The synopses just keep coming:
Season 4 Episode 4
Title:Synopsis:Daring Don'tAir Date: December 7, 2013Rainbow Dash and friends offer to help their favorite author finish her latest book.
Hang on, that sounds kinda similar to Twilight's micro series comic. Also, issue 11 of the main comic book series hinted that the author behind Daring Do was none other than Twilight's mum. Would be cool if they confirmed it in the TV series, but for some reason I don't see that happening...
Equestria Girls just got added to Netflix. No word on whether it's the cut TV version or not, but I imagine it's the same as the DVD release.
It's their loss if they want to abandon Friendship is Magic to Treehouse TV which nobody watches. They've effectively prodded Canadians to screen episodes on YouTube when they could actually generate some decent ad revenue by simulcasting episodes of this largely Canadian-produced series on their main network at the same time they air on the Hub.It's also airing on YTV in Canada this weekend.
MLP:FIM doesn't air on YTV (too childish, give that stuff to the preschoolers).
Equestria Girls does.
Pound Puppies does.
Littlest Pet Shop does.
It's a script that's never really meant to be seen, and a line that was pretty obvious for them to toss in there. I wouldn't call that rubbing it in.
the rainbow dash bit is more of a problem than that line is.
They really are enjoying rubbing this princess thing in our face aren't they?
the rainbow dash bit is more of a problem than that line is.
I'm starting to have my doubts about the premier. It sounds too much like aa rehash of the pilot. The Princess(es) have vanished again, it's the Summer Sun Celebration again, the Mane 6 must to into the Everfree forest again, and find the Elements of Harmony/Harmony Tree again. All it needs is another Batman Gambit orchestrated by Celestia/Luna
i don't like the implication of Twilight being such a powerful flyer as it diminishes one of the things that makes RD special. I mean Twilight already made Rarity's gem finding pointless, broken the 4th wall Pinkie Style, and become much better with animals. I just don't want the show to reach a point where the almighty Princess Twilight can essentially do everything the rest of the cast can do by herself. I've seen it happen on other shows and they are always worse for it. I mean it's hard to tell exactly how it plays out from the script but it's something i've been concerned about for some time.
i don't like the implication of Twilight being such a powerful flyer as it diminishes one of the things that makes RD special. I mean Twilight already made Rarity's gem finding pointless, broken the 4th wall Pinkie Style, and become much better with animals. I just don't want the show to reach a point where the almighty Princess Twilight can essentially do everything the rest of the cast can do by herself. I've seen it happen on other shows and they are always worse for it. I mean it's hard to tell exactly how it plays out from the script but it's something i've been concerned about for some time.
i don't like the implication of Twilight being such a powerful flyer as it diminishes one of the things that makes RD special. I mean Twilight already made Rarity's gem finding pointless, broken the 4th wall Pinkie Style, and become much better with animals. I just don't want the show to reach a point where the almighty Princess Twilight can essentially do everything the rest of the cast can do by herself. I've seen it happen on other shows and they are always worse for it. I mean it's hard to tell exactly how it plays out from the script but it's something i've been concerned about for some time.
Pony Bubblegum is almost like Cadence, but without the purple.
Rank Character
1 Rainbow Dash
1 Pinkie Pie
3 Lyra
4 Twilight Sparkle
4 Fluttershy
4 Rarity
4 Applejack
4 Discord
4 Scootaloo
4 Octavia
4 Cloud Chaser
12 Princess Celestia
12 Princess Luna
12 Queen Chrysalis
12 Sweetie Belle
12 Granny Smith
12 Zecora
12 Soarin'
12 Babs Seed
12 Trixie
12 Snowflake / Horsepower
12 Lightning Dust
23 Apple Bloom
23 Big Macintosh
25 Nightmare Moon
25 Shining Armor
25 Cheerilee
25 Silver Spoon
25 Iron Will
25 Bon Bon
25 Derpy
25 Rose Luck
25 Berry Punch
25 Carrot Top
25 Braeburn
25 Caramel
37 Spike
37 Diamond Tiara
37 King Sombra
37 Flitter
37 Photo Finish
37 Fancy Pants
43 Flim
43 Flam
43 Pipsqueak
43 Colgate
43 Dr. Whooves
43 Vinyl Scratch
43 Spitfire
43 Twist
43 Gilda
43 Hoity Toity
43 Fleur de Lys
43 Prince Blueblood
55 Princess Cadence
A bunch of background ponies above main and supporting cast members is quite disappointing.
Oh come on, you can do better than that. No ties. Make the hard choices!