Since I am new new to both this fandom and the Gaf pony community, I would like to get to know you guys a little better by learning about your story. How did you become a fan of this series? What was your first exposure to FiM? Were you sold instantly on it or did it take time for it to grow on you? Are you open about your love of this show or do you keep it a guarded secret?
I can start by sharing mine. My first exposure to MLP happened right here on Gaf. I am a huge Star Craft 2 fan, and in early 2011 Gaf would regularly host tournaments. While I never actually participated in them, I did follow the tournament thread by reading all of the results and downloading and watching replays. One particular player, Panda Man, would always report on his games by posting images/gifs of candy-colored equines to express his feelings on how the match went. These included Fluttershy doing her scream from Green Isn't Your Color, or Pinkie Pie going insane or the ponies cheering when he won a match. I had no clue what the hell was going on. I didn't immediately associate them with My Little Pony and couldn't figure what the hell I was looking at. Then, more tournament players started posting similar images. I was left confused, thinking maybe it was some weird internet cartoon.
Now, as much as I love Star Craft, my heart truly belongs to board games. I used to run a regular board game group every Saturday at a local store called Gamer's Inn. The place was huge, expanding into several buildings inside the complex. This allowed many...odd fandoms to seek refuge there, since it was dark and spacious so they could find some dank corner to hide in. Well, shortly after seeing Panda Man's pony threads those adorable characters started slowly making their appearance in Gamer's Inn. They began by appearing on the white board, then on the notice boards and finally pretty much any available surface. Then I began noticing guys in the their teens and older wearing pony related t-shirts, backpacks, belts, and hats. Finally, I had to ask my group if they knew what this was all about, and that is when I first learned of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic phenomenon. It turned out that guys from my board game group watched it also, and went on to describe the characters, the music and the animation with great enthusiasm. I thought the whole thing sounded ridiculous. Grown men watching My Little Pony? A show that is about tea parties and playing princess? They assured me it wasn't like that, but I grew up in the 80's and remembered that show as being the most vapid and pandering thing ever. Well, my friends are weird, so I just brushed it off and figured it was some internet trend that would end in a few months.
Well, those months went by and the ponies were in full-on invasion mode at the game store. Ponies were everywhere. It was impossible to look in any direction without being bombarded with pony imagery. It got so prolific, that the owner of the store enacted the "Pony Final Solution" and banned all pony-related material. If you came in wearing a shirt, you were asked to leave. If you were caught drawing ponies on the white board, you were temporarily banned. Slowly life became normal again at the store, but, if I was being honest with myself, I started thinking those ponies were really adorable and well designed. My friends had stopped watching the show, so I figured that the ponies were behind me now and the trend was coming to an end. I was wrong.
While ponies had been forced out of the game store, they continued to be very prevalent here on Gaf. I started, for whatever reason, reading pony related threads. I remember seeing Myke Greywolf design the Gaf pony and followed the origins of the community thread. I am a huge animation nerd, it really is my favorite form of media. I will watch a good animated film or show over just about anything. So, I finally decided to see what made people like this show so damn much. It was popular for a reason, and I did discover Avatar: The Last Airbender by being curious as to why people like it so much and that went on to be one of favorite shows of all time. I figured maybe ponies could be the same. The first episode I watched was Art of the Dress. Probably not the best episode to start with since it pretty much confirmed my suspicions that this show was ultra-girly. When Rarity started singing I cringed and skipped the song entirely. I decided I would watch one more episode since I really did think the animation and art direction were really good and I don't like making a judgement on something until I am at least a little bit more informed. The next episode I watched was Boast Busters. I enjoyed this episode a lot more. I really liked Trixie, and actually felt the other ponies were a little harsh on her for just hyping up her act. Don't all magicians oversell themselves? Isn't some of that kind of point? Well, I thought the Ursa Minor was really cool and thought Twilight Sparkle was a pretty great character but I wasn't officially sold on the show. I got what other people saw in it, but decided it wasn't for me.
Flash forward to January of this year, I found myself facing a personal crisis. I won't go into any details, mainly because I am some random guy from the internet so who cares, but needless to say I found myself feeling very worried and depressed. Which doesn't happen a lot, and often pass over quickly. Not this time, and I found myself really slipping into despair. One night, when I was feeling really bad, I found myself in front of my TV browsing through Netflix when I came across My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Those damn characters looked so cute and happy on the cover I decided to give it another go. I figured maybe the show could help me feel a little better. I picked Watch Where You Sleep based on the description and then...something just clicked while I watched it. It's not a particular memorable episode, but for some mysterious reason, it just really connected with me. So I went upstairs to check out a more recent episode, to see how the show has changed since season 1 in terms of animation and design and found Magic Duel. I loved it.
So I watched a few more season 3 episodes and was sold. I went back and watched all of season 1 and 2 and just couldn't get over how smart the writing was, how it broke girls t.v. tropes and how wonderful the musical numbers were. After watching The Best Night Ever, I knew I was hooked. I couldn't get over how well produced that song was, it went way beyond normal kids fare and, in my opinion, rivaled the best of Disney. My depression went away, and I was able to overcome the crisis I was facing.
I have been fan (albeit a closet one) ever since. This is the only time I can remember where I actually follow fan related projects. The Brony community is wonderfully talented, providing great remixes, original songs and beautiful art work. I think the thing I am most thankful for about MLP is that it has rekindled my desire to draw again. It has been too long since I have done it consistently, but I am only truly happy when I am creating something, and ponies have helped me rediscover that.
TLDR: Ponies are great. What is your story?