Sorry for the delay. Yep, I am in the High Desert area.. not too far from regular group meetings, but enough. Was much fun!Oh So we live relatively close to each other? I couldn't make the meetup due to work unfortunatelyMy sister and I REALLY wanted to go.
Wonderful job... I SEE A BURRO LAMP!She's finished!
*Custom pony plushie!!!*
I wouldn't mind trying to make Belle Eve in the near future, but I'm not too sure on that seeing as she is an OC for GAF.
As much as it would make me happy seeing Pinkie thrown out (for no particular reason mind you) This particular comic is dumb. I recall the original one being ways to get rid of Spike (thus why all that stuff is there). So, this wasn't funny ;/*There was a better one*
*Rainbow armor*
Owl, you don't have a nest. You live on everyone else's head. Or lately, my back!*Silly Owl*
*I don't hate this image*
Might I direct you this way?This Discordshy business has officially gone too far.
This Discordshy business has officially gone too far.
*Image of the creepy truth*
Also HII!!~~~ I think I have seen you before, although I am derpy at the moment. Hate being sick..
Wow, so awesome. Did that story ever get an update? Last I checked there were a couple chapters of a second story done around the time Season 2 started but it just stopped and I thought I remember hearing the author taking a break and letting the season pass so he/she doesn't overstep any canon.
Hello. Sorry to not write "hello message". I watched that thread near a year but got my account approval several weeks ago. So I just came here like to home.
And yes, there is a Stargate mlp crossover fic. Never read it myself, and I lost any interest I might have had when I heard about someone ended up shipping with Twilight.(Daniel I think it was...)
More phoenix's are always welcome!
And yes, there is a Stargate mlp crossover fic. Never read it myself, and I lost any interest I might have had when I heard about someone ended up shipping with Twilight.(Daniel I think it was...)
Thanks. Nice to meet everyone.Anyways, welcome Midnight Phoenix.
More phoenix's are always welcome!
And yes, there is a Stargate mlp crossover fic. Never read it myself, and I lost any interest I might have had when I heard about someone ended up shipping with Twilight.(Daniel I think it was...)
I find this is extremely common in crossover fics... I hate it moreso in the very few quality Halo ones I read.. (grr...really? The Chief and fucking Twi??? REALLY?!?!?)
Anyways, welcome Midnight Phoenix.
According to this map, I currently live in Canterlot.h-hoot!
Oh Pinkie Pie. What will she think of next?