american cartoons for children, nothing comes of it.

Good thing MLP is canadian
american cartoons for children, nothing comes of it.
Just forget the TV series and start getting your pony fix from the comics.
I don't think that's necessary yet. If the Alicorn stuff continues to be handled badly and comic Twilight stays normal than it might be a good idea. The comic needs fewer internet jokes and the writing for Rarity has to improve though.
Internet jokes? It's full of movie references, but I didn't notice any internet jokes.
The only internet joke i noticed was 'le close', and that's it as far as i can remember. People get worked up about the littlest things...
american cartoons for children, nothing comes of it.
american cartoons for children, nothing comes of it.
You're still ignored. I've explained this sooooooooooooo many times.hey owl unblocked me, time to post ponies kissing again.
You're still ignored. I've explained this sooooooooooooo many times.
After Season 3 you complain about this?Ah, the crap hour is upon us....
these are... kinda creepy.
I liked season 3. Might not have been as good overall as season 1 and 2, but it will still enjoyable, and I got a cliffhanger out of it. Pony puts out a season like S1 of TNG, then I'll worry.
S3's only big problem for me was that it could have used tighter pacing in most episodes, but the stories were solid. Sleepless in Ponyville is my second favorite episode in the series. While season 2 had higher highs than S3 (Hurricane Fluttershy), nothing in S3 hit the lows of S2 (MMMYstery and Mare do Well). I liked how Discord was handled, I like that all the ponies were giving soft endings that would have been acceptable had Magical Mystery Cure been the series finale. I'm eager for S4. There are a lot of different directions they go go form here, and of course, there's good and bad ways they could handle all of them. But these writers have earned my faith that they won't muck it up.
It put it in GAF terms, I believe.
And on another topic, I'm having fun with the latest comic...[IMG][/QUOTE]
Doctor, I expected from you to be a little bit more critical about this season. Specially considering that S3 presents the worse Celestia of the show. Instead of the wise and maybe a little bit mischievous leader, we had an irresponsible, sociopath and Machiavellian despot.
Bad stuff doctor, bad stuff!
Except it didn't...Specially considering that S3 presents the worse Celestia of the show. Instead of the wise and maybe a little bit mischievous leader, we had an irresponsible, sociopath and Machiavellian despot.
Except it didn't...
Oh , but she was!
- Leaving Discord with the mane 6 and then returning to Canterlot to do something else, as if there was something more important to do.
- Again, giving Twilight a spell that it's going to torture the poor pony and her friends.
Ponyville is a dangerous place. they've been through worse, including an incident Twilight knowingly caused.Machiavellian:
- Who cares if a few background ponies suffered, we have a new princess!
Celestia didn't coddle Twilight, least not after a point. Twilight had to learn how to do things on her own. She wants to the ponies to be able to handle things without her, to build them up.And just in case, there's a line that separates what you can blindly trust to someone and what you can't. S3 Celestia clearly crossed that line repeatedly.
He's not my favorite writer, but he's done good. Feeling Pinkie Keen is probably my least favorite of his episodes, but that was long back in S1.Oh, and one more thing. Dave Polsky wrote a lot of episodes of S3. Actually, he wrote more than any other writer. I thought you didn't like this guy.
She had to leave. Discord hates Celestia, she would have just complicated matters. Maybe if poor Fluttershy didn't have to do everything on her own because none of her friends would even try to reform him. Not to mention she left them the means to turn him back to stone if needed. Maybe Canterlot was suffering another Cockatrice attack.
Who says she knew what it did? Starswirl didn't have the elements, and who knows what would have happened when the spell was used with no Elements around. Even Celestia only kept the magic element with her after Luna's banishment.
Celestia didn't coddle Twilight, least not after a point. Twilight had to learn how to do things on her own. She wants to the ponies to be able to handle things without her, to build them up.
I don't know where you got the part of the magic element (Can't remember anything about it). And if Celestia didn't know what the spell did, it only reinforces my point of her being irresponsible. And to be honest, any discussion about that spell is going to be difficult. Not only is confusing as it gets, if I recall correctly the staff of the show is not even sure what it does.
Very first episode, you see Celestia defeat NMM and she's wearing the big crown thingy. It's logical to say she took the element of magic with her, as it was the only one of the elements not at the castle when Twilight and company found them 1000 years later.
We also know that Celestia has been watching Twilight. You're just trying to find ill intent where it's obvious that none exists.
As for Discord, he had to be reformed to be brought back. Just like the character he was inspired by, he was too powerful. And the characters had the ability to turn him back to stone. All they could have done is have him steal the elements again, and again. That would has sucked. Just like with Q, they had to change the relationship between him and the others by making him less of a villain. Even in the episode, Discord says he'll use his powers for good, most the time. He's still mischievous. The only difference is he now has a conscience and sees the consequences of blindly bringing chaos to the world.
Hmm... If I recall correctly, the magic element was lost or it was suppose to appear under certain circumstances. Can't remember correctly.
The light is blue-tinted, by a lot. Rarity's magic aura is blue and in all the examples of the basic light spell from the show, the light is the color of the aura. When Snips cast it, it was yellow and Twilight's is purple. So, I have the entire image is underneath a transparent blue layer set to Overlay in order to make that effect.
Basically, I took shading over-the-top for this one. I probably won't be quite as extreme with it for other images, but I figured it would be a good way to learn to shade properly. Also, Myke pointed out the Blur tool's virtues for me in Paint Tools SAI. I may have gone a little overboard in using it.
But I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Could be better if the same idea was drawn by someone better than me, but I've only been drawing for real for four months. Can't wait to see what I can do in another four.
EDIT: Is that a model? That's pretty cool. The small lights in her mane and tail are a nice touch.
Keep in mind that the more light you have on surfaces in a room, the more light you have scattered increasing the brightness of everything in the room. In other words, ambient lighting.The light is blue-tinted, by a lot. Rarity's magic aura is blue and in all the examples of the basic light spell from the show, the light is the color of the aura. When Snips cast it, it was yellow and Twilight's is purple. So, I have the entire image is underneath a transparent blue layer set to Overlay in order to make that effect.
Basically, I took shading over-the-top for this one. I probably won't be quite as extreme with it for other images, but I figured it would be a good way to learn to shade properly. Also, Myke pointed out the Blur tool's virtues for me in Paint Tools SAI. I may have gone a little overboard in using it.
But I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Could be better if the same idea was drawn by someone better than me, but I've only been drawing for real for four months. Can't wait to see what I can do in another four.
EDIT: Is that a model? That's pretty cool. The small lights in her mane and tail are a nice touch.
I really hope Ego gets tapped for an issue of the comics at some point.
Be careful what you wish for. When someone else got selected, they were forced to stop and take down any past or future fanart.
Be careful what you wish for. When someone else got selected, they were forced to stop and take down any past or future fanart.
Who had that happen to them? I notice Andy Price still has his stuff up on DA before he got into the comics.
Hey folks,
So I regret to announce that once again, due to circumstances beyond my control, I have had to delete ALL recent MLP artwork, including the official comic stuff. Turns out all official Hasbro artists have rules to follow which we were only just informed of.
Once again, I’m so sorry that I can’t share any Pony comic or fanart for the time being. Them’s the breaks when you get to work on a great comic series like this and I must respect Hasbro’s rules.
DISNEY stuff, on the other hand, the party keeps on rockin’Disney iz awesome.
Amy Mebberson, the new artist for the upcoming story arc.
Amy Mebberson, the new artist for the upcoming story arc.
Amy Mebberson, the new artist for the upcoming story arc.
#4 on the other hand was pretty bad - easily the worst so far. I was expecting Twilight to outwit Chrysalis or beat the changelings with teamwork, friendship or whatever. But instead, she just went super-saiyan and single-handly blast the the whole changeling army by herself. That's just lazy story writing.