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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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Kills Photobucket
Ego really needs to write an episode of the show. Her writing is fantastic.

And today's update has the best ponies, Pegasus ponies!
ffs, uploaded a remix and after not even 3 minutes I got a copyright notice from hasbro -.- Youtube is so annoying these days if you want to monetize your work even a little bit. Yes, I know it's their background video but seriously.

Here's the remix, if anyone's interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE3PCNOqQqk

Ugh, I know. I got a video of mine removed and I don't even know if it's a legit claim or not, they don't say anymore.

Ego really needs to write an episode of the show. Her writing is fantastic.

And today's update has the best ponies, Pegasus ponies!

Caught up and WOW! This is really good. If they can have a 12 year old Brony werite an episode, surely they could let her do one!


Of all the amazing fan-works the pony community has produced, I'd say Slice of Life is the best. It's just consistently awesome and captures the spirit of the show perfectly, even better than some episodes of the show do. They should defintely let her write an episode or ten.

Also, new Twilight's First Day:

Funny how these two always seem to update at the same time...

Frantic Fanatic

Neo Member
How do I get into this?

Take everything you learned on the Internet about the show, good or bad, shove it into the closet, and just watch an episode. General unofficial consensus is 'Dragonshy' or 'Swarm of the Century' are good one-shot representations of the series as a whole that provide samples of all of the main characters. If you're brave enough for a song, try 'Suited for Success'.

The first two seasons can be found on Netflix.


Ego really needs to write an episode of the show. Her writing is fantastic.

And today's update has the best ponies, Pegasus ponies!

Ugh, I know. I got a video of mine removed and I don't even know if it's a legit claim or not, they don't say anymore.

Caught up and WOW! This is really good. If they can have a 12 year old Brony werite an episode, surely they could let her do one!

I think with a little guidance from the current production team (for the sake of screenwriting structure etc) Ego could knock out some fantastic stories for TV. In terms of authenticity, character and dialogue, Slice is second to none IMO.

Of all the amazing fan-works the pony community has produced, I'd say Slice of Life is the best. It's just consistently awesome and captures the spirit of the show perfectly, even better than some episodes of the show do. They should defintely let her write an episode or ten.

Also, new Twilight's First Day:

Funny how these two always seem to update at the same time...

Slice of Life is definitely top-tier for me, right up there with Picture Perfect Pony for Animation and the Alex S remix of the MLP Theme for Music. I'd pay more for a collected edition of Slice than I would for any of the official comics thus far, and I've really enjoyed the official comics.

I also really dig Twilight's First Day, always very sweet.

This was the first thing I thought of when I saw that in EG. Even better seeing them side-by-side!

How do I get into this?

Depends on how patient you are. I'm a bit of a purist for TV, so I opted to start from the beginning and watch the episodes in order. Other people prefer to jump a little further in to a proven episode first, so they see the show at its best from the get-go.

Both fine choices as far as I'm concerned. Starting from the start can be a bit of a slow-burner, but you'll have the advantage of seeing the world and the characters established as the writers intended. If you're keen to jump straight into the action, episodes like Dragonshy, Swarm of the Century, Sonic Rainboom and Winter Wrap Up are all great.

You can find any of the currently released episodes on Youtube by searching "Friendship is Magic Season X Episode X". Have fun!

I like your avatar. Can't wait for Into the Nexus



"And that, kids, is how I met your mother."

That's adorable!

I shouldn't be allowed near image editing software... Deciding whether to use any of these:


Edit: I'm going with FlutterFace. I'm chill enough to wear a Pony avatar. Yeah...


Here is some amazing art from the creator of Heavenly Nostrils(if you haven't read this, do yourself a favor and do so).

I asked her on her tumbler who would voice Marigold if she was on FiM and she made this in response.


I'm now reading that comic, and I can hear Marigold's lines in Jane Krakowski's voice. For this, I thank you both.

That's adorable!

I shouldn't be allowed near image editing software... Deciding whether to use any of these:


Edit: I'm going with FlutterFace. I'm chill enough to wear a Pony avatar. Yeah...

A fine choice.


A fine choice.

I just realized this might be a perfect quotable avatar.... That may or may not be a good thing.

Anyway, without further ado, my overall impressions of....

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

I really, really liked it.
This felt like the pony I'm used to. There was magic there that wasn't in Season 3. Characters, especially Twilight, felt exactly like they should have, and the story line was interesting enough to keep me watching without break.

Production wise, I thought it was probably the best piece of work that has put out for MLPFIM. All human animation felt great, with expressive movements as well as facial reactions. Music was as good as usual, especially the song in the cafeteria. Character design was fine, although Celestia and Luna felt a little off, all honesty.

Flash Sentry.... He was really a take-him-or-leave-him character. I think the story could have functioned without him, all honesty. His role in the movie wasn't really defined. If he's fleshed out in Season 4, great. If not, no loss.

I was optimistic before the movie released. My expectations were exceeded. Call me obsessed or whatever you wish, I think, if you were to rank this as part of the episodes of the series, I would place it Top 5, behind Hurricane Fluttershy, A Canterlot Wedding, and The Return of Harmony.


How do I get into this?

Don't watch the first two episodes of Season one, go for something like Suited for Success or Party of One. Party of One was actually the episode that got me started.

Honestly, give it a couple of episodes, and have as open of a mind as possible. I'll admit when I first started watching Party of One I was thinking "I can't believe I'm doing this" but then I ended up watching four episodes that night.

Also, post in PonyGAF. Now that PonyGAF has a mod, the path to taking over all of GAF awaits.
Anyway, without further ado, my overall impressions of....

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

I really, really liked it. [...]
Production wise, I thought it was probably the best piece of work that has put out for MLPFIM. All human animation felt great, with expressive movements as well as facial reactions. Music was as good as usual, especially the song in the cafeteria. Character design was fine, although Celestia and Luna felt a little off, all honesty.
I thought there was a lot of terrible janky parts to the animation. But whatever, I liked the movie.


I have yet to see anything from the community that tops the Canterlot Wedding episode of Friendship is Witchcraft. Not that it captures the feel of the show at all, but that's kind of the point.

I also need to amend my earlier review of the movie. The cafeteria song is really catchy. I caught myself singing it a few times today. It's still a cheap way to resolve what looked like a serious problem, but that doesn't take away from it being a good song. Gym song still forgettable, though.


I have yet to see anything from the community that tops the Canterlot Wedding episode of Friendship is Witchcraft. Not that it captures the feel of the show at all, but that's kind of the point.

I also need to amend my earlier review of the movie. The cafeteria song is really catchy. I caught myself singing it a few times today. It's still a cheap way to resolve what looked like a serious problem, but that doesn't take away from it being a good song. Gym song still forgettable, though.

You're not kidding about that, I've been getting it stuck in my head pretty regularly since I first saw the film.

I'd agree about the other songs though, they're all B or C-tier compared with "Helping Twilight Win the Crown".

I understand that the song is actually called Equestria Girls, but I'm damned if I'm gonna use that when we already have a legit Equestria Girls.


I have yet to see anything from the community that tops the Canterlot Wedding episode of Friendship is Witchcraft. Not that it captures the feel of the show at all, but that's kind of the point.

In terms of fan made "videos", I find Double Rainboom (22 minutes version) to be the most impressive of all. If you like long videos I'd also recommend Rainbow Dash Presents and My Little Pony The Sims.

But the game projects especially Fighting is Magic imo top everything.


In terms of fan made "videos", I find Double Rainboom (22 minutes version) to be the most impressive of all. If you like long videos I'd also recommend Rainbow Dash Presents and My Little Pony The Sims.

But the game projects especially Fighting is Magic imo top everything.

Lengthy criticism of fan work follows:

A lot of things (the last two videos you mention, which I hadn't seen, and also what I've seen of Fighting is Magic) don't do much for me because they don't really have much to do with the show. Fighting is Magic is just a fighting game. Even before the C&D letter, it was just a fighting game that happened to use characters that look like the ones in the show, and that was it. I certainly grant that what the team has managed to do is impressive, but I find it impressive in something like the way I find someone breaking a world record for pogo stick jumping impressive. Impressive, but not of much artistic value or interest (to me, obviously, because I'm not huge on fighting games). Something similar could be said for the The Sims video; its appeal operates on the level of "hey, a muffin - I get that reference!" And then Rainbow Dash Presents is trading on just how little it has to do with the show. It's a surprisingly funny amateur cartoon about someone raised by a bizarro version of Batman. It gets a tiny added kick from that someone physically resembling Rainbow Dash, but really it could have worked just about as well with an original character. I'm not saying any of these are wastes of time, but none of them are great, especially not as part of a conversation about the show - they don't have anything to say, and they don't enhance my appreciation for the source material. They're fundamentally all similar to the MLP mod for Skyrim; it's really just ponies in stuff for the sake of having ponies in stuff. They're fun, but a bit empty.

Double Rainboom is more the kind of thing I like to see. And it's extremely impressive in various respects. But it's not very good. The animator is extremely competent but basically everything else suffers for the sake of allowing the animator to show off, or is just not that good to begin with. The version you've linked is a significant improvement over the original because it cuts it down by 25% without losing anything of real value (and even so it could probably stand to lose another five minutes). Nothing other than the animation was particularly notable - it'd be a mediocre fanfic if written, and the voice work is mostly just passable (and way overdone in places).

I find Friendship is Witchcraft in general more appealing because it exhibits hugely more creativity throughout. It's a clever repurposing of real clips with genuinely funny writing (often funny because of what we know happens in the real show) and characters that are recognizably parodies of the actual characters (they're not just totally different personalities dubbed over show clips a la MST3K, and the parodies really hit home at times). The first episodes aren't bad, and the editing is actually pretty strong from early on, but the voice work improves hugely over time (both in terms of sounding more like the show voices and otherwise). The series as a whole ends up being greater than the sum of its parts with some really well-done callbacks and running gags. Foaly Matripony just turns everything up to 11 and throws in a phenomenal song. It works as its own story and as parody simultaneously, the voices are hugely improved by this point except for the ones that are probably intentionally off, the writing would be hard to improve on, and the editing is amazingly tight. Plus the original animation in the song sequence is great. Lots of stuff can be said to be good for a fan production. Foaly Matripony is simply better in its own right than a whole lot of professional work, in every respect. It's significantly better than most episodes of the actual show it's parodying. Just jaw-droppingly good.


I have yet to see anything from the community that tops the Canterlot Wedding episode of Friendship is Witchcraft. Not that it captures the feel of the show at all, but that's kind of the point.

I hadn't seen that until now. It got a lot of laughs (and several snort-laughs) from me.


And then Rainbow Dash Presents is trading on just how little it has to do with the show. It's a surprisingly funny amateur cartoon about someone raised by a bizarro version of Batman. It gets a tiny added kick from that someone physically resembling Rainbow Dash, but really it could have worked just about as well with an original character.

Rainbow Dash Presents needs a little bit more context to be understood.

FiMFlamFilosophy was (I think) turned down as a writer when Friendship Is Witchcraft was formed, so he decided to write his own MLP Abridged series, called the "Mentally Advanced Series", which he made singlehandedly in a very amateur style, with himself providing all of the voice acting (very badly). When he finally got himself a female voice actor on staff, he had her voice the males in his show, since he had already given male voices to all the females. It's kind of a mix of good and "so bad it's good".


For the Rainbow Dash Presents series, he took the alternate MLP characters which he established in the Mentally Advanced Series, and created something "new" with them (not technically new). He teamed up with an artist and had his version of Rainbow Dash (having just learned to appreciate reading) read modified versions of the most terrible fanfictions ever produced by the Brony community (including one which was his own).

The episode which you watched was "Rainbow Dash Presents: My Little Dashie". My Little Dashie was an infamous MLP fanfic. There are others. I don't suggest you read the originals.



Kills Photobucket
I just realized this might be a perfect quotable avatar.... That may or may not be a good thing.

Anyway, without further ado, my overall impressions of....

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

I really, really liked it.
This felt like the pony I'm used to. There was magic there that wasn't in Season 3. Characters, especially Twilight, felt exactly like they should have, and the story line was interesting enough to keep me watching without break.

Production wise, I thought it was probably the best piece of work that has put out for MLPFIM. All human animation felt great, with expressive movements as well as facial reactions. Music was as good as usual, especially the song in the cafeteria. Character design was fine, although Celestia and Luna felt a little off, all honesty.

Flash Sentry.... He was really a take-him-or-leave-him character. I think the story could have functioned without him, all honesty. His role in the movie wasn't really defined. If he's fleshed out in Season 4, great. If not, no loss.

I was optimistic before the movie released. My expectations were exceeded. Call me obsessed or whatever you wish, I think, if you were to rank this as part of the episodes of the series, I would place it Top 5, behind Hurricane Fluttershy, A Canterlot Wedding, and The Return of Harmony.

I thought the movie was OK. I don't really think they captured most of the characters properly.

Twilight was Twilight, and she was the main character, but the others were cardboard cutouts of their former selves. Dash was the tom boy, Rarirty the fashion nut. That's all they were. The CMC are in it, but they never even acknowledged that they are sisters with Rarity and AJ. Celestia and Luna were just bored and detached from everything. Fluttershy got a bit of a personality, thanks to her being the only one to get an introduction. The rest just show up. Pinkie was fine, you don't really need to do much with her. Spike was the standout of the movie for me.

Mos the VA's sounded bored too. I already mentioned Celestia and Luna, but the rest were just going through the paces. Twilights monolog at the end during the magical girl sequence sounded totally flat.

As for the songs, the Cafeteria song was catchy, but I think Twilight's solo brought it down. All of a sudden the fun cheer song is turned into a stupid pop song. Rest of the songs were very forgettable.

If I had to rank it with the show, it would be near the bottom. The crew was given a tough plate, I think they did the best they could, but in the end it's not that good. Certainly better than I expected, but I never had anything near high standards for it.
Lengthy criticism of fan work follows:

A lot of things (the last two videos you mention, which I hadn't seen, and also what I've seen of Fighting is Magic) don't do much for me because they don't really have much to do with the show. Fighting is Magic is just a fighting game. Even before the C&D letter, it was just a fighting game that happened to use characters that look like the ones in the show, and that was it. I certainly grant that what the team has managed to do is impressive, but I find it impressive in something like the way I find someone breaking a world record for pogo stick jumping impressive. Impressive, but not of much artistic value or interest (to me, obviously, because I'm not huge on fighting games). Something similar could be said for the The Sims video; its appeal operates on the level of "hey, a muffin - I get that reference!" And then Rainbow Dash Presents is trading on just how little it has to do with the show. It's a surprisingly funny amateur cartoon about someone raised by a bizarro version of Batman. It gets a tiny added kick from that someone physically resembling Rainbow Dash, but really it could have worked just about as well with an original character. I'm not saying any of these are wastes of time, but none of them are great, especially not as part of a conversation about the show - they don't have anything to say, and they don't enhance my appreciation for the source material. They're fundamentally all similar to the MLP mod for Skyrim; it's really just ponies in stuff for the sake of having ponies in stuff. They're fun, but a bit empty.

Double Rainboom is more the kind of thing I like to see. And it's extremely impressive in various respects. But it's not very good. The animator is extremely competent but basically everything else suffers for the sake of allowing the animator to show off, or is just not that good to begin with. The version you've linked is a significant improvement over the original because it cuts it down by 25% without losing anything of real value (and even so it could probably stand to lose another five minutes). Nothing other than the animation was particularly notable - it'd be a mediocre fanfic if written, and the voice work is mostly just passable (and way overdone in places).

I find Friendship is Witchcraft in general more appealing because it exhibits hugely more creativity throughout. It's a clever repurposing of real clips with genuinely funny writing (often funny because of what we know happens in the real show) and characters that are recognizably parodies of the actual characters (they're not just totally different personalities dubbed over show clips a la MST3K, and the parodies really hit home at times). The first episodes aren't bad, and the editing is actually pretty strong from early on, but the voice work improves hugely over time (both in terms of sounding more like the show voices and otherwise). The series as a whole ends up being greater than the sum of its parts with some really well-done callbacks and running gags. Foaly Matripony just turns everything up to 11 and throws in a phenomenal song. It works as its own story and as parody simultaneously, the voices are hugely improved by this point except for the ones that are probably intentionally off, the writing would be hard to improve on, and the editing is amazingly tight. Plus the original animation in the song sequence is great. Lots of stuff can be said to be good for a fan production. Foaly Matripony is simply better in its own right than a whole lot of professional work, in every respect. It's significantly better than most episodes of the actual show it's parodying. Just jaw-droppingly good.

I thought Neigh Soul Sister was particularly good as well, maybe even better than Foaly Matripony, but I may just have a soft spot for 8-year old robots quoting Sartre.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member


Witchcraft love makes me very happy. It's easily my favorite thing to come out of the fandom at this point. FiW9 looks really promising too, it's coming out for Bronycon and it's based on One Bad Apple, so seeing what the Witchcraft version of Babs is like should be pretty great.

Also watch Snowdrop before the episode come out, if you haven't seen it already.



Once I saw this, I couldn't unmake the connection. Doubt that would be an intentional nod to Lucky Star, but it was funny none-the-less.



Once I saw this, I couldn't unmake the connection. Doubt that would be an intentional nod to Lucky Star, but it was funny none-the-less.
Considering the Arrested Development reference was apparently intentional it wouldn't be too surprising if this was too.
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