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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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I was going to do a song list, but then I saw "the rest" in yours.

Someone give me a full chronological list of all the songs, and I'll do a tier list.


Find A Pet = This Day Aria > Smile > Art of the Dress > Winter Wrap Up > Becoming Popular > No Fear Song > Hearts & Hooves Day Song

I love the Disneyesque musical numbers
High Tier
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Theme Song (Season 1)
Giggle at the Ghostly
Evil Enchantress
Winter Wrap Up
Art of the Dress
Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Song
You Gotta Share, You Gotta Care
Pinkie Pie's Singing Telegram
Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know)
Smile Smile Smile
This Day Aria

Mid Tier
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Theme Song (Season 2)
Hush Now Quiet Now (Fluttershy)
So Many Wonders
At the Gala
Find a Pet
The Flim Flam Brothers Song
The Perfect Stallion
Love Is In Bloom

Low Tier
The Grand Galloping Gala is the Best Place for Me
Twilight is my Best Friend
Junior Speedsters Chant
Hop Skip and Jump
Hush Now Quiet Now (Sweetie Belle)
I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala
Pony Pokey
The Heart Carol
Happy Monthiversary
Piggy Dance
You're a Cranky Doodle Donkey
Welcome Song
Cranky Doodle Joy

Most of the ones I don't like are the really short ones Pinkie sings for only a few seconds.

Most major songs are great.
Gosh, these episodes were awesome (great pieces of art on this page !).

I'm wondering : is there a full version of Love is in bloom ? The song is incredibly catchy.

I was all ready to plan to play love's in bloom at my wedding until I heard the bit about "a beautiful bride, a handsome groom.". MLP, I am disappoint at your heteronormativity. *shakes fist*


Tomodachi wa Mahou
My Little Pony S2 12


Yuuuuuuup. Any episodes involving Applejack and family are guaranteed awesome episodes. Even if this is another episode without Twilight *grumble*

While Applejack and Applebloom have had their share in the limelight it was Granny Smith's turn and this episode did not disappoint.

Respect your elders kids. They always have some cool stories to tell. Her story was very moving and it was nice to see Filthie Rich not busy peddling some Namco games for once. Zap Apples are pretty nice and so was the younger Granny Smith who was just so adorable, runs in the family.

Best antics in this episode would be Weekend at Grannie's where the CMC prop up a sleeping Granny through the window and everypony in a bunny outfit. Poor Diamond Tiara is never gonna win at anything.

Speaking of not winning anything, those poor poor Timberwolves. Can't catch a break.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
My Little Pony S2 13


Wait so let me get this right, Mr. Cake is an Earth Pony. Mrs. Cake is an earth pony as well. The two of them have a kid, twins to be exact, one is a unicorn and one is a pegasus. Boy that Mr. Cake really actually bought that explanation his wife gave him about how that ended up happening? There is a sucker born every minute.

A really enjoyable episode just because its an episode that presents Pinkie Pie in a completely different light. Normally the bubbly, cheery party girl who just wants to have some fun she shoulders the responsibility of caring for some babies in this episode and does it in a way she only can. Her standing up to Twilight's passive totally unintentionally aggressive bullying was a treat to behold. And this episode was so adorable and it certainly had nothing to do with those bratty infants. Pinkie Pie crying was the most dawwww thing ever.

The real moral of the story is that it's much easier and there is no responsibility involved in taking care of a pet alligator. Evidently none of the skills involved in bringing up a pet alligator transfer over to taking over pony infants. Well that and don't bite off more than you can chew. Not like Pinkie Pie would actually learn about that one though :p

Also poor Scootaloo. Can't fly but a 1 month old infant Pony already can :(


Setec Astronomer
My Little Pony S2 13

Wait so let me get this right, Mr. Cake is an Earth Pony. Mrs. Cake is an earth pony as well. The two of them have a kid, twins to be exact, one is a unicorn and one is a pegasus. Boy that Mr. Cake really actually bought that explanation his wife gave him about how that ended up happening? There is a sucker born every minute.
You could see how he was trying to convince himself. lol

Also poor Scootaloo. Can't fly but a 1 month old infant Pony already can :(
Everyone's favorite chicken.
Song ranking time (both s1 and s2)

Luna Tier

Celestia Tier
Flim Flam Brothers
Winter Wrap Up
This Day Aria

Top Tier
Find A Pet
Becoming Popular

Great Tier
Cutie Mark Crusaders Song
Art of the Dress
At the Gala
Pony Pokey

Okay Tier
The rest

G3 Tier
You Got to Share, You Got to Care

Edit: got a thumb up from Daniel Ingram on fb for my list, so awesome :D

Im pretty okay with this list, I would put Smile in the same category as Celestia Tier and At The Gala at up to Top Tier, but apart of that I agree with nearly all of it. The only thing, I like You gotta share because I feel it was a parody, also the western saloon can can Pinkie + Spike at the Piano is visually awesome, so I cant hate it.
Mmmm, didnt see BBBFF, that wwas on the okay tier for me. Only saves it the reprise with the very intelligent use of the deceptive cadence.


Obsidian fan
Without the show to center on, the creative people eventually find other interests, and eventually everyone else is driven away by the clop-clop people.

Thats how the Equestria dies, ponies. Not with a bang, but with a clop.

But the clop community is the best part of this fandom
Without the show to center on, the creative people eventually find other interests

They're really going all out on that Story of the blanks sequel.

Well there is season 3 to look forward to and the fandom not only survived it grew between S1 and S2, so I doubt the fans and its creative talents will just up and depart so easily.

As for that pic, its another LIMBO parody.
Had to deal with a bunch of donated MLP toys at work earlier today, horrible previous gen ponies!
Two in particular standout to me, one had a cutie mark of what looked like a milkshake/sundae which is odd and another randomly had one hoof in a flipper and some sort of board attached to another leg for....surfing? who knows, and tangled manes everywhere!
Also some sort of movie on dvd that i'm sure some of you here subjugated yourselves to in the past, looked positively terrifying, I just can't stomach those old designs.


Kills Photobucket
My Little Pony S2 13


Wait so let me get this right, Mr. Cake is an Earth Pony. Mrs. Cake is an earth pony as well. The two of them have a kid, twins to be exact, one is a unicorn and one is a pegasus. Boy that Mr. Cake really actually bought that explanation his wife gave him about how that ended up happening? There is a sucker born every minute.

Also poor Scootaloo. Can't fly but a 1 month old infant Pony already can :(

This episode bugged me because them having a unicorn and a Pegasus set of twins, was done for no world building or story reason, and seemed done purely for slapstick jokes at the end.

As for flying, they mention in the episode that baby ponies can have bursts of power.

One thing I did like about this episode. Cannon that Rainbow Dash is more responsible than Rarity.



Wonderful loyalty like ducking out of helping AJ pick apples to nap, still wanting to take the ticket for herself after everyone else says they don't want it, wanting to leave Fluttershy behind when going up the mountain...
Hey, I don't write the script! RD is known for that trait regardless so would be the first choice.
That gif really needs to lose the watermark.
When the GIF makers get their hands on the iTunes release which should be soon.

1: Standing up for what you believe is the right thing to do, even if it means getting hurt.

2: Getting along for the sake of a mutual friend and being good guests to the host.

3: Recognizing the one who at the end made the difference between success and failure.

4: Knowing and exploting the weakness of your enemy, yeah could be dangerous, but better to die free then live as a slave.

5: Okay, gotta give this one to you.

6: May not be right, but they got a Royal pardon.

7: Seems the three tribes exsisted fine, till they were blighted by the Windigo (yes I understand they represented fear, jealousy and hatred).
Though after the union, the Unicorns just became artisocratic, the Earth ponies, stayed the same and the mighty warrior pegusi became cloud chasers...seem the Pegusi got the short end of the deal. ;P
So, like, is there a good place to download high quality versions of all the songs so I can listen to them on my iPod? There hasn't been a CD release or anything and the only other thing I can think of is low quality YouTube rips...

I can't believe you guys even bothered ranking all those like less than 20 second songs.

Also, Finding a Pet, Becoming Popular, and Smile Smile Smile are the best three songs.
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