUUUUUUU.

tldr; I pose a question to PonyGAF: How do you feel about the show now compared to when you first started? How about compared to the start of S2? Do you see yourself sticking around to S4 (assume it hypothetically exists)?

I do think there was a certain "magic" that first year (from March 2011) I'd re-watch episodes a lot, and it was a really fun exciting time, but i think it's died down a bit (at least for me) since then. I agree with what Ahoyhoy said, on its own there's just not much there for rewatching.

But this is JUST in regards to rewatching episodes. I still keep up with Fanart and the community on Equestria Daily (I mean come on, I've been going through THOUSANDS of images on Derpibooru with the intention of "catching up"). I still listen to Pony music whenever I get a chance since there's just so much out there.

I'll watch the show no matter what, I don't think anything short of reverting the show back to 3.5 style could keep me away.


That's the thing, the episodes are very memorable to me, unlike in some other shows. Give me a title and I can give you a basic plot synopsis for almost any episode.

See, I've only seen baby cakes once, and while I was sort of in shock for half of the episode at the canonical choices they made, I could still tell you the plot and general scene layout. Quotes, the song, and other some such however, no way (and I'm going to keep it that way har har).

That's generally what I watched episodes again for. I still don't know exactly what Twilight says in one of my favorite lines in the entire series, "I can sleep whenever I want!" or something like that in lesson zero.

Still, I've done the religious watching of shows before. I had another cartoon I watched pretty much every night, 3 or 4 episodes worth. I got burnt out, never looked back. Then I did it again not too long ago with a certain show on Nick. Again, burnt out. This time I was smart enough to keep my watchings at about a 3 week interval, with only 2-5 episodes at a time.

No, I take back my second paragraph. I watch the show not just for content, but for how it makes me feel. It makes me smile, and feel calm. I lose all my anxiety and just want to go to sleep. Not from boredom, but from being at ease. It's like a drug. I love everything, the world, and the universe at the end of a pony day. Songs like Smile, BBBFF, Winter Wrap up, and Art of the Dress give me crazy chills.
Actually, I do like this version better. It's just like the moment in the pilot, when NMM smashes the element orbs in front of Twilight. For a kids show, that was seriously shocking as you suddenly wondered how she could win this battle. This is in the same vein. It would be an unexpected and shocking change to see how Chrysalis's huge super thought out plot was utterly dashed in seconds by this grand demi-god ruler who she never had a chance against. I mean, we are already meant to sympathize with her with her villain song and all :p

Instead, we get an ending that continues to mock Celestia. She can be beaten by the power of love. Lame. So any pony who wants to take the thrown just needs to find a soul mate, stick their horns together and off she goes? That's the kind of world building I'm not a fan of.

It could have been neat to see Chrysalis get blown away by Celestia, then sing us another villain song in the vein of what she learned, only to forsake it all at the very end stating she will get her ultimate revenge. But hey, this is turning into fan fiction now.
It's not like Celestia is super amazing all powerful. I'm assuming she barely beat her sister Luna so long ago. So I'm saying Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Discord are all around the same in terms of power. Just different.

Crysalis barely used any power for so long and stored up so much love power from Shining Armor that she had enough power to knock out Celestia.

Cadence is the Princess of Love, just like how Celestia is of the Sun and Luna of the Moon. So when she gets love power from Shining Armor she can pumpup Shining Armor enough to reform the shield. And it's not like Shining Armor won in a beam battle like Celestia vs Chrysalis. He just pushed her away.

So no, not any pony can just rub horns and beat Celestia. Even CadencexxShining Armor's move wouldn't "beat" Celestia. Maybe push her if she was in range as it formed.

note- Chrysalis and Cadence aren't the same. Chrysalis devours love and converts it to something else. Food for her people, laser beam power, whatever. Cadence amplifies, repairs, or focuses love and helps it grow, which provides side bonuses.

note note- or in other terms, Cadence helps two love wavelengths sync up and play in cadence.


It's not like Celestia is super amazing all powerful. I'm assuming she barely beat her sister Luna so long ago. So I'm saying Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Discord are all around the same in terms of power. Just different.

Crysalis barely used any power for so long and stored up so much love power from Shining Armor that she had enough power to knock out Celestia.

Cadence is the Princess of Love, just like how Celestia is of the Sun and Luna of the Moon. So when she gets love power from Shining Armor she can pumpup Shining Armor enough to reform the shield. And it's not like Shining Armor won in a beam battle like Celestia vs Chrysalis. He just pushed her away.

So no, not any pony can just rub horns and beat Celestia. Even CadencexxShining Armor's move wouldn't "beat" Celestia. Maybe push her if she was in range as it formed.

note- Chrysalis and Cadence aren't the same. Chrysalis devours love and converts it to something else. Food for her people, laser beam power, whatever. Cadence amplifies, repairs, or focuses love and helps it grow, which provides side bonuses.

note note- or in other terms, Cadence helps two love wavelengths sync up and play in cadence.

Discord is most definitely lord of power. He basically has reality bending. Even if there is a more powerful force in the universe (the elements), he could just wisk them away to an undefinable location. He chose to be arrogant however and it cost him the throne.

So wait, if Cadence is using her love magic to pump up shining armors magic, thus creating the love union spell that we see at the end of the finale, does that mean she is using him with her magic after all? Meaning, does he not love her as much if she had a different power?


tldr; I pose a question to PonyGAF: How do you feel about the show now compared to when you first started? How about compared to the start of S2? Do you see yourself sticking around to S4 (assume it hypothetically exists)?

I'm mostly just anxious. I really want to season 3 to start and I just did my third rewatch of the first two seasons. It's still fresh and there still stories I'd like to see and characters I want to see more of. I first started watching the show when I was frustrated, depressed, and afraid of certain things going in my life. The show lifted my spirits when I really needed it. I'm in a better situation now so I'm really just enjoying the show for what it is. I love great cartoons and as long as the quality doesn't dip I don't see myself going anywhere. It has been a brutal wait made worse by how few episodes were getting but Gravity Falls has proven to be a solid show and I'm finally getting around to working through my netflix queue.

Rarity is too fabulous for me to bail out anyway.


I'm mostly just anxious. I really want to season 3 to start and I just did my third rewatch of the first two seasons. It's still fresh and there still stories I'd like to see and characters I want to see more of. I first started watching the show when I was frustrated, depressed, and afraid of certain things going in my life. The show lifted my spirits when I really needed it. I'm in a better situation now so I'm really just enjoying the show for what it is. I love great cartoons and as long as the quality doesn't dip I don't see myself going anywhere. It has been a brutal wait made worse by how few episodes were getting but Gravity Falls has proven to be a solid show and I'm finally getting around to working through my netflix queue.

Rarity is too fabulous for me to bail out anyway.



It's not like Celestia is super amazing all powerful. I'm assuming she barely beat her sister Luna so long ago. So I'm saying Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Discord are all around the same in terms of power. Just different.

Wait a moment!

Celestia, Luna AND the elements were necessary to defeat Discord. (And considering his recent defeat, Discord probably helped too)
The sun and the moon used to work WITHOUT Celestia and Luna.
Cadence was "banished" by Chrysalis without the help of welp, anything.

In other words:

Discord >>> Buffed Chrysalis > Celestia >= Luna > Un-Buffed Chrysalis > Cadence.

No idea where to put Nightmare Moon.


Wait a moment!

Celestia, Luna AND the elements were necessary to defeat Discord. (And considering his recent defeat, Discord probably helped too)
The sun and the moon used to work WITHOUT Celestia and Luna.
Cadence was "banished" by Chrysalis without the help of welp, anything.

In other words:

Discord >>> Buffed Chrysalis > Celestia >= Luna > Un-Buffed Chrysalis > Cadence.

No idea where to put Nightmare Moon.

Discord is super OP. He could just turn the ground into a blank checkerboard field and every pony would starve.

Edit: 3 in a row, not bad. That's a record.


Comic #2


Queen Chrysalis has returned! Our ponies have no time to horse around, as they set off to rescue their friends from Chrysalis kingdom. What magical adventures await them, and where the heck is Princess Celestia?


Discord is super OP. He could just turn the ground into a blank checkerboard field and every pony would starve.

They would only starve if Discord's new rule book for this hypothetical checkerboard world said that "the lack of food" was a lethal condition. His short-lived chaos world had Ponies eating backwards with no ill effects.

Lauren Faust said that Nightmare Moon's attempted Eternal Night world didn't automatically include mass Pony death based on mass plant death based on lack of sunlight. It was just a regime change (an evil regime change) with new visuals. If Nightmare Moon favored the Ponies, they might have survived, or maybe even benefited from her night. If they incurred her wrath, she might have killed them, or worse. Her newly-created world wouldn't automatically do either.


They would only starve if Discord's new rule book for this hypothetical checkerboard world said that "the lack of food" was a lethal condition. His short-lived chaos world had Ponies eating backwards with no ill effects.

Lauren Faust said that Nightmare Moon's attempted Eternal Night world didn't automatically include mass Pony death based on mass plant death based on lack of sunlight. It was just a regime change (an evil regime change) with new visuals. If Nightmare Moon favored the Ponies, they might have survived, or maybe even benefited from her night. If they incurred her wrath, she might have killed them, or worse. Her newly-created world wouldn't automatically do either.

Eh, good point. I forget myself sometimes that the physics of that world don't work anything like ours. For all we know, old age might be the only way for a pony to die.


Eh, good point. I forget myself sometimes that the physics of that world don't work anything like ours. For all we know, old age might be the only way for a pony to die.

Well, they have medical equipment such as casts, so that's unlikely. Additionally, in Mare-Do-Well, Dash was going around saving all those ponies from (probably) death.

I really like the wings on this one.


Well, they have medical equipment such as casts, so that's unlikely. Additionally, in Mare-Do-Well, Dash was going around saving all those ponies from (probably) death.

I really like the wings on this one.

But with that logic, we don't know if that leads to death. The theory is, extreme starvation, broken bones, ect. could lead to intense discomfort/pain, but not exactly result in death.

At least, that's what I feel Ruby was hinting at.

It's a slippery slope and hard to choose where we draw the line of relation between our world and theirs.


That's generally what I watched episodes again for. I still don't know exactly what Twilight says in one of my favorite lines in the entire series, "I can sleep whenever I want!" or something like that in lesson zero.


Discord >>> Buffed Chrysalis > Celestia >= Luna > Un-Buffed Chrysalis > Cadence.

This seems about right. I would put Luna on the same level as Un-buffed Chrysalis however and put NMM next to Celestia.
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