I'm not seeing it. Can anyone fill me in?
Searching by character name changes the color of the top bar. Searching "bronies" gives you animated pony gif of some oc.
I'm not seeing it. Can anyone fill me in?
Searching by character name changes the color of the top bar. Searching "bronies" gives you animated pony gif of some oc.
Gotta step up my game.Stylish ladies
Gotta step up my game.
You guys need better ears. That's Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, and Tabitha St Germain. It's the main Vancouver recording group.
-Horrible intro music. Always hated this kind of remix that combines auto-tuning and splicing random lyrics together (see Fluttershy's Lament).
That is very good!
Really? I liked the intro, especially the graphics.
I wish I could paint with that kind of skill.
R63 Shining Armor is just Vinyl Scratch.
-Speaking of the princesses there's absolutely no reason for Luna, Cadence and Crystal Empire to be in this movie at all.
Luna needs more screentime. That's a good enough reason for me.
She needs more thread time as well:
So being the big dumb geek that I am, I found myself thinking about what the ideal MLP videogame might be last night. Minor spoiler for official comic, issue #9.
What I ended up coming up with was something in the style of Theme Park or Rollercoaster Tycoon, where the player (as Twilight Sparkle) takes charge of organising the, keeping things running smoothly with Twilight's superior managerial skills and solving any problems that might arise by sending Spike and the rest of the Mane 6 to deal with tasks that suit their individual skills.Summer Wrap-Up Festival
Animals escaped from the Petting Zoo? Send Applejack or Fluttershy to round them up. Short-staffed at the arts-and-crafts stall? Put Rarity on the case. Unhappy customers? Have Pinkie smooth things over. Missing persons? Get Dash scoping them out from above, or detective Spike on the case on the ground.
Anyone else lame enough to have given this any thought?
- The Sims with Ponies
- Animal Crossing Ponyville version
- Fighting game (aka Fighting is Magic)
-Dating Sim
Point and click adventure game. It makes so much sense that it's crazy nobody else besides us has tried to make one.Anyone else lame enough to have given this any thought?
Point and click adventure game. It makes so much sense that it's crazy nobody else besides us has tried to make one.
I've actually been watching Gravity Falls for the first time recently. That show would make an incredible Lucasarts-style adventure game.
I really like the idea of an MLP adventure game too, though I wonder how you could do a story that involved all six of the main characters without short-changing anyone. Maybe pairing them off and dividing the story into three threads, in the style of Hearths Warming Eve? I'd play that.
Whatever happened with that?
Whatever happened with that?
You could make the characters have their own specialties that play to their strengths. So if you find something heavy that needs moved, used Applejack. If there's a snake in the way, use Fluttershy, etc. When you have one selected, the other five can be spread out around the area, doing funny background things while you play.I've actually been watching Gravity Falls for the first time recently. That show would make an incredible Lucasarts-style adventure game.
I really like the idea of an MLP adventure game too, though I wonder how you could do a story that involved all six of the main characters without short-changing anyone. Maybe pairing them off and dividing the story into three threads, in the style of Hearths Warming Eve? I'd play that.
Have any of you bit on the pony boxers on WLF? I think it's great guys're finally getting some adult pony undergarment options.
Speaking as a gal, I have a growing collection of the Hot Topic pony undies. I especially love the Derpy ones.
What about pony clothes in general? Do any of you have pony shirts, sweaters, etc. you wear around often?
You could make the characters have their own specialties that play to their strengths. So if you find something heavy that needs moved, used Applejack. If there's a snake in the way, use Fluttershy, etc. When you have one selected, the other five can be spread out around the area, doing funny background things while you play.
You could make the characters have their own specialties that play to their strengths. So if you find something heavy that needs moved, used Applejack. If there's a snake in the way, use Fluttershy, etc. When you have one selected, the other five can be spread out around the area, doing funny background things while you play.
Pretty low, huh?
That's pretty much what we were doing, though we of course had the CMC as playable characters instead of the mane 6. Scootalo would have been able to hover/fly short distances, making her able to reach places the other two could not. Apple Bloom was able to kick stuff, and Sweetie Belle sang.
On a somewhat related note, the official MLP Facebook page posted a new cover image:
Nothing out of the ordinary here, right? Well have a look at this:
Pretty low, huh?[/QUOTE]
Rubbing salt in a wound, I like their style.
I'm not sure if "low" is the right word, because it's possible that whoever is responsible was a fan of Fighting is Magic.
Of course, it's also possible that whoever is responsible didn't have easy access to Hasbro's art materials, so they just Googled it, and we ended up with another situation like IGN's watermark being on the cover of Okami.
Have any of you bit on the pony boxers on WLF? I think it's great guys're finally getting some adult pony undergarment options.
Speaking as a gal, I have a growing collection of the Hot Topic pony undies. I especially love the Derpy ones.
What about pony clothes in general? Do any of you have pony shirts, sweaters, etc. you wear around often?
Actually, did you know that we were making a point & click adventure game at one point? I can't recall if you were already around back then. Anyway, if you haven't seen it, check out a Let's Play or something.
Sigh, it could have been great...
I'm not sure if "low" is the right word, because it's possible that whoever is responsible was a fan of Fighting is Magic.
Of course, it's also possible that whoever is responsible didn't have easy access to Hasbro's art materials, so they just Googled it, and we ended up with another situation like IGN's watermark being on the cover of Okami.
On a somewhat related note, the official MLP Facebook page posted a new cover image: