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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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It is sad that Hasbro wanted a tween series to go against Monster High, and decided to take the Pony out of "My Little Pony" and after the huge success of FiM didn't pick up Faust's Galaxy Girls.

After everything that's happened, I doubt Faust would want to give them Galaxy Girls...


Faust apparently is also angsting over Equestria Girls


Maybe, maybe not.

She complained about a toymaker tossing aside story in favor of toys that look like their customers. (American Girls)

She joined a former Disney artist in complaining about Disney redesigning a character to make her look more sexy. (Merida from "Brave", although I would disagree, I think Disney just re-drew her in the typical Disney style, and made her fit in with the other girls, instead of looking like a troll in comparison, which is something even Amy Mebberson ((current MLP comic artist)) has done.)

And she complained that the commercial for the new Star Trek movie only showed one girl, and that she was in her underwear.

It's possible that she was *wink wink* complaining about Equestria Girls, without actually complaining about Equestria Girls, because she isn't allowed to speak badly of Hasbro products anymore, or something like that, except that she currently works for Disney, so why would she badmouth he current employer as a way to avoid badmouthing one of her past ones?

Also, I think she noticed all the *wink wink* agreement in response to her tweets, so she tweeted that her previous posts are directly referring to Star Trek, American Girl, and Brave. Unless that's part of the *wink wink* going on. She was forced to deny it.

It's more likely that bronies are looking for Faust to join them in pre-judging Equestria Girls as something horrible. Faust ain't gonna bite on that. She's friends with Meghan McCarthy, and probably likes her even more than she likes us. She's not going to turn on her for no reason.


Here's an interesting take on Equestria Girls:

My Little Pony Gets Sexualized Teen Movie Reboot

I sent a link to the NY Times article (which is a promotional puff piece, not a critique) to my wife, Amy Terror, with no comment, and this was what she had to say: "I just threw up in my mouth a little. Do they really, really, I mean, really, think that they need to hypersexualize these young girls like this? And what I don't understand is that if they are "teenage girls in high school" why should children watch it?"

Who the fuck thought that what My Little Pony needed was to replace the ponies with sexualized, super skinny humanoid teens? All jokes aside, the primary audience for this is little kids, who are already innudated with this crap from every angle by every form of media.
If you're a brony, or, and I can't believe I'm going to write this, a "pegasister," don't buy this movie. Don't watch it. Speak out against it. Let Hasbro know that THIS is not what you like about this franchise.


Sure, if I sent a picture to some, no doubt that they would be skeptical to disapproving of it. But what about the material itself? What about the movie itself when it is released? Shouldn't that be the guidance in which people make their judgement? After all, a picture can only show so much.


Sure, if I sent a picture to some, no doubt that they would be skeptical to disapproving of it. But what about the material itself? What about the movie itself when it is released? Shouldn't that be the guidance in which people make their judgement? After all, a picture can only show so much.

In the last decade this argument has been made against countless reboots and re-imaginings, and alot of the time, the skeptics were on point.

Hasbro did it three times.


Sometimes people can smell shit before they have to see it. And can live comfortably knowing that most likely they avoided shit.


Kills Photobucket
Sure, if I sent a picture to some, no doubt that they would be skeptical to disapproving of it. But what about the material itself? What about the movie itself when it is released? Shouldn't that be the guidance in which people make their judgement? After all, a picture can only show so much.

If you're watching and enjoying My Little Pony, I think it's pretty silly to not at least entertain the possibility that the people who made that show might make this good as well. Sure it's probably not going to be a great feat in television the way FiM was, but I really doubt this is going to be...




It really is unnecessary. I mean it is understandable to be disappointed in how season 3 ended and concerned for where the show might be headed but that really isn't any reason to start attacking the staff.

And yet..

It's official Meghan McCarthy is a sellout.
If she had any integrity at all she'd leave FiM and look for better prospects before working on this abomination. I will not give this a shot. I have lost whatever little faith I had in her and her team. They better not fuck up season 4.

I really do hate this fandom sometimes. Its those people that deserve the ridicule that the fandom often receives (I'm not specifically meaning you, brian557, just to clarify).

I used to wonder what friendship could be...


And yet..

I really do hate this fandom sometimes. Its those people that deserve the ridicule that the fandom often receives (I'm not specifically meaning you, brian557, just to clarify).

I used to wonder what friendship could be...

I'll admit I made those comments in anger but I never once personally attacked or threatened any of the creators.


Kills Photobucket
I'll admit I made those comments in anger but I never once personally attacked or threatened any of the creators.

It's official Meghan McCarthy is a sellout.
If she had any integrity at all she'd leave FiM
and look for better prospects before working on this abomination. I will not give this a shot. I have lost whatever little faith I had in her and her team. They better not fuck up season 4.

So... hypothetically, if you WERE to personally attack someone, what words would you use?
It really is unnecessary. I mean it is understandable to be disappointed in how season 3 ended and concerned for where the show might be headed but that really isn't any reason to start attacking the staff.

But, but they're ruining the thing that gives their life meaning!

Yeah, it's really sad that people are attacking someone who's doing their job. Equestria Girls isn't the devil, it hasn't ruined anything. It's just Hasbro trying to make more money off a long, established franchise built to make money. No one should be surprised by or upset about this.


So the big theory now is "Sunset Shimmers" is the Anthro universes Twilight.

I think that would be really neat if true.

Then who stole the crown in the first place?

How could anyone hate on someone who just made such a perfect Star Wars reference? Honestly now.
Dammit, I knew she was referencing something, but I couldn't remember where the line was from. Time to rewatch the original trilogy I guess.


Setec Astronomer
That was my point. If she was the alternate universe's Twilight, how could she have stolen the crown? Unless she's originally human and came to Equestria specifically to steal the crown, which would be ridiculous.
It would certainly be more interesting. lol


So, I haven't posted about Pony Season 3 in a while. So I should post pony.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3 Episode 7: Wonderbolts Academy

It was a really, really straightforward episode, but enjoyable nonetheless. The thing that wasn't straightforward to me was the message of the episode. I thought it could've been about teamwork, "you do not have to put someone down to rise to the top," things like that. Turns out it was a mix of those. Still well-handled, in my opinion. I like that it wasn't immediately clear that Lightning Dust was going to serve an antagonistic role in this episode, and that it only became clear later on. Sure, in the beginning you could've begged her as a competitive rival of sorts, but it wasn't expected for her thinking to enter "if I'm that good of a cadet, screw everyone else" territory. She's too selfish (not listening to Rainbow Dash when hunting for the red flag), and while she respects ability and excellence, it's another thing to respect it so much that it dwarfs your sense of compassion or common courtesy. That whole sequence where she was being escorted away seemed excessive to me but not objectionable.

The other interesting thing to me about this episode was that it concluded Rainbow Dash's Wonderbolts aspirations. It's not something that comes into play that often throughout the course of the show, and although it's important to Rainbow Dash that she wants to join the Wonderbolts, I feel like after Season 1 if Rainbow Dash never mentioned the Wonderbolts again I would've forgotten about them. Now that she's in...I'm guessing her life isn't going to change all that much. If it did, it would take away from the dynamic of the Mane Six and the need for them to interact. But anyway, Rainbow Dash was very interesting this episode. She isn't Loyal to a fault. The Academy was clearly designed as some sort of military parallel. She was eager to prove herself, and skilled enough to excel. But see, the other "moral" direction I thought they were going for was the questioning of authority. It's interesting because on some level Rainbow Dash is so amazing that she, at least at first, can't see herself as not being a lead pony. The response by Spitfire was sort of valid. In so far as it affects her lead/wing pony placement who gives a shit if Lightning Dust pushes herself more, but it would've been fine enough if the assignments were arbitrary so that the ponies would learn about teamwork. Which was the point of the pairing exercise. Lightning Dust's placement isn't so important as Rainbow Dash's reaction: Rainbow Dash adjusts to being a wing pony pretty quickly.

And the end of the episode was great--Rainbow Dash saves her friends, is willing to quit the Wonderbolts because of her perceived differences. The latter might not have been entirely necessary, but it was very admirable from Dash, considering how much she had invested in the Academy, as far as training, emotionally, etc. Sure, she objects to some things too late (hurricane was awful idea), and it's a little weird how selective her objections are, but I don't feel that's important here. It's consistent with her character, which is good if not always agreeable. I would expect only a super upright (not uptight) pony like Twilight Sparkle to object every time Lightning Dust or Spitfire did something lame. Other ponies have gotten away with shit or don't object when they could too, like Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack if she gets too stubborn.

Other ponies...a problem this episode. It's not so great to have other ponies and then have them speak two lines. This is a problem for Rarity and Fluttershy here. I almost would've preferred just not using them, as extreme as that may sound, because it could have been any other pony. It's important that other ponies show up at all, because it recalls Sonic Rainboom and the other ponies showing up there too, but...man, I haven't seen that episode in a long time, but I don't remember ponies being that underutilized. At least Pinkie Pie was amazing. I like the "camera work" when she was at the mailbox describing her tale of hypothetical woe to Applejack. I love worrisome Pinkie Pie. It's...cute. Twilight and Applejack weren't stealing the show but they were fine here.

So, summary: Rainbow Dash was handled very well this episode, Pinkie Pie gdlk, other ponies? Of course, criticism or thoughts are welcome

So... hypothetically, if you WERE to personally attack someone, what words would you use?

On the other hand, how would he level the accusations he did at McCarthy otherwise? Calling someone a sellout is pretty big, but it's not something inappropriate in of itself. And as he said, it's different from indignantly harassing someone on twitter.

That aside, it still looks awful.

Here's an interesting take on Equestria Girls:

My Little Pony Gets Sexualized Teen Movie Reboot

Fascinating read, thank you so much for posting. I eat stuff like this up, would love to see more commentary on culture. I just found out about a site called OverthinkingIt, which you guys might like if you're overthinking pop culture.

That Victorious toy sounded hilarious, if a bit suspicious. I think that YA shows can have latent sexual subtext, and Victorious would seem to be such an example. Some of the gifs I've seen throughout GAF recall foot fetishizing. I'm not calling for some purity of all entertainment, I don't consider myself a "family values" person, however I think it's unnecessary and a symptom of patriarchy bleeding into entertainment.

It suffers a bit for hyperbole, though let's be clear he's doing it for comedic effect. That being said, I don't think the characters are hypersexualized, but the designs to me passively recalls gender norms and are on some level sexist. I can see how Lauren Faust is mad. For the characters, original FiM generally took gender out of the equation as part of our consumption experience (in so far as it had little impact on how we appreciated the world and the characters, and at least showed us a world beyond traditional human gender norms.)
Found this on Derpibooru and thought it was interesting

Fluttershy is left handed/hoofed. Not sure if it's a crazy coincidence, or some damn good continuity.

Anyway, the more I find out about EQ, the less enthusiastic I am :/ Why couldn't they just go for a Magic Girl setup like mauroz's charming little series.



That Victorious toy sounded hilarious, if a bit suspicious. I think that YA shows can have latent sexual subtext, and Victorious would seem to be such an example. Some of the gifs I've seen throughout GAF recall foot fetishizing. I'm not calling for some purity of all entertainment, I don't consider myself a "family values" person, however I think it's unnecessary and a symptom of patriarchy bleeding into entertainment.

I've never watched the show, but here's the video in question.


Personally, I don't think it's a filthy song about wanting to fuck anyone, it's about recognizing and unleashing/celebrating (through daydreams and fantasy) some repressed, taboo feelings that aren't supposed to exist (but very much do). And the farthest she goes with the fantasy is handholding. Scandalous! Kids these days...

I figure it's no more "institutionalized sexism" than the 80's song "Jessie's Girl" about a guy having trouble containing his attraction towards his best friend's girlfriend.


I've never watched the show, but here's the video in question.


Personally, I don't think it's a filthy song about wanting to fuck anyone, it's about recognizing and unleashing/celebrating (through daydreams and fantasy) some repressed, taboo feelings that aren't supposed to exist (but very much do). And the farthest she goes with the fantasy is handholding. Scandalous! Kids these days...

I figure it's no more "institutionalized sexism" than the 80's song "Jessie's Girl" about a guy having trouble containing his attraction towards his best friend's girlfriend.

Oh, okay. That song's not bad, didn't watch the video. I suppose that's the article's hyperbole.

I think the song is hilariously and unintentionally awkward...like "Hot for Teacher," how it has such a specific target. "Hot for Teacher" was a little more sexual. Geez, "BFB"..."BFB"...who says that?

I think the song is also awful to listen to, just cause of how it sounds. =P I know about "Stacy's Mom" but I like the musical style for that much more than this. Subject matter is bizarre for me (an entire song about wanting your best friend's brother?), but nothing to get worked up for.

also...in hindsight, my use of "young adult" to describe Victorious is off


So, I haven't posted about Pony Season 3 in a while. So I should post pony.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Season 3 Episode 7: Wonderbolts Academy

My take away from the episode was that Spitfire cemented her place as worst pony. Part of the reason Lighting Dust behaved that way was because they were encouraged to do so. Immediately after being called out by Dash, she threw LD under the bus and pretended she was right all along.


My take away from the episode was that Spitfire cemented her place as worst pony. Part of the reason Lighting Dust behaved that way was because they were encouraged to do so. Immediately after being called out by Dash, she threw LD under the bus and pretended she was right all along.

Yeah, I felt the same. Dust is obviously a jerk, but Spitfire and the gang encouraged and reinforced her behaviour every step of the way. I was so excited when Dash put her hoof down and resigned, so seeing the episode end the way it did was super disappointing.

There was the potential there for a great lesson about seeing the reality of your childhood dreams for what they really are, rather than what you'd like them to be, but sadly they tossed that opportunity aside for a half-assed feelgood ending.

Shortly after watching the episode I took a stab at some ways to "fix" the episode without ending on a downer (i.e. having Dash realise that the Wonderbolts suck, and that she should find a new life goal):

1) Don't expel Lightning Dust. If the Academy allowed her to get away with the crap she did, then she shouldn't be given the boot retrospectively. Dust's punishment is losing the respect of her peers, including Dash.
2) Switch the teams up. Put Dash with another pony, and don't mention whether she's the lead or not. Show Dust's new teammate trying to reach out to her.
3) Explain Spitfire's actions. Show that while she was aware of Dust's recklessness, she was letting it slide in the name of encouraging Dust's ambition. Have her admit this mistake, and apologise to everyone, including Lightning Dust. It wasn't the way a professional outfit should behave, and everyone needs to know it.


It's not necessary watch equestria girls to know what happened. That girl stolen Twilight's crown to became a invincible prom queen. Twilight go there, find a boyfriend, became the prom queen and back to Equestria with the crown. After that the twilight of that dimension arrived to don't let the new friends sad.

The only thing that left is trying to gess the amount of references and easter eggs they will put to trying to please the bronies. Dj. Pon-3 and scootaloo dancing the chicken dance are two of them.


It's not necessary watch equestria girls to know what happened. That girl stolen Twilight's crown to became a invincible prom queen. Twilight go there, find a boyfriend, became the prom queen and back to Equestria with the crown. After that the twilight of that dimension arrived to don't let the new friends sad.

The only thing that left is trying to gess the amount of references and easter eggs they will put to trying to please the bronies. Dj. Pon-3 and scootaloo dancing the chicken dance are two of them.

Where does everybody keep getting this? The trailer says nothing about it, and neither does the synopsis material.


Where does everybody keep getting this? The trailer says nothing about it, and neither does the synopsis material.

Because it is a prom girl thing. Every prom girl movie needs a transform scene, a dance scene and a beauty girl that is a dutch and will get screwed in the end.

For the dance scene, Twilight will need a boy... so...


It's not necessary watch equestria girls to know what happened. That girl stolen Twilight's crown to became a invincible prom queen. Twilight go there, find a boyfriend, became the prom queen and back to Equestria with the crown. After that the twilight of that dimension arrived to don't let the new friends sad.

The only thing that left is trying to gess the amount of references and easter eggs they will put to trying to please the bronies. Dj. Pon-3 and scootaloo dancing the chicken dance are two of them.

How exactly do you make a double post that are 10 minutes apart -


Hey guys season 2 dvd is out

Edit: new comic out too...for those who have been buying physical copies, where do you guys get them? I've been buying from midtowncomics.com but their search system kind of sucks and apparently some sites like mycomicshop.com actually let you pick the covers.
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