Tomodachi wa Mahou
My Little Pony S2 14
Like I said before any episode dealing with Applejack at all are automatically awesome and this was no exception. Can totally see how people put Applejack at the top of their S2 rankings. Applejacks facial reactions are top-notch in this episode. That moe blushing, her sad face after the gang figures out her dark secret.
The gamut of emotions in this episode from everybody in the town was great too. The Mayor is one greedy son of a pony and everybody assumes shes gonna win it all. And then the sad faces and shock after she goes all Hollywood on everybody (or so they assume) made me sad as well
The one complaint about this episode, and Applejack episodes in general, is that its never from AJs point of view herself. This episode revolves around her disappearance so I can understand why it worked the way it did but for an episode revolving around her, she didnt really get all that much screen time, it would have been nice to see some more of the rodeo itself.
Pinkie Pie is the Jack Bauer of MLP. She could get anybody to fess up to anything in under a minute. Impressive stuff. And always keep your promises with Pinkie Pie foreverrrrrrr or you will thoroughly regret it.
But the best highlight of all in this episode was that ending. My disliking of Rarity is well known and well in this episode she gets her just desserts stuck in the just desert. Literally. Chimicherry. Cherrychanga. Chimicherry. Cherrychanga. Chimicherry. Cherrychanga. But like Rainbow Dash said, she knew what she was getting herself into!
I dont like treally get this Derpy pony at all, I need an explanation. Im not sure why they were cramming her in most episodes and a cameo and Im not sure why they decided to mention her by name now. Shes not very interesting.

Like I said before any episode dealing with Applejack at all are automatically awesome and this was no exception. Can totally see how people put Applejack at the top of their S2 rankings. Applejacks facial reactions are top-notch in this episode. That moe blushing, her sad face after the gang figures out her dark secret.
The gamut of emotions in this episode from everybody in the town was great too. The Mayor is one greedy son of a pony and everybody assumes shes gonna win it all. And then the sad faces and shock after she goes all Hollywood on everybody (or so they assume) made me sad as well
The one complaint about this episode, and Applejack episodes in general, is that its never from AJs point of view herself. This episode revolves around her disappearance so I can understand why it worked the way it did but for an episode revolving around her, she didnt really get all that much screen time, it would have been nice to see some more of the rodeo itself.

Pinkie Pie is the Jack Bauer of MLP. She could get anybody to fess up to anything in under a minute. Impressive stuff. And always keep your promises with Pinkie Pie foreverrrrrrr or you will thoroughly regret it.
But the best highlight of all in this episode was that ending. My disliking of Rarity is well known and well in this episode she gets her just desserts stuck in the just desert. Literally. Chimicherry. Cherrychanga. Chimicherry. Cherrychanga. Chimicherry. Cherrychanga. But like Rainbow Dash said, she knew what she was getting herself into!
I dont like treally get this Derpy pony at all, I need an explanation. Im not sure why they were cramming her in most episodes and a cameo and Im not sure why they decided to mention her by name now. Shes not very interesting.