But again, I certainly saw what they were trying to do. Just a fun little "episode" while paying tribute to Faust's previous animated work. I mean I saw a YT comment going how he was disappointed because he expected RD to travel back in time and witness the founding of Equestria. That WOULD be cool to see in an ACTUAL episode, but that's not what the animation was going for.
In an unscheduled meeting last night, the German Pirate Party's executive board resolved to change the party's name to Pony Party. At the same time, they also agreed upon several important changes to the party's official corporate design.
From today on, the Pony Party, formerly known as Pirate Party of Germany, presents itself in a new look. The reason for the change of name and the new design that comes with it is the desperate need for a reorientation with regards to the party's political goals. A complete reboot was neccessary, especially taking into account several laws the federal parliament recently passed.
The Pony Party's chief executive, Bernd Schlömer, comments:
"With the new Leistungsschutzrecht, which grants publishers a kind of monopoly on internet articles, and with new laws granting police excessive access to citizens' personal data, Germany has once and for all turned itself into a banana republic when it comes to internet law.
Of course, that's an insult to countries that actually live on the production of bananas. Obviously, politicians in the German parliament lack any sense of reality. Even though a politicians' behaviour should be an example for all to follow, in reality, their lack of diligence and responsibility is clear for all to see when you take a look at how many of them actually bother to show up for the important parliamentary votes.
For politicians of established parties, who rely on one or two party executives to make their decisions for them and then forgo any sort of critical thinking under the guise of faction discipline, Germany as a whole and politics in particular seem to be a vacation at the pony ranch."
With that in mind, it seems only right for the Pirate Party to follow suit and adapt to the circumstances.
From today on, the German Pirate Party shall thus be known as the Pony Party of Germany.
Also, the simplified cartoon ponies - are those from something other than Friendship is Witchcraft? I think that's the only place I've seen them. Are they in a real episode somewhere? Incidentally, the most recent episode of that is a great example of dialogue done right.
Oh, and Luna has a new design to appeal more to the core demographic.
So, I've heard the Japanese VA for Apple Bloom is going to be Ikue Otani, aka the VA of Pikachu. Makes me wonder who they'll get for Sweetie Belle.
She also did Merle in Escaflowne.So, I've heard the Japanese VA for Apple Bloom is going to be Ikue Otani, aka the VA of Pikachu. Makes me wonder who they'll get for Sweetie Belle.
So, I've heard the Japanese VA for Apple Bloom is going to be Ikue Otani, aka the VA of Pikachu. Makes me wonder who they'll get for Sweetie Belle.
So, I've heard the Japanese VA for Apple Bloom is going to be Ikue Otani, aka the VA of Pikachu. Makes me wonder who they'll get for Sweetie Belle.
The whole AJ intro scene is pretty rushed, as it was in English, so I couldn't get a handle on how much her speech was accented.Amazing (just checked, it is indeed). I wonder if she actually speaks in the Kansai dialect.
I wouldnt assume that she's doing sweetie belle's singing. We don't even know if NMMs va will also be soing Lunas.Amazing (just checked, it is indeed). I wonder if she actually speaks in the Kansai dialect. Also, it'll be something to hear sing in Season 2 as well as her focus episodes like Bridle Gossip, Family Appreciation Day, and Cutie Pox.
401/402: is called “Wingin’ It”.
403: is called “Now You Sea Them…"
404: is called “Meet Princess Skyla”.
405: is called "The Student Becomes the Teacher: The Return of Sunset Shimmer"
406: is called "Luna-tic"
407: Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie in the season mini-arc of 407 "Pinkie Apple Pie", 414 "Pie in the Sky", and 419 "Maude Pie"
408: “Don’t You Dare” Rainbow Dash threatens to leave the Daring Do fandom when they turn her hero into an Earth Pony.
409: Our musical episode entitled "It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy" with Justin Bieber
410 "Oops" Rarity is the star of a play but is replaced by AJ.Twi forgets and tells everypony RY is the star. Ponies are pissed.
411: "Bats" It's just like the musical "Cats", but with, you know, bats. And ponies. But mostly bats.
412: "The Return of the Return of Harmony" Discord is back! And his new personality is kind of meh. Stupid writers
413: "Wrap It Up" Every loose end is tied up. Hilarity ensues when the ponies realize there are 13 more episodes to go.
414: (See 407)
415: "Who Are You?" David Tennant guest stars as a random, nameless background pony no one has ever noticed before.
417: "Just Forget It" The CMCs try literally everything they can think of to get their Cutie Marks. They don't. The end.
418: "Death Comes to Ponyville" Didn't bother to read it. Was super busy that week. I'm sure it will be fine.
419: (See 407)
420: “For Whom The Sweetie Bell Tolls” cuz literary and makes us sound smart and stuff and,dude, is anybody else hungry?
421: "It Ain't Easy Bein' Weezy" a hilarious parody of The Jeffersons. Look, they can't all be gold, people
422: “Best Pony” New pony comes to town and she’s cool and likes craft beer and Legos and has a typewriter Cutie Mark
423: “Spike and Rarity Sittin’ in a Tree” Nothing happens. That would just make things weird between them. Plus, his ex is totally psycho.
424: “Let the Games Begin” Shining Armor and Cadance join the professional wife-throwing circuit. Destroy the competition.
425/426: “Princess Discord” 2-parter in which Discord becomes a draconequalicorn and replaces Celestia. As she always intended.
News from Meghan.
I wouldnt assume that she's doing sweetie belle's singing. We don't even know if NMMs va will also be soing Lunas.
This is probably one of the best things ever
Just a little comission I made
Anyone watch Little Witch Academia?
That's awesome did you do these?