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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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Scoot just needs to do some wing-ups.

[spoiler break]I didn't read that spoiler covered link to one of Lauren's chats, but am I correct in assuming she intended lil Scoot to be handicapped in that way?[/broken spoiler]

Unless there was another chat that I'm unaware of, the one you're referring to is a second-hand account of something Lauren apparently told someone who was working security at a con.

This security guard told us that Lauren told him that Scootaloo is "technically handicapped" (his words, maybe also Lauren's words, maybe not), and that she intended to eventually write an episode where Scootaloo tried to fly and keep up with Rainbow Dash, but failed, and that she'd be forced to accept that she'll never be Rainbow Dash, after which she falls back on doing things her own way, by riding her scooter, at which point she can sort of keep up with Rainbow Dash.

I think there's room here to believe that Scootaloo might some day grow into flying (Fluttershy was apparently older than Scootaloo when she fell to her death, and she flies just fine), but that it won't be as quickly as Scootaloo wants, and that you can't always measure yourself against an ideal physical specimen. I don't subscribe to the quick response everyone jumped to, that Scootaloo's confirmed handicapped, and that she's a Pegasus who will never be able to fly.

Which isn't to say that Scootaloo has any less value as a pony if she can't fly. Just that I would like it to be an option for her. Someday.

Also, since this is apparently a story idea Lauren never put on paper and isn't part of Scootaloo's personality as defined by the MLP:FIM show bible, the show doesn't necessarily have to go in that direction.

Awesome, thanks guys. These should give her a good idea of what to do.
Three main features to focus on, if you ask me.

- School uniform (can vary)

- Pink/purple stripes in dark (preferably dark blue) hair

- Incorporate her unique Cutie Mark in some way, preferably on something that is not white or pink

- Edit for feature #4 - Your sister is 100% allowed to be black, if she is black (I wouldn't know). It's very common for Human Twilight to be black.
My sister was bored


As a fan of the show, I laughed a lot.


I hear ya, Fluttershy, I felt the same way.



Quote that might explain why Season 3 only has 13 episodes:

"Yeah, yeah the cash spend you really have to do when you have a successful TV Series… In fact Hasbro Studios TV Shows has outperformed other TV Shows on the Hub by 74% rating with 4 of the Top 10 shows on the network right now. So as you look at great performance of TV Shows, you are able to produce fewer episodes in subsequent series than you need for earlier series. You know, kids love watching episodes over and over again but you have to add an element of newness but you don’t need to spend to produce entire new series again. You can add 13 episodes or a 26 episodes to a pool of 52 already produced Episodes. So therefore you are able to… with a success TV Series… produce fewer in a year. Overall, Hasbro Studios has greenlit over 800 half-hours of programming. We also still have several hundreds of half-hour programming that we are producing for the network and also looking at whether there are successful tv series we obviously then spend less per new series because we are able to produce newer shows."


Quote that might explain why Season 3 only has 13 episodes:

I don't think it's exactly "might explain why" so much as "does explain a big part of why". When it's Hasbro's CEO saying it, it's pretty much definitive. Although I think there are still a few more smaller reasons that factor in as well.

What Hasbro's CEO is saying, for those who need a translation, is that shows like MLP:FIM and Transformers Prime are some of their top properties, but they figure that if a show already has a lot of episodes, it doesn't need as many new episodes to stay fresh (especially if it's kids, because kids don't mind reruns so much as adults do), so if they cut MLP and Transformers down to 13 new episodes this year instead of 26, it means they can free up some money in their budget and then they can afford to give another completely new show a stronger start with 26 episodes instead of 13, which would probably be too weak a start and would likely kill a new show in it's first year, before it ever had a chance to develop.

Basically, MLP:FIM and Transformers Prime are going to take one for the team this year, because Hasbro thinks both of these shows are big enough to absorb the hit without significantly faltering in their job of holding up the network. Hopefully the Hub's lineup of new shows has a few gems in it and proves worthy of this kind of support.

Also, one of the biggest threats to these already-successful shows would be a possible failure of the Hub (which is still in a money-losing "growth" stage), so if MLP and Transformers can help create a larger group of strong shows, that will strengthen the network, and in turn make their own positions more stable.

BTW, now is probably also a good time to remind people that William Anderson (who is probably going to be working on Season 4 as soon as he wakes up) said that Season 3 would be short for "special reasons" and that it would be followed by multiple longer seasons.
Season 3 episode 3 synopsis (to be verified)

Overwhelmed with having to choose just one friend to spend time with, Pinkie Pie uses a magic mirror to clone herself.

First Aired: November 17, 2012, so no break between episode 2 and 3 like last season if true.

Yes. Just yes. This episode shall be excellent. I remember people suggested ideas like this before. This season sounds like it's going to be awesome.
How can everyone like that idea of an episode? It's a nightmare to me! Too many! AHHH! I already can't STAND ONE!

Anyway, posting again, as I finally found a Hot Topic near me that had a Derpy figure, that wasn't already sold. I SWEAR the bronys in the area where I live are greedy and hoarding mofos...I mean... hmm, let me explain.

I went to the local Hot Topic. They had around 16 Rainbow Dashes out. ALL OF THEM were not for sale, as ONE FUCKER bought them all! I complained to the store not putting them away as well, but I swear I know the dude who probably bought him via my 3DS group. We already don't get along, but this makes it even more obvious. (Yes I am taking it personally...grr!)

Anyway, as I had a gift certificate, I decided to get two Derpys, if any Pony Gaffers are interested, I may negotiate a trade or something if you want the other one. The box was a little bumped up, but better than the one I opened and gave to my sister.

I am either open to money plus shipping OR! If I could request, make the trade a drawing credit, as I have two very odd OC characters I would like to see made. One being a character I made named "Zed the Zony/Zorse" and his Bat-winged wifey. Or I have a HippoGriff I may like to commision. However, it depends. Hopefully I can figure out my issues with IRC and go on there again.

By the way, if I were a pony, I think I have decided I would be a burro. Suits me well as I am a bit of an ass! (and the whole Mexican Donkey thing was a nice little factoid I didn't know about).

Take care Pony Gaf. I may lurk, but I am always nearby!


I am either open to money plus shipping OR! If I could request, make the trade a drawing credit, as I have two very odd OC characters I would like to see made. One being a character I made named "Zed the Zony/Zorse" and his Bat-winged wifey. Or I have a HippoGriff I may like to commision. However, it depends. Hopefully I can figure out my issues with IRC and go on there again.

I am interested in this drawing concept.



By the way, if I were a pony, I think I have decided I would be a burro. Suits me well as I am a bit of an ass! (and the whole Mexican Donkey thing was a nice little factoid I didn't know about).

Take care Pony Gaf. I may lurk, but I am always nearby!

Wise choice, mine is a mule/donkey as well.


Neo Member
By the way, if I were a pony, I think I have decided I would be a burro. Suits me well as I am a bit of an ass! (and the whole Mexican Donkey thing was a nice little factoid I didn't know about).

Take care Pony Gaf. I may lurk, but I am always nearby!

I'd be a Pegasus, I'm joining the Air Force, and by what I associate with the USAF it wouldn't be quite right to be a dirt pony. But as a burro I wonder, where do you sit on the cherrychanga/chimicherry issue.

Also, this still cracks me up.


Kills Photobucket
How selfish must you be in this thread that you won't even allow one page to exist that has something you don't like? You don't like anthro ponies, we get it. Unfortunately, it's not just about you.

Here's a peace offering. A picture that is part human, and part pony (now I wish I had saved that Rainbow Bright picture from yesterday.).

I am interested in this drawing concept.

Yay, I do like it when I come up with ideas, but admittedly, the idea came about because I was searching around for all the pony/horse hybrids after looking up more on Kirins and Longmas, and found out about Zorses and Zonkeys.

There is a ranch near where I live I am tempted to go see what one looks like up close. Essentially, they are striped whatever horses they bred with the Zebra. (the ranch has Appaloosa Zorses, which intrigues me)

I already have a guy ponifying a Kirin from Monster Hunter (including a ThunderBlight cutie mark), beard and all.

Wise choice, mine is a mule/donkey as well.

Mule or donkey? There is a difference! One is stronger, but harder to tame (not to mention sterile), and the other, is a donkey. I don't know much else about them =p

I wonder if there is a Donkey pegasus....mwhahaha I'd be the first.

This question has been answered, but in my searches I found there are cave drawings of "Zebracorns" as well. Although what you are suggesting would be more like a Pegasi-mule. The one problem? I don't see a Pegasus slumming with a Donkey... because Racist Ponies. (Fluttershy is an exception, but I sincerely doubt she'll even do that)

There is a magic item in some strategy games that adds wings to any type of Pony, including centaurs, but I forgot what it is called... it's from Shining Force 2.

I'd be a Pegasus, I'm joining the Air Force, and by what I associate with the USAF it wouldn't be quite right to be a dirt pony. But as a burro I wonder, where do you sit on the cherrychanga/chimicherry issue.

If its Pinkie Pie asking the issue, I'd tell her to go buck herself. I don't like that Pony! (My brother loves her, so maybe its because I have to be contrarian to him).

I guess cherrychanga, both ideas are sick. I hate cherries. But...

dirt pony
GRRRR! I hate that term! (even though I use it myself..)
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