Tomodachi wa Mahou
My Little Pony S2 17
The Cutie Matchmaker Crusaders are back! Cheerilee and Big Mac in the same episode together! Great stuff. Yuuuuup.
Silly Twilight unintentionally (or is it!) leading the CMC down dangerous paths. Oddly enough she was the only one of the Mane Six to show up, I'm okay with this.
The song was really great but that pony in the tubs of jelly was just weird. Sweetie Belle rocked in this episode. I refuse to believe she's actually related to Rarity. She kicked Applejack to the curb and took over as leader, the leader of love. Her mannerisms in this episode were hilarious, OH COME ON indeed.
So are they together now or not? Or is Big Mac forever friend zoned. That ambiguous ending is such a tease. I must know if they are cutie-patootie lovie-dovie honey-bunnies.
Cheerilee is awesome. Big Mac couldn't possibly do any better. She is sweet and charming one second and then dead-panned the next. She's happy being single although she wouldn't mind a special somepony. More Cheerilee would be nice!

The Cutie Matchmaker Crusaders are back! Cheerilee and Big Mac in the same episode together! Great stuff. Yuuuuup.
Silly Twilight unintentionally (or is it!) leading the CMC down dangerous paths. Oddly enough she was the only one of the Mane Six to show up, I'm okay with this.
The song was really great but that pony in the tubs of jelly was just weird. Sweetie Belle rocked in this episode. I refuse to believe she's actually related to Rarity. She kicked Applejack to the curb and took over as leader, the leader of love. Her mannerisms in this episode were hilarious, OH COME ON indeed.
So are they together now or not? Or is Big Mac forever friend zoned. That ambiguous ending is such a tease. I must know if they are cutie-patootie lovie-dovie honey-bunnies.
Cheerilee is awesome. Big Mac couldn't possibly do any better. She is sweet and charming one second and then dead-panned the next. She's happy being single although she wouldn't mind a special somepony. More Cheerilee would be nice!