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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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Unconfirmed Member
ok I have two ways of explaining this.

1. time isn't cause and effect. it's just there. twilight knew because twilight told her where to go. it's as simple as that. how did twilight know in the first place? because twilight told her.

2. twilight said good spells are in canterlot. she wasn't looking for the back time spell. she was looking for a high level time spell. "by my calculations, the spell room (she doesn't say starswirl) should be around here somewhere." pinkie says "did you try that place over there? the starswirl the bearded area?" twilight looks and goes duh. she doesn't go there becaus twilight told her. she goes there because it's a big locked up room and assumes the spell she needs (not the time back spell) will be in there. so yes, she learns what to tell herself later and she didn't go there because of that information either.

The first explanation makes sense if we consider time to be a constant, singular line like in Slaughterhouse Five. You can travel forward and backward in time all you want, but you can't influence events because they've already happened that way, so it really doesn't matter where anything originates from, so long as it stays linear.


Getting a strong Gargoyles vibe from all this predestined time travel talk. The "self-made man" episode, in particular.


I'm not usually fond of ponyfication just for the sake of it... but I don't hate this. It's very apt and works on multiple levels.


There was a time where I wasn't really feeling Time, but after truly listening to it, it's now one of my favorites of the album. Wait a minute.... What are we talking about again? Oh right, PONIES.

So here's my 2 cents, bag of chips, cup of coffee, whatever the heck you want to call it. What the episode seemed to hint at the most was that everyone goes through the motions of time. No matter what, you will end up at X because Y and Z happened. Regarding Twilight being a total spaz, hold on a sec... Just heard a large bang behind me...




Okay so just finished talking to my future self from the summer(I had a perfect tan and a six pack btw), and he warns me that if we don't end this discussion soon all PonyGAF threads will be consumed by hatred, bile and not very nice conversation. Bans will be handed out and the true fall of PonyGAF will be complete by July when I, Prade, decide having a GAF account isn't the same without my Pony brethren and end up committing account suicide by telling EvilLore he's my throwing dart board. However, future me tells me there's still hope yet. Before he vanished, his last words were as follows:

"Remember that girl next door when you were 14? You should have totally hit that"

How this helps us is beyond me, PonyGAF. Looks like we're on our own.


Unconfirmed Member
I agree on the constant of time; it happened for it to happen.
The real question I want answered out of all of this is if Pinkie's bending of reality something she can't control or is it her own free will?


I agree on the constant of time; it happened for it to happen.
The real question I want answered out of all of this is if Pinkie's bending of reality something she can't control or is it her own free will?

Working of the devil's time portals.


This actually makes sens when combined with my "Equestria = Part of Ooo" theory.
Since a large part of the Earth was blown off, the planet's rotation could have speed up fairly significantly.

I want this crossover so bad.

Every Walmart I go to never has the Blind bags, so we resorted to just buying the whole box on-line. =D

As for the slash & grab, what kinda of Brony does that? Its not very pony. :(

Jerk ass idiot Bronies thats who. Or people who know Bronies that will pay for them... like a drug dealer... oh god what has the fandom become.
However, future me tells me there's still hope yet. Before he vanished, his last words were as follows:

"Remember that girl next door when you were 14? You should have totally hit that"

How this helps us is beyond me, PonyGAF. Looks like we're on our own.
It doesn't help us at all. It's clearly just setting you up with that girl next door so you have something to do once the ponyocalypse hits.

You should totally go for it. Seems your future self believes you can pull it off.


Maybe if I lived in Nebraska.

Well I don't figure many people will be close enough to attend. I myself live on the opposite side of the state and will have to travel nearly 400 miles. People are coming as far away as Wisconsin. It won't be any Bronycon, but it should be fun.
Crazy theory
Pinkie Pie created the paradox to get revenge on Spike for laughing at her and calling her spitty pie in Bridle Gossip since we learned in the Discord episodes that she doesn't like being laughed/mocked at she wanted some revenge. Since not inviting Spike to certain parties wasn't working, Pinkie instead to try to do something that would physically hurt Spike and what better method than using ice cream since revenge is a dish best served cold.

Creating a time paradox is easy for her as she constantly breaks the 4th wall and the laws of physics and has a great memory. She was around Twlight for the majority episode and was well prepared for everything(ball, eyepatch, etc.) including knowledge of where the time scroll was. She could of easily set everything up beforehand and manipulate Twlight to do what she wanted, All she had to do was implant the idea of eating ice cream to Spike the day before(hence the dream) and it would start the chain of e events that led to Spike getting a stomach from eating too much ice cream thus giving her revenge for being laughed at.

Does it make much sense? Not really but we're talking about Pinkie Pie, nothing ever makes since with her around.
Well, duh. Fluttershy is every bit the "perfect" Japanese woman, quiet, dutiful and submissive...though if you manage to anger one, time to run to the hills. ;P
That's making a rather broad assumption, honestly... Celestia's powerful and all, but there's nothing to indicate she created the world.


Well, duh. Fluttershy is every bit the "perfect" Japanese woman, quiet, dutiful and submissive...though if you manage to anger one, time to run to the hills. ;P


Sweet thx!

It lead me to this picture of awesome!
Harmony Funnel!

Supa kawaii Gundam!


I have a video.


and a Tweet from our Queen.

Everyone purchase saddles and claim your horse!
CHEEZMO™;36098699 said:

When did this happen?

They did it before the discovery of Equestria and unification of the pony races.

It was what the Unicorns did in exchange for food (the Pegasi controlled the weather, and the Dirt Ponies farmed and provided the food).

I didn't even think of it as showing world creation, just Celestia being her usual awesome self.

Making giant monuments to yourself for everyone to see is "awesome"?

I'm sure you're a huge RD fan, right?


So I was heading back to my office this afternoon after getting a slice of pizza when I see a woman with a sheaf of paper in her hand walking to her car. The wind picks up and ruffles the papers in her hand and one blows free but she doesn't notice. She gets in her car with the door open and is organizing her things. I call out to her "hey, you dropped some paper" but she doesn't hear me. So I jog across the street, grab the paper from the ground and walk up to her car and hand it to her. She's "oh! did I drop that? thank you".

As i'm handing her the paper I notice it's formatted like a script and says PINKIE PIE above a paragraph at the top.

Turns out DHX Media is right across the street from me. I had no idea.
Man, you could've had a sneak preview of a Season 3 episode, evidently.

Then again, reading people's dropped papers isn't exactly in good taste.


Unconfirmed Member
So I was heading back to my office this afternoon after getting a slice of pizza when I see a woman with a sheaf of paper in her hand walking to her car. The wind picks up and ruffles the papers in her hand and one blows free but she doesn't notice. She gets in her car with the door open and is organizing her things. I call out to her "hey, you dropped some paper" but she doesn't hear me. So I jog across the street, grab the paper from the ground and walk up to her car and hand it to her. She's "oh! did I drop that? thank you".

As i'm handing her the paper I notice it's formatted like a script and says PINKIE PIE above a paragraph at the top.

Turns out DHX Media is right across the street from me. I had no idea.

Some people here would pay handsomely for your services.

Top dollar
So, my brony sister had an idea for a project she wanted to try. She wants to embroider Cutie Marks on the side of a pair of pants (close to hip as you can probably imagine) She was thinking below that she would embroider the names of a pony. I thought it would be better to simply use initials (one for ponies like Fluttershy and Rarity, 2 for the longer 2 part names like Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, etc) These would just be fun casual wear, nothing for cosplay or anything. I have ZERO fashion sense and thought I'd ask if anyone here had any suggestions or ideas for her. Much appreciated.


Kills Photobucket
So, my brony sister had an idea for a project she wanted to try. She wants to embroider Cutie Marks on the side of a pair of pants (close to hip as you can probably imagine) She was thinking below that she would embroider the names of a pony. I thought it would be better to simply use initials (one for ponies like Fluttershy and Rarity, 2 for the longer 2 part names like Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, etc) These would just be fun casual wear, nothing for cosplay or anything. I have ZERO fashion sense and thought I'd ask if anyone here had any suggestions or ideas for her. Much appreciated.

Just cutie marks, no names or text. And make them sweat pants.


I like the sweats/yoga pants idea, (even though I personally hate yoga pants). Cutie mark on the left hip, flank. And in thick embroidered text, but small letters, the pony name on the right pocket. So the cutie mark is easily visible, but the name you'd have to be right next to the person to see.
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