We Love Fine Facebook Page said:Heads Up, My Little Pony Fans! Comic-Con International Special Announcement!:
We have 300 of these BRAND NEW "Snuggle Bubble Muffin" Vinyl Figures, designed by Sajira, available at our booths at San Diego Comic-Con! If you purchase $100 of My Little Pony items, you can purchase her for an additional $20!
Find us at ‪#‎SDCC‬ here!!:
WeLoveFine: Booth #5647
PvP Online: Booth #1235
Gaslamp Pop Up @ Hilton Gaslamp, 401 K Street (2nd Level)
And get yo'self some MUFFINS! Om nom nom nom nom...
I love how neatly the whole Sweetie Drops/Bon Bon issue can be solved in the Slice of Life universe.
From left to right: Bonnie, Bombe, Bon Suite, Bonelle, Bon-Bond, Bonita, Sweetie Drops, Bon-Bon (and, of course, Lyra
[And then their story]
Okay! In descending order of age (eldest to youngest):
Bonnie is the grumpiest of them all. Shes rude, mean-spirited, and doesnt ask before using everypony elses stuff (e.g., in this page shes hanging out in Bon-Bons room and using her hoof-file. Bon-Bon still hasnt gotten through all those apples). Then again, she did grow up with six identical younger sisters, so maybe that explains some of it. She ostensibly takes care of the house, but doesnt really do a very good job. Her cutie mark is three sour candies.
Bombe is basically the definition of a cloud-cuckoo-lander. Who likes ice cream. A lot. Shes the artist in the family; her paintings are critically hailed as masterpieces of modern art, but she prefers to live a simple life in Ponyville (or maybe she hasnt noticed, the jury is out). Her cutie mark is an abstract medley of color and form that provides sharp contrast to the flank behind it, inviting the viewer to contemplate it as not only a work of art, but a piece of the artists very soul. By complete coincidence, it happens to look exactly like candy.
Bon Suite is not exactly grumpy, she more just doesnt care about much except her flowers. The only sister who can really get through to her is Bonelle, probably because shes willing to put up with Bon Suite talking about flowers all the time. She takes care of the gardens around the Bon cottage, although shes let it get sort of out of hoof. Her cutie mark is round flower seeds with wings, to represent how her love of gardening makes her heart take flight. and, uh, theyre blue- and yellow-striped for some reason.
Bonelle is a chef and baker. She does most of the cooking for the Bon family, although her real passion is breads (the big red thing outside their house is her bread oven, lets pretend I drew it better). Shes quiet and mostly keeps to herself, except for her PFF Bon Suite, and is probably the second-least grumpy Bon. Her cutie mark is three wrapped bread rolls.
Bon-Bond is [REDACTED]
Bonita is snappish, but mostly because shes exhausted from working long hours at her banana stall. Shes dedicated to her work and an aggressive salespony who has a hold on 52% of the banana sales in Ponyville. Her cutie mark is three banana slices, wrapped in her business distinctive blue-and-yellow gift wrap.
Bon-Bon is the least grumpy! She can be irritable sometimes, but shes mostly cheerful and willing to work with other ponies. Her cutie mark represents her love of making candy; she specializes in difficult-to-make sweets, like bubble-truffles. Lyra has given her an appreciation for classical harp music (luckily, Lyra already had an appreciation for candy).
Sweetie Drops is an attention-seeker. She always wants her name to be on everything.Her cutie mark represents how she thinks blue and yellow should stay separate, because she hates green.
I haven't had a chance to thank you guys for pointing out "Slice of Life." I am typically not very fond of fan works, but this comic is amazing! I love the way she explained the whole Bon Bon thing. Wonderful stuff.
Do bat ponies give rabies? Or are they actually vampiric?
SDCC 2013 MLP Panel Exclusive Season 4 Clip
No actual animation, just storyboards with voicework and partially finished sound. Anyway, some interesting stuff in there:
A Scootaloo episode where they adress her inability to fly
Apple family song
Spike wakes up in Maretropolis and finds that the mane 6 have become superheroes. Dream sequence perhaps?
Luna transforming into Nightmare Moon in a pretty epic fashion. Some sort of time travel at work?
SDCC 2013 MLP Panel Exclusive Season 4 Clip
No actual animation, just storyboards with voicework and partially finished sound. Anyway, some interesting stuff in there:
A Scootaloo episode where they adress her inability to fly
Apple family song
Spike wakes up in Maretropolis and finds that the mane 6 have become superheroes. Dream sequence perhaps?
Luna transforming into Nightmare Moon in a pretty epic fashion. Some sort of time travel at work?
SDCC 2013 MLP Panel Exclusive Season 4 Clip
No actual animation, just storyboards with voicework and partially finished sound. Anyway, some interesting stuff in there:
A Scootaloo episode where they adress her inability to fly
Apple family song
Spike wakes up in Maretropolis and finds that the mane 6 have become superheroes. Dream sequence perhaps?
Luna transforming into Nightmare Moon in a pretty epic fashion. Some sort of time travel at work?
Daniel: 15-20 new songs in S4. Bringing in new singers (new characters). Somebody joked "Derpy" and Daniel asked who else. People call out tons of names and he repeats a few out loud: Luna, DJ-PON3, Sapphire Shores.
Q: Is there going to be a soundtrack?
Mike: We're working on it, hopefully we will make that happen.
Tara: S4 Twilight handles everything with her adorkable skills even if she's a princess, still wants to face adventures with her friends. She's still Twily, she's just Princess Twily.
I think people are jumping to conclusions about that Scootaloo bit. It came off much more as a "late bloomer" thing than a disabled thing to me.
I think people are jumping to conclusions about that Scootaloo bit. It came off much more as a "late bloomer" thing than a disabled thing to me.
Since then, a number of people have been jumping on the Scoots=disabled bandwagon, and pestering Meghan on twitter to make her disabled.
Makes me wonder if we'll ever get aepisode as well...Sweetie Belle uses magic
Oh for fuck's sake
She used magic the first time she had a scene. edit- Maybe I'm remembering this wrong.It is odd that Scootaloo gets flack for not being able to fly, but no one bats an eye at Sweetie Belle not using any magic.
She used magic the first time she had a scene. edit- Maybe I'm remembering this wrong.
Ok I thought I remembered her in the rarity sister's race episode her trying and failng to move stuff around?Only time I remember her using magic was in One Bad Apple when she sent a few sparks up becasue she was excited.
HD VERSION: SDCC 2013 MLP Panel Exclusive Season 4 ClipSDCC 2013 MLP Panel Exclusive Season 4 Clip
No actual animation, just storyboards with voicework and partially finished sound.
About two years ago, someone asked Lauren "Why can't Scootaloo fly?", and Lauren answered "No reason. She just hasn't figured it out yet."
More recently, a guy working backstage at a con claimed that he asked her the same question, and she told him that Scootaloo was disabled, she just never got around to writing that episode, and she's not in charge anymore, so Meghan might write something different. Since then, a number of people have been jumping on the Scoots=disabled bandwagon, and pestering Meghan on twitter to make her disabled.
The folly of blackout policies.HD VERSION: SDCC 2013 MLP Panel Exclusive Season 4 Clip
Should watch this or just avoid the internet for the next 8 months
HD VERSION: SDCC 2013 MLP Panel Exclusive Season 4 Clip
Should watch this or just avoid the internet for the next 8 months
Does this begin airing in September?
So excited after watching those season 4 clips!I love that new Apple Jack (best mane 6 pony) song! Seems like an interesting idea too, putting Pinkie Pie on a road trip with the Apples. I wonder if they are going to Pinkie's rock farm? And a flash back where we see Luna transform into Nightmare Moon? Oh, man. Can't wait!
And poor Scoots! It looks like they are going to deliver on one of Lauren Faust's concepts about Scootaloo:. Does this begin airing in September?being bullied about not being able to fly
I don't think that's a flashback