Q: Anything cool planned for the CMC in S4?
A: Yes!
Q: A lot of bronies are upset about alicorn Twilight. Without giving anything away, do you think S4 will keep everyone happy?
A: Yes!
Q: Are you tired of working on and talking about ponies?
A: Never!
Q: Will we ever see Rarity as the central character again? She stole every scene/episode she was in this season
A: Yes!
Q: Any chance Spike will get as much awesome moments/love in season 4 as he did (if not, more than) in season 3?
A: Yep.
Q: will Fluttershy be a main focus in more episodes?
A: yep
Q: Any big musical numbers planned for the next season? 'This Day Aria' was amazing!
A: Yes. So excited about S4 music.
Q: Will we be introduced to new characters?
A: Yep. Some really good ones.
Q: plan on adding in more pop-culture references throughout S4?
A: Definitely
Q: Thoughts on pacing? Are you continuing the "epic" tone in S3 or are you planning on slowing it back down at all?
A: Both
Q: Are there going to be any Slice-of-Life episodes in S4?
A: Lots
Q: How has it been working on S4 so far compared to S3 & 2? Was it ever overwhelming previously?
A: Less overwhelming than S3
Q: any new writers for the series?
A: Yes
Q: Coming to EFNW? (Also Bronycon and Nightmare Nights)
A: If they invite me
Q: Will we see more of Rarity's generosity in S4?
A: Yes
Q: Any chance of us finding out more about Equestrian history?
A: Yes
Q: if you were to describe season 4 in 1 word what would that word be?
A: Ambitious
Q: Will we get to see any more members of the mane 6's families?
A: Yes
Q: How would you describe the overall tone of S4? Will the focus be greater on drama, humor, or adventure?
A: Packed w/ all 3
Q: What's your personal favourite episode you've written? And by extension what's your fav #MLPFiM ep?
A: Hasnt aired yet
Q: Will Daniel Ingram still be doing lots and lots of awesome songs for us to remix in season 4?
A: Lots and lots and lots and lots
Q: etter question. Despite Twilight's new status she'll still have flaws and a lot of room for personal growth in S4 yes?
A: Yes
Q: How many more Alicorns should we be expecting?
A: 53