Season 2 is better than season 1.
The worst epsiodes of season 2 have been good. The best have been sublime.
The worst episodes of season 1 have been bad or mediocre. The best have been amazing. (Not saying that season 1 was bad, on the contrary, its amazing, but theres episodes that i really hate right now, like Look Before you Sleep, that is possibly the episode I most have seen, and the one that I most dislike).
You can say as a con for season 2 that there havent been so many group episodes, that were the heart of season 1. But when there has been group episodes there were magnificent, and now they dont have to shoehorn Twilight's morale to every episode, as all the groups learns things, something that in my opinion has enriched the show.
Theres episodes without even morale ending and I would like to see even more of those as the series progresses, becuase they can make more different types of story like this.
In a way, I think MMDW and theSweet and Elite are problematic for the same reasons. Both basically play up character flaws in one of the mane cast to unlivable and unbelievable levels in order to meet the exigencies of the plot of the episode. It's the kind of lazy writing that the show didn't have a ton of in season 1. I like S+E largely because zi wasn't as attached to Rarity as RD and because the comical situations they got into as a result of their mischarqcterization were significantly more entertaining, but now that you mention it they have pretty similar flaws.
I really enjoyed Mysterious Mare Do Well. It was a nice throwback to the superhero shows of my childhood, from Darkwing Duck to Batman: TAS (with references to both!), being completely hokey and cheesy in a fun kind of way. Seems like its unpopular for some reason though.
It was certainly much better than the episode that followed afterwards.
My Little Pony S2 10[IMG]
Twilight, get my rope!
[B]Applejack definitely has the best ratio of screen time to awesomeness. She gets less time on screen than any other pony and yet she is one cool gal. I wish there was more AJ in this series[/B], really the only time she gets heavy time is when Applebloom is involved too, but that combination is great so I'm not complaining.
Rarity does nothing for me. I absolutely loathe her character to the point where I'm thinking about fast forwarding any scenes she is in. Her doing that act to swindle that ruby from Spike on his birthday was downright sickening. Her friends are in mortal danger and she's more worried about a torn cape. The worst parts of this episode surround her, kind of like every other episode.
Thankfully this is a Spike devoted episode. Spike tearing shit up for once was awesome. It ending the way it did was not awesome. Poor Twilight was the only one who ever got Spike a gift. And he insulted her like that :( Turns out her gifts were the best gifts! Since it didn't get all of Ponyville crushed in the process the way this episode almost turned out.[/QUOTE]
Whoa! a Tara signed pony poster giveaway!
You’ll be entered for a chance to win one of five images signed by show-runner Meghan McCarthy, who wrote the two-part wedding finale, and Tara Strong, the voice of Twilight Sparkle.
I, for one, welcome our new overlord.
I, for one, welcome our new overlord.
Why are Lyra and Twilight hanging out.
And why are everyone else balls
To understand ones has to start from the original deviant art entry!Why are Lyra and Twilight hanging out.
And why are everyone else balls
Tara Strong is the only Queen we worship.
Oh Shit, Game of Thrones with Ponies. Must find this now.
Why are Lyra and Twilight hanging out.
To understand ones has to start from the original deviant art entry!
Twilight and Lyra are explorers of sorts discovering those pig-like ball pony things. As to why lyra? I don't know Carek or maybe Bak could answer that. (former being the artist and the later following his livestream religiously) My guess is though a) someone asked for it in livestream and it became a thing. b) heartstrings and Twilight use the same vectors in pony boxes.
Oh, I guess shes important too...
Well he's also the one responsible for askmolestia. *shrug* I guess I should have mentioned that though all of the stuff in his dA gallery was SFW last I checked. The "dirty stuff goes on his lovetomorrowlove tumblr.That just raises further questions!
*looks thru gallery*
Oh god some of this guy's art is why((
Team Luna will have to contribute to Celestia page as to prove that we are above such petty squabbles.
Well he's also the one responsible for askmolestia. *shrug* I guess I should have mentioned that though all of the stuff in his dA gallery was SFW last I checked. The "dirty stuff goes on his lovetomorrowlove tumblr.
Went on Taras Official page...
My god......
This, this is not right....
She deserves better.
Just sent it to Tara on Twitter telling her to update a bit haha, hope she retweets and crashes the site hahahaha.
It looks like those terrible fanpages people had back 2005 or so or late 90s websites. There probably hasn't been much effort into the site for years.
He has more than 4 hours until the mystical brony gathering where we mysteriously have bootleg ponies be shown to us against our will. He can make it!I don't think Darkside is going to have S2 finished in the next 60 minutes...
I'm sorry guys I failed.
I am ready for whatever punishment you want to dole out Hitokage![]()
I'm sorry guys I failed.
I am ready for whatever punishment you want to dole out Hitokage![]()
I like this. Or, "Pulls a total Fluttershy at the face of a challenge. A Rarity among bronies."darkside31337
Doesn't Watch Enough Pony
(Today, 10:50 AM)
Hiya little poster, name's Theonik... I'm an adventure poster. Designed for danger.Careful, Cad and Theo...
I don't think it was leaked. It's been several hours since the episode aired though and a lot of those artists can really draw fast.I heard talk that the episodes were leaked at some point last week, though I never checked if it was true or not. It would explain the art though.
I heard talk that the episodes were leaked at some point last week, though I never checked if it was true or not. It would explain the art though.