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My Little Pony FiM Community |OT2| I just don't know what went wrong!

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I swear darkside is like nega-Regulus Tera.



Tomodachi wa Mahou
My Little Pony S2 22

Have I ever told you guys I hate Fluttershy? Because screw Fluttershy. I'll give her credit though, she manages to top herself in awfulness as the series progresses which I figure would be hard to do. In this episode she manages to be useless and her typical woe is me, the world is against me persona.

The episode itself is actually pretty decent once you scrub away Fluttershy from it.

In this episode Rainbow Dash is a boss like usual, with all that guts and leadership. All the Pegasi work together for a cause but Fluttershy can't even bother to muster up a morsel of courage until the very end. It takes every bit of coaxing and prodding by RD, Twilight, every other pony in ponyville, and all of Fluttershy's friends for her (they even give her a pointless training montage) to even bother trying to help out and fly.

I suppose all the other ponies should be faulted for even counting on Fluttershy in the first place. Since it would have taken truly a miracle to get anything out of her in the first place. They should have just let her run away and cry for the rest of the episode like they did at the beginning Dragon Quest.

Which is more than what that Wonderbolt pegasi did. Way to be a jerk there and just stand and watch. But if that pegasus helped out then Fluttershy wouldn't even had to waste her time in the first place. I guess her business manager wouldn't approve or something.


Junior Member
Hey dorkside, you are the very reason Fluttershy is the way she is. Way to go, jerk.

*this post was brought to you by the "Don't neglect, introspect" society :p
Have I ever told you guys I hate Fluttershy? Because screw Fluttershy. I'll give her credit though, she manages to top herself in awfulness as the series progresses which I figure would be hard to do. In this episode she manages to be useless and her typical woe is me, the world is against me persona.

You monster.


Kills Photobucket
My Little Pony S2 22

Have I ever told you guys I hate Fluttershy? Because screw Fluttershy. I'll give her credit though, she manages to top herself in awfulness as the series progresses which I figure would be hard to do. In this episode she manages to be useless and her typical woe is me, the world is against me persona.

The episode itself is actually pretty decent once you scrub away Fluttershy from it.

In this episode Rainbow Dash is a boss like usual, with all that guts and leadership. All the Pegasi work together for a cause but Fluttershy can't even bother to muster up a morsel of courage until the very end. It takes every bit of coaxing and prodding by RD, Twilight, every other pony in ponyville, and all of Fluttershy's friends for her (they even give her a pointless training montage) to even bother trying to help out and fly.

I suppose all the other ponies should be faulted for even counting on Fluttershy in the first place. Since it would have taken truly a miracle to get anything out of her in the first place. They should have just let her run away and cry for the rest of the episode like they did at the beginning Dragon Quest.

Which is more than what that Wonderbolt pegasi did. Way to be a jerk there and just stand and watch. But if that pegasus helped out then Fluttershy wouldn't even had to waste her time in the first place. I guess her business manager wouldn't approve or something.

So much hate for Rainbow Dash's BFF.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
My Little Pony S2 23

The CMC are truly awesome. After 2 meh episodes in a row this one was so refreshing. Absolutely hilarious and entertaining throughout.

What the heck Cheerilee? While she may have good taste in stallions (Eeyup) she clearly has questionable judgment in club advisory skills. Making Diamond Tiara the editor-in-chief was one of the worst ideas presented in this series from the get go. And she doesn't show up at any point doing things that advisers should do, like making sure people are not holding each other hostage with blackmail in the club and what not. Must have been too busy flirting with Big Mac!

Speaking of Big Mac, one of the best moments in the episode is when Applejack and Big Mac get so mad about the whole ordeal they switch dialogue in their blowup, with AJ taking the role of Big Mac and Big Mac talking as if he was AJ. That was hilarious. Rarity is a terrible sister. Snooper! Don't go through your sisters stuff like that. Well she got her payback later on and she totally brought it upon herself too.

The spa scene was great too. Spike and Rainbow were totally gross. That's like an indirect kiss of sorts. Twilight is the first to realize this only because Princess Trollestia got caught stuffing her face with cake. What a pig! The scandals are hilarious because they range from the unscandalous, Applejack takes naps to the more embarrassing Big Mac likes dolls to the messed up in Rarity getting her diary exposed. Pinkie Pie is a party animal though and she admits she has a problem. First step is admitting it Pinkie, good job!

The blowup to the whole ordeal was sad. Poor CMC got abused hard for what they did. But everybody is happy in the end except for Diamond Tiara which is nice.

XOXO, Gabby Gums.


Based on your previous taste in episodes you're in for a real treat on the next one (24)
Also no love for pink haired mayor?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Based on your previous taste in episodes you're in for a real treat on the next one (24)
Also no love for pink haired mayor?

Haha yeah there were so many little things that was one of them.

Fluttershy is a fraud. Her moe is based on her being FAKE. She'd be like the worst pony ever (well more so) without those extensions.


Haha yeah there were so many little things that was one of them.

Fluttershy is a fraud. Her moe is based on her being FAKE. She'd be like the worst pony ever (well more so) without those extensions.
You could just tell how true it was from her reaction. Silly Fluttershy.
Edit: Though I don't hate her as much as you seem to *shrug*

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I don't get it.

Did you think Dragon Quest was a good episode?
It was one of the best episodes of season two. Spike is a classy character.
My Little Pony S2 22

Have I ever told you guys I hate Fluttershy? Because screw Fluttershy.
I hope we never meet. We would annihilate each other, like matter and anti-matter.
but that's not...




Tomodachi wa Mahou
I don't see how you disliked her in dragon quest, where she was being assertive, and not a pushover.

She bailed out on her friends, Rainbow Dash in particular who went to that stupid butterfly migration because she's a good friend, because she's assertively a coward. I don't see how that is a good thing.


Kills Photobucket
She bailed out on her friends, Rainbow Dash in particular who went to that stupid butterfly migration because she's a good friend, because she's assertively a coward. I don't see how that is a good thing.

Rainbow Dash is a great friend, but the butterfly migration (we can assume) was not forcing RD to face her biggest fear.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Tantei Opera Pinkie Holmes S2 24


Oh man this episode was a blast. The back and forth between the two best ponies in the series, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie, as Sherlock and Watson was fantastic. Twilight not knowing what a Who Done It though is so unrealistic. The alliterations and rhymes were a blast, Pinkie that moose is a mousse!

So Fluttershy was exposed as a fraud with the tail extensions. And Rarity as a fraud with the fake eyelashes (although I'm pretty sure this was in some other episode I forgot about). Two worst ponies confirmed.

Cakes are serious business. Pinkie's shenangians just to get the poor cake on the train itself was a hoot. A trampoline isn't going to do a cake much good lol. Big Mac can move anything with those huge chiseled legs of his but evidently he can't move a cake. Logic!

The midnight scene as well as the investigation were great. Turns out everybody is a pig (including the biggest pig of em all Celestia!) except for AJ, Twilight and somehow Pinkie herself, turns out she did take her cake responsibilities seriously. Definitely was not the turnout I was expecting, I figured Pinkie was the one who ate the cake the entire episode but all the clues were there as to who done it.

I feel bad for the Cakes though. Sucks for them :(

And now I'm finally at the goal line... ;_;


Kills Photobucket
I didn't care for the episode. It made no sense for those three, or any of the mane 6, to destroy something that meant so much to pinkie and the Cakes.

I did however like that Twilight's explanation of clues were not as something to help solve cases, but as something not to leave behind when committing a crime.

And Fluttershy was sad for the slander, not because she actually Used tail extensions. We know from her spa visits that she needs no help to be cute and adorable.

Celestia likes cake, what's wrong with that?
I just watched the cake/train episode earlier today to finish off my season 2 viewing, I thought it was a real mixed bag.
Pinkie's nonsense ideas involving the other bakers were great, particularly the silent movie one but a few other moments aside I didn't gel too much with episode mainly due to the solution at the end, seems almost out of character for the ponies to ruin the cake because it sounded so delicious, that's a pretty a weak reason. To make them look not so much like the jerks they clearly are (even Fluttershy)the other bakers also turn out to be fiendish dessert destroyers as well which makes it all right then?

I want to believe that having Applejack not being part of the cake chomping was based around her whole honesty trait considering she was the one seemingly desiring it more in the first place. I like Pinkie as a secondary character but i've never been big on the episodes that give her the leading role, the detective hat and pipe was class though.


I didn't care for the episode. It made no sense for those three, or any of the mane 6, to destroy something that meant so much to pinkie and the Cakes.

It was Pinkie's sales pitch. They were all fine with just carrying the cake, except Applejack who tried to taste it as soon as it was down, but then Pinkie worked them all into a drooling frenzy. Except Twilight. Which now makes me wonder if Pinkie was unintentionally using some of her inner cake-selling voodoo and that Twilight has better magical resistance to it.

And Rarity/RD/Fluttershy said that they didn't want to ruin the cake, they just wanted to taste it a little, but they couldn't restrain themselves. Also, their destructive effect was magnified a few times more than any of them individually intended by other ponies having the same idea.

The other bakers missed Pinkie's first sales pitch, but they got hit with round two when she did it again for the other bakers' goods. The mane 6 were hit with a second dose of temptation, but that wouldn't work on ponies who were already regretting their guilt.

The midnight scene as well as the investigation were great. Turns out everybody is a pig (including the biggest pig of em all Celestia!) except for AJ, Twilight and somehow Pinkie herself, turns out she did take her cake responsibilities seriously. Definitely was not the turnout I was expecting, I figured Pinkie was the one who ate the cake the entire episode but all the clues were there as to who done it.
There was a gigantic hole on security when Pinkie fell asleep, where anyone could have walked in at their leisure. Twilight even confirmed it's existence.

AJ had plenty of motive and opportunity, she just didn't leave behind evidence of her guilt in her rush to escape like the others did. And with three other ponies taking bites out of the cake, it's not even readily apparent that a fourth pony was involved at all.

Also, this episode was inspired by Murder on the Orient Express, a classic which anyone should watch/read if you haven't. The movie even has Sean Connery in it.


Murder in the Orient Express spoiler:
Even in the book, there was one of them that wasn't involved from the passengers. :p


Murder in the Orient Express spoiler:
Even in the book, there was one of them that wasn't involved from the passengers. :p

I guess this proves I need to read/watch it again myself (probably watch). I only remembered the basic way it differed from usual whodunnits.


I guess this proves I need to read/watch it again myself (probably watch). I only remembered the basic way it differed from usual whodunnits.
Yeah there were 2 twists in the end, one that
everyone was the killer
and the other being
that the one that seemed like the most likely killer when explaining the crime was the one that didn't do it, in this case the count's wife which was a direct relative of the person the killers were avenging.
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