Oh Razek...
Dat assDisclaimer: One pony may actually be a donkey.
Edit: Before I offend someone, Dash is in a similar situation to Scoot. Give her some better writing instead of shoehorning her lessons or plopping her into bad episodes (mare do well) and I would like her more.
You mean like Hurricane Fluttershy?
Razek's playing it smart, keeping distance from Scootaloo
That's true. It is most definitely her best role in an episode of the season. I really like her supportive nature in that one. Give me more of supportive/smart Dash and I would like the character more. Sadly, Mare do Well and Best Pet really plunk her down. Read it and Weep isn't so bad, it's just boring.
I wouldn't dare infringe on your territory.
Smart Dash, you say?
Anyway, pony list:
[B]Balloon Butt[/B]
Books McMagic
Quick Colors
Apples a la mode[/QUOTE]
Hmmmm... I think I'm beginning to see a theme here.
OK, I'm bored. We have a month until Season 3 so let's start up a conversation.
What were your rankings for the mane 6 and the CMC after season one and what are they now after season two.
Mane 6 for me hasn't changed.
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Twilight Sparkle
CMC after season 1
Sweetie Belle
After season 2
Sweetie Belle
CHEEZMO;42904846 said:How is that Twilight pic sexualised?
Speaking of pony list, I just want to point out that from the hundreds of such list I have seen, while all ponies have their fair share of being at the bottom I have never seen anyone placing Twilight Sparkle as their least favourite pony.
Speaking of pony list, I just want to point out that from the hundreds of such list I have seen, while all ponies have their fair share of being at the bottom I have never seen anyone placing Twilight Sparkle as their least favourite pony.
Can we have a page for the prettiest cello pony? Pictures of DJ Pon-3 not allowed unless they have Octavia in them.
You hardly ever ask so I don't see why not:
Octavia is probably my favorite fan-important background pony. Apple Fritter is cool looking and all but she just doesn't have the support that Octavia does to make her as interesting.
Gets me every time haha.
Fanon says Octavia is Pinkie's sister due to a similar colored filly in Pinkie's Sonic Rainboom flashback, which amuses me to no end.
If there's one bit of popular fanon I'd love to see the staff make canon, it's the Octavia/Vinyl Scratch relationship. No, I don't mean romantically. I really love the odd couple chemistry between the wild and rowdy DJ and the prim and proper cellist.
I find it funny that Octavia's cutie mark is a treble clef. As a cellist, her music should be written in the bass clef. Maybe she started with the violin?
She is a little pony, it's a Violin that looks really big next to her.
I find it funny that Octavia's cutie mark is a treble clef. As a cellist, her music should be written in the bass clef. Maybe she started with the violin?
This will end well.