Some random bits from Faust and Cindy Morrow on the production of the show.
Applejack's Dog Winonna was originally named Brandy, then Buckaroo
Gilda was originally named Grizelda
Suited for Success was originally called Dress for Failure
Applebloom was originally named Appleseed
Big Macintosh was originally Big Apple
Sweet Apple Acres was originally Big Apple Orchard
One Bad Apple was originally Bully For You
Carousel Boutique was originally Carousel Couture, and was an actual carousel with moving mannequins for Rarity's designs. Unfortunately the idea was rejected.
Ponyville was originally Fillydelphia
Celestia was originally Queen Celestia, and Nightmare Moon was Discord
Opal Essence was originally Ruby, but many gem stones are already trademarked for toys
Twilight Sparkle was originally Twilight Twinkle. Lauren actually wanted to name her just "Twilight", but there were legal issues there. Twilight Twinkle was also lacked due to the same legal stuff. No subtle jab at the Twilight Saga was used in the making of her final name.
Rarity's Element of Harmony was originally inspiration
Twilight Sparkle originally had dark blue hair with a light blue stripe
Diamond Dogs names are Fido, Rover and Spot (which has been revealed already)
Pinkie's Sisters weren't named, but ideas of Mince Meat Pie and Chicken Pot Pie were floating around.
Zecora was originally named "Shaman"
Bird in the Hoof was originally concieved as a tug-at-your-heartstrings style episode about losing a pet
Golden Oak Library was originally The Tree of Knowing
Pinkie Pie used to have a "Sugard Rush" power when she ate too much candy. She would plow through doors, and the Cakes had to replace theirs on a weekly basis
Rainbow Dash was originally a serial prankster, and Rob would mistakenly call her a "he" in meetings
Luna's original name was Selena
Scootaloo was originally supposed to get in a lot of schoolyard fights over not being
able to fly
Luna Eclipsed had a scene with Rarity making a pink princess costume for Luna
In Return of Harmony Applejack was scripted to climb to the top of the balloon to get to the basket to rope RD