Image macros in general are best kept low key but there's nothing wrong with the occasional pony gif.
I mean, look at fans of shows like Lost, The Office, Community, and so on. They don't get shit. Even anime gifs get a better reception.
I don't have problems posting pony reaction images, and almost never get flack for it.
I have a license to Pony (and .gif).
Well Community did get some flack but nowhere near as much.
South Park and Futurama thread recently saw Pony .gifs
Keep in mind that just having a pony avatar is intolerable to many.
People are going to be assholes on the internet and hate everything you like. That pretty much sums up just about everything.
Then stop. Seriously.I have thick skin, but having to put on a face all the time gets tiring.
Then stop. Seriously.
Staying bottled up is already hurting you.I'm afraid of getting hurt though.
I don't know. I'm going to have to digest some of this.
This isn't a dig at the moderation team but I have a feeling that if I posted pony reaction gifs as often as wrestle gaf abuses them I'd be warned/banned pretty quickly.
Did something happen to SalsaShark? What's with the hardhats?
CHEEZMO™;42776362 said:Take Hito-sama's advice. Not giving a shit was the best thing I ever did (didn't do?).
Had a big long reply, but screw it.
Yeah, I'll try to take things less seriously. I generally don't take Gaf seriously though.
I won't stop myself from posting things I like, but that doesn't mean I'm going to do it today. If something like "Guilty pleasure songs/music stuck in your head" comes up again, I won't stop myself from posting an MLP song I like for example.
Sounds like egoraptor. Is that the gaming grumps thing they do? Either way the animation is impressive and I love RE4 so win!
It's from Two Best Friends Play, which predates Game Grumps quite a bit.
Thanks, now someone needs to Luna and Celestia-fy some other ones because that RE4 one is probably one of my favorite pony crossovers ever.
Edit: Want to say again, that RE4 video is probably my favorite fan video with ponies. I've watched it 4 times now.
There's one for Portal 2 and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood too, if you haven't seen those.
So, basically most of Gaf then?
They don't post without recourse. They're walking on a knife edge, because they're not afraid of getting cut. Panda famously almost got PonyGAF destroyed completely with one single post.It just doesn't feel fair. I don't really have a desire to post pony stuff 99.9% of the time but I feel a gif/brohoof/ect would fit here and there.
I guess I feel left out. Everyone on gaf posts things they enjoy without recourse. Panda posting wrestle gifs like a mad man in the gaf strict thread for example. No one ever complains there. I can't share the things I like because it's considered socially unacceptable. I know it's niche, but then the anime thing comes into play. I don't see anyone ever go "LOL animie gifz har har" with K-on or something.
From my experience wandering into those kinds of threads in the OT, I would have to say that the vast majority of NeoGAF either doesn't care one way or the other about MLP, or that they're tolerant of differences.
It's a small minority that can't handle living in a world where bronies exist. I'm pretty sure that PonyGAF is bigger than the haters (assuming you include everyone on GAF who enjoys the show, not just those who identify themselves with the community). It doesn't always look that way because when those guys start one of their rage threads, the whole army of PonyGAF doesn't come crashing down on their heads, so it looks like a one-sided overwhelming wave of hate. Most of the community doesn't even jump in to try and counter it. Most bronies aren't looking to antagonize anything. Let them have their hate thread. Sometimes a few bronies can't help themselves, so they jump in swinging, and some other bronies who were watching might step in to try and settle things down, but most bronies aren't even watching, because those threads are really toxic, and I'd suggest you should stay clear of them. Don't allow haters to provoke you. It's not worth it.
Honestly, I would think that the "I gave this show a chance just to see what the buzz was about, and I'm just not feeling it, but hey, more power to you" crowd is bigger on NeoGAF than the haters.
They don't post without recourse. They're walking on a knife edge, because they're not afraid of getting cut. Panda famously almost got PonyGAF destroyed completely with one single post.
Everyone dies. Not everyone truly lives.
Don't get yourself banned trying to imitate a pro though. Bide your time and push the boundaries only when you feel that getting banned as a consequence would be worth it.
Razek, join us in IRC, we don't bite.hard
I tried but I wasn't really a fan. Also, nobody is like ever on.
There are 28 people on right now, with 8 active.
Edit: Also, that avatar is plush.
Just came across this, a recent Spider-man comic, I guess 4chan and a few others think this is Marvel's subtle Pony shoutout.
Just came across this, a recent Spider-man comic, I guess 4chan and a few others think this is Marvel's subtle Pony shoutout.
mmmmm....... wtf man wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf tw¡¡wtfHmm, but would Forester be willing to drink Celestia's milk?