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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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Is this a build-your-own comic program? If not, this needs to happen.

It is, on the website for Treehouse, the Canadian network for babies that MLP got shuffled off to.





But somebody used it's basic format for more original content.


Kills Photobucket
Caplan, if you're reading this, the new EQD poll sucks. No Celestia option, how dare you....

Making people chose between a genocidal pony and a pony that likes to brainwash others.


Caplan, if you're reading this, the new EQD poll sucks. No Celestia option, how dare you....

Making people chose between a genocidal pony and a pony that likes to brainwash others.

According to the news post on the poll, Celestia realized that Twilight has no sun/moon or kingdom to rule, so she made up a new made-up position. She either made it for herself, so she can gracefully retire and hand off her duties to Twilight, or it's just a consolation prize for Twilight.

The ponies of Equestria hijacked this process and organized an election to see who should get this new position. The first vote eliminated Celestia, and now it's down to Twilight and Luna.

The news said that this election spoiled Celestia's plans, which would suggest that Celestia was planning on keeping the title for herself, and handing off her duties to Twilight. In such a case, I think it's good that someone stopped Celestia, at least for now. It's also possible that her plans are spoiled because, even though Twilight is still in the running, she knows that Luna is going to win the vote.


please yes.

oh my god....
The environment is ripe for an actual one winged angel heel turn for Celestia. With Twilight having to face her former mentor for half the season, with the help of Luna, who steps in to guide her sister's former protege, in hopes of saving corrupt-Celestia's soul. Could that be the amazing never before done shit they have planned for Season 4? An actual dramatic plot for a girly cartoon??


what happens is that, the dark magic of Night Mare Moon possesses Celestia, so she becomes evil.

Luna turns to Twi and co for help, but Solar Eclipse, aka Evil Celestia, is too powerful.

they try throwing stuff at her, and using magic, and AJ throws her rope at her.

but nothing works.

Luna resorts to activating the forgotten weapons.

using ancient moon magic, the world begins to shake and a giant chasm appears.

6 giant metallic blurs shoot up into the sky.

Twi and co end up piloting giant pony mechs that were hidden away deep under ground.

as a team they are still no match, they use lasers but Solar Eclipse blocks them with shields.

they jump on her head with giant metal pony hooves, but it doesnt work.

they fight for a while but she wont go down...

untill they form Mega Pony Mech Daiakazu!!

all 6 separate pones come together and morph into an even bigger super pony mech.

they are on par with Solar Eclipse but still cannot defeat her.

they use even bigger lasers, but Solar Eclipse has even bigger shields.

they throw the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse at her, but all that manages to do is kill the Cutie Mark Crusaders who tragically were making macaroni art in their club house at the time.

Luna summons the Elements of Harmony in a last ditch effort of plot contrivance and lazy script writing.

the power of the Elements resonate with Daiakazu ascending it to Hyper Friendship Power Daiakazu Ultra. it becomes pink and now comes with cup holders and a DVD player in the back seat.

the giant pony mech uses its big ol metal unicorn horn and summons the Sword of Sparkles and wields it with great magic and beauty.

Solar Eclipse threatens to send the sun crashing into Ponyville.

the sun begins to fall from the sky, Twi is scared, but her sharp wit quickly hatches a plan!

the sun hurtles towards ponyville at a staggering pace.

Daiakazu races to stop it.

the mech positions itself behind were the sun is gonna crash into Ponyville.

they charge the sword up and pull the blade behind the big metal pony head.

Solar Eclipse laughs!

the sun is about to hit, when Daiakazu swings the sword like a big baseball bat and sends the sun careening into Solar Eclipses smug face.

she tries to flee, but failed to notice that Discord was hiding in a tree!

he thought, now is the time for revenge, and turned her horn, wings and feet into pizza.

he laughs as the sun smashes into her body and she is burnt to a crisp.

the sun keeps going and hits the Crystal Empire, killing Twis fake brother and the pink toy selling princess with the bad hair.

the sun merges with the crystal heart, creating a crystal ball with a flaming center that was very bright and sparkly and pretty.

it illuminated everything with color and joy.

Solar Eclipse was murdered in cold blood!


Luna went into the sunglasses manufacturing business and became a billionaire. Luna was now free to bring the moon down into her bedroom now that Celestia was dead. Luna cuddled with the moon every night and decreed her new title was 'Best Princess.' she developed the ability to traverse dreams and used the new power to mess with ponies heads for fun.

everyone realizes Twi and co have actually saved the planet 5 times now and they become celebrities.

Rarity hired an entire army of male pony slaves to take care of her and polish her horn with exotic oils. Spike becomes jealous and bursts into her house. he begins rubbing her horn with great vigor as he professes his love to her. Rarity realizes she loves him too and they move to Manehattan where they become married and live in an expensive apartment over looking the city. Spike is forced to polish her horn 20 times a day under threat of immediate divorce.

Fluttershys celebrity status elevates her self esteem and she musters enough courage to leave her abusive husband Angel the Bunny. she opens an all meat buffet style restaurant and becomes addicted to eating various kinds of animal meat. she regrets not eating meat sooner. her favorite barbecue sauce is spicy chipotle.

Applejack realizes she has an unhealthy relationship with apples and decides to join a pony monastery to cleanse her head of any thoughts of apples. after a month of intense meditation her soul reaches nirvana. she spends the rest of eternity hopping between dimensions and universes. she eventually finds a planet of apples, she relapses and becomes even more obsessed with apples and becomes apple queen

Sugar Cube Corner expanded into a franchise due to Pinkie Pie becoming famous. a year later Pinkie sadly died due to complications with her type 2 diabetes. the root cause was Sugar Cube Corners new Double Sugar Bucket of Sugar menu item. the franchise went under and Mr. and Ms. Cake filed for bankruptcy.

Rainbow Dash continued to struggle with her sexual identity. she was was caught with another female pony in her bunk and was discharged from Wonder Bolts Academy. she started a death metal band called 'Im not gay because my hair is rainbow colored, life is just full of cruel irony.' she went on to have a number one single called 'I hide in Twilights bathroom when she takes a shower.'

Twilight wrote a book called 'My Mentor Tried to Kill Me: How to Survive Internships' that documented her entire life and how she saved the world 5 times. the book became a number 1 best seller and later the book was adapted into a film. the film made millions of dollars from massive amounts of merchandise.

Twilight became so successful she eventually grew wings and she became the Princess of Whoring Out Intellectual Properties, which turned out to be stronger than the power of friendship.

she took her place along side Luna and ruled over Equestria and later struck a deal to make movie tie in sunglasses with Luna. Luna was still regarded as 'Best Princess' as no one liked Twilight with wings and they didnt understand why she got wings. Twilights ego was bruised but Luna messed with her head while she was asleep and Twilight mysteriously stopped caring afterwards.

Twilight has not spoken to any of the other ponies in years, only making a brief appearance at Pinkies funeral before she left to attend a meeting for her new line of cook ware. no one noticed Applejack was missing.

Derpy Hooves retired from being a mail mare. she opened a muffin shop and sold muffins peacefully. a rude pony was offended by her voice and messed up eyes and Derpy began to cry. the other patrons who loved Derpy were so enraged that they dragged the rude pony out behind the muffin shop and cut open his gut and ripped all his organs out and smashed his teeth in with a hammer and left him to bleed out in a dumpster. no one bothered Derpy again for fear of being brutally murdered by insane Derpy admirers.

Discord never came down out of that tree.

Daiakazu the giant pony mech was left abandoned and later became a makeshift shelter for homeless ponies. it continues to rot in a field to this day.


Kills Photobucket
Man, you people are way to giddy about Celestia going evil. Luna's the one who got the genocidal genes in the family.

I could see them going with a Lord of the Rings ending, with Celestia and Luna leaving at the end.

More likely nothing much will change in the end. I still don't buy into Twilight and Cadance being immortal like Celestia and Luna.

Have an awesome Celestia portrait.



Kills Photobucket
Well, when the enemy cheats and uses the power of love, which is the greatest thing ever.....

That or she took a dive so Cadance could do something in her own episode and not get totally upstaged by Chrysalis.


Man, you people are way to giddy about Celestia going evil. Luna's the one who got the genocidal genes in the family.

I could see them going with a Lord of the Rings ending, with Celestia and Luna leaving at the end.

More likely nothing much will change in the end. I still don't buy into Twilight and Cadance being immortal like Celestia and Luna.

Have an awesome Celestia portrait.

ooooooh that is a pretty picture.

...so you're secretly Lauren all along?

oh no now all the neck beard nerds know im here! my PM box will be flooded with bad fan art!




A new My Little Pony Busy Book has arrived and it includes 12 figures and a playmat in the set.

My Little Pony News is reporting that the set has been found at Walmart and Barnes & Noble, which you can actually order it from B&N's site now for just US$8.98.


Got this today! Now I know why they can keep the price so low: the figures included are actually super small - but they are pretty nice! Except Spike. And for some reason Dash, Fluttershy and Celestia have derp eyes. Gonna check out the book and playmat afterwork.

But for less than $10, I highly recommend getting this.


Unconfirmed Member
Got this today! Now I know why they can keep the price so low: the figures included are actually super small - but they are pretty nice! Except Spike. And for some reason Dash, Fluttershy and Celestia have derp eyes. Gonna check out the book and playmat afterwork.

But for less than $10, I highly recommend getting this.

Meh, first time purchasing a product of pony. I don't really care for it, it's to be viewed as a distance... and at sideways orientation. Most impressed by the CMC, but Scootaloo is a bit cracked. Spike looks alright on the side. Rarity apparently had an incident with acid on one side of her face. Coat colors on hair. No sense of scale... I'm just glad I can hand down this stuff to friends that would appreciate them more. Quick, cheap, presents.

Edit: Actuall, forgot to mention the place mat. Could be cool if you want 4 background scenery posters or something.


Some random bits from Faust and Cindy Morrow on the production of the show.

Applejack's Dog Winonna was originally named Brandy, then Buckaroo

Gilda was originally named Grizelda

Suited for Success was originally called Dress for Failure

Applebloom was originally named Appleseed

Big Macintosh was originally Big Apple

Sweet Apple Acres was originally Big Apple Orchard

One Bad Apple was originally Bully For You

Carousel Boutique was originally Carousel Couture, and was an actual carousel with moving mannequins for Rarity's designs. Unfortunately the idea was rejected.

Ponyville was originally Fillydelphia

Celestia was originally Queen Celestia, and Nightmare Moon was Discord

Opal Essence was originally Ruby, but many gem stones are already trademarked for toys

Twilight Sparkle was originally Twilight Twinkle. Lauren actually wanted to name her just "Twilight", but there were legal issues there. Twilight Twinkle was also lacked due to the same legal stuff. No subtle jab at the Twilight Saga was used in the making of her final name.

Rarity's Element of Harmony was originally inspiration

Twilight Sparkle originally had dark blue hair with a light blue stripe

Diamond Dogs names are Fido, Rover and Spot (which has been revealed already)

Pinkie's Sisters weren't named, but ideas of Mince Meat Pie and Chicken Pot Pie were floating around.

Zecora was originally named "Shaman"

Bird in the Hoof was originally concieved as a tug-at-your-heartstrings style episode about losing a pet

Golden Oak Library was originally The Tree of Knowing

Pinkie Pie used to have a "Sugard Rush" power when she ate too much candy. She would plow through doors, and the Cakes had to replace theirs on a weekly basis

Rainbow Dash was originally a serial prankster, and Rob would mistakenly call her a "he" in meetings

Luna's original name was Selena

Scootaloo was originally supposed to get in a lot of schoolyard fights over not being
able to fly

Luna Eclipsed had a scene with Rarity making a pink princess costume for Luna

In Return of Harmony Applejack was scripted to climb to the top of the balloon to get to the basket to rope RD


Meh, first time purchasing a product of pony. I don't really care for it, it's to be viewed as a distance... and at sideways orientation. Most impressed by the CMC, but Scootaloo is a bit cracked. Spike looks alright on the side. Rarity apparently had an incident with acid on one side of her face. Coat colors on hair. No sense of scale... I'm just glad I can hand down this stuff to friends that would appreciate them more. Quick, cheap, presents.


Edit: Actuall, forgot to mention the place mat. Could be cool if you want 4 background scenery posters or something.

That Spike is literally perfect.


Interesting, but isn't that going to delay the release even further if they have to port what's left of the game to a new engine?

They've got to redo most of the game anyway, in the form of the artwork. That's where most of the time will go, so changing to another (better) engine won't add too much of a delay and the benefits could be huge.


so those toys are not that good?

decent enough for the price i guess.

I don't own any other toys but just from looking at the photos they look a lot better than those brushables.



3d ponies in a video showing off all of Hasbros brands.

I like how it doesn't even stop at the pony sign because everyone already knows what it is.

Meh, first time purchasing a product of pony. I don't really care for it, it's to be viewed as a distance... and at sideways orientation. Most impressed by the CMC, but Scootaloo is a bit cracked. Spike looks alright on the side. Rarity apparently had an incident with acid on one side of her face. Coat colors on hair. No sense of scale... I'm just glad I can hand down this stuff to friends that would appreciate them more. Quick, cheap, presents.

Interesting...I'm not seeing those on mine.


Unconfirmed Member
Interesting...I'm not seeing those on mine.
As seen in the picture, Twilight is the biggest offender of it with those girths growing abound her head.
so those toys are not that good?

decent enough for the price i guess.
They are solid chucks of toy. Wings I guess are the most fragile things here, could break off if you bend em' enough. Good enough to withstand constant tosses at walls.
Haven't done that, but yeah.

And because no one cares about the story that comes with it...
-CMC goes around Equestria to find Cuite Marks
-Rarity must have been drugged, because agrees to get a 'manecut' by the CMC.
-CMC use more drugs to convince Spike to take them to Crystal Empire
-Scootaloo confirmed not air-bound
-Celestia cares enough to summon them to Canterlot, only to tell them to stay in school
-Twilight is a guest at school, teaching the stars
-Sweetie Belle asks questions; gets invited to Twilight's place
-Apple Bloom to stay on farm and get mark just like everyone else


Well, the Hub was great while it lasted


“Nikki Reed’s background as both a producer and an executive at top-level entertainment companies like Disney, NBC Universal, and Touchstone Television makes her the perfect person to lead our development and programming during this unprecedented time of growth for The Hub”

“The Hub is in a period of tremendous growth as it becomes a leader in the kids and family space,” said Reed. “Our goal is to utilize my relationships with writers, producers and talent to grow The Hub’s existing slate of programming and enhance it with more live-action series. I am excited to work with Margaret and The Hub team to carry out the creative vision to make smart, entertaining shows that appeal to both children and their parents."


live action shit.

'we desperately want to be Disney Channel and make trillions of dollars on terrible dreck starring talentless pre-teen girls.'

i dont like where the Hub is going.

No kidding. I watch the channel practically everyday and this is how they repay me?


"The Hub is in a period of growth."


Pure blood managers are quite special. At some point in their careers they consider common sense to be "obsolete", I presume that such feelings come from the inherent lack of accountability from their positions.
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