Just because.
Hmmm...guess I'll stay away from posting DA links until the Mods straighten that out. Anyhow, something I saw on Tumblr today. Not sure of original author...but I'd love to see this turn into reality.
Hmmm...guess I'll stay away from posting DA links until the Mods straighten that out. Anyhow, something I saw on Tumblr today. Not sure of original author...but I'd love to see this turn into reality.
My Little Pony S2 25 + 26
You'd think after 50 episodes together the ponies would you know actually be friends. The way how they all distrusted Twilight even though she was pointing out factual statements that they too saw, about how Cadence was being a jerk. Shining Armor siding the way he did makes sense (because he had no choice) but the other ponies chose to ignore Twilight at their own volition.
Even worse was Celestia in these two episodes. Not only did she refuse to listen to Twilight at all she's also weak as shit. What a terrible leader. She should go sit season 3 out. Time for Luna to take over.
My Little Pony S2 25 + 26
Even worse was Celestia in these two episodes. Not only did she refuse to listen to Twilight at all she's also weak as shit. What a terrible leader. She should go sit season 3 out. Time for Luna to take over.
M-my queen!
Why so low with sisterhooves social? I know you don't like Rarity much, but AJ, Ab, and Sb were all awesome,
First of all her friends didn't know Cadance, she did. Secondly, considering how she tends to overreact to everything I'm not surprised they didn't believe her. Because of Shining Armor's believable explanation and the fact the Twilight tends to freak out I was practically convinced Cadence was innocent.
And yes, Celestia is weak because she didn't have Luna there to help and she was facing off against a powered up Changeling. The reason Luna wasn't there is because it would have looked absolutely ridiculous when they both got their flanks handed to them because the plot required them to lose.
Well I never! I wasn't going to create pony drama in an OT thread.e: stalker![]()
Well I never! I wasn't going to create pony drama in an OT thread.
Also I'm a stalker.
Why didn't this game have online and all the kick ass shit they wanted to put in?
I would so lesbian a sequel or 10.
Obviously though I can't wait for S3. I hope they decide to do more arcs. 3 episode arcs would be neat and would flesh things out more when needed.
And yes, Celestia is weak because she didn't have Luna there to help and she was facing off against a powered up Changeling. The reason Luna wasn't there is because it would have looked absolutely ridiculous when they both got their flanks handed to them because the plot required them to lose.
Unfortunately, season 3 is going to be a half-season compared to S1 & S2. Only 13 episodes after 26 & 26. I think we'll be lucky if we get two two-parters to start and end the season. It seems that Hasbro was being aggressive in reaching the 52-episode mark (required for once-a-week syndication), and more timid in reaching the 65-episode mark (required for five-days-a-week syndication).
Unfortunately, season 3 is going to be a half-season compared to S1 & S2. Only 13 episodes after 26 & 26. I think we'll be lucky if we get two two-parters to start and end the season. It seems that Hasbro was being aggressive in reaching the 52-episode mark (required for once-a-week syndication), and more timid in reaching the 65-episode mark (required for five-days-a-week syndication).
Some people are fearful that MLP:FIM might end after a short season 3, because it's most efficient moneywise to milk a show for 65 episodes and then dump it, and Disney does that all the time, but MLP is a top-rated show on a desperate network, so I can't see Hasbro playing the game like Disney. I'm hopeful that MLP:FIM will be back in a big way for season 4.
It would've been perfectly fine if the Celestia/Changeling fight was a bit longer and looked more epic, but I've learned not to let the little shortcomings bother me.
Unfortunately, season 3 is going to be a half-season compared to S1 & S2. Only 13 episodes after 26 & 26. I think we'll be lucky if we get two two-parters to start and end the season. It seems that Hasbro was being aggressive in reaching the 52-episode mark (required for once-a-week syndication), and more timid in reaching the 65-episode mark (required for five-days-a-week syndication).
Some people are fearful that MLP:FIM might end after a short season 3, because it's most efficient moneywise to milk a show for 65 episodes and then dump it, and Disney does that all the time, but MLP is a top-rated show on a desperate network, so I can't see Hasbro playing the game like Disney. I'm hopeful that MLP:FIM will be back in a big way for season 4.
It was never ever confirmed, it was always some kind of somewhat reliable "anonymous insider" scoop. Besides even Disney's recently broken the 65 episode mark with Phineas and Ferb now.
Yeah, I picture MLP:FIM being in a situation closer to The Simpsons, where the network won't let the show end (although not nearly to that extreme).HUB is still a fledgling network, I just can't see them abandoning one of the channels most popular shows. Also, it makes no sense to can a show after 13 more episodes after the massive marketing blitz they put into the S2 finale.
Top Draw was involved with every season 1 episode. Then they said they were working on 24 episodes for season 2, and people were confused because other sources said there would be 26 episodes in season 2, but then it came out that Top Draw actually animated 28 episodes in season 1, and Hasbro held two of them back for season 2 (the Discord episodes). There was nothing wrong with Top Draw's announced info. Top Draw wasn't "out of the loop" on two of them.
If this is the alternative, I'd rather the show ended strong than drag on and on and on. I'd love a good solid series finale over a Simpsons style fate. 25 seasons of pony with extreme character derailment and celebrity cameos every other episode. No thanks.Yeah, I picture MLP:FIM being in a situation closer to The Simpsons, where the network won't let the show end (although not nearly to that extreme).
I'd rather the show go on and on like the Simpsons. If the quality becomes too low for us to stand then we can simply stop watching and as long as there are people watching the show the community will not die down. It's like if your favourite sports club gets relegated, you can stop supporting but it doesn't mean the club needs to die.If this is the alternative, I'd rather the show ended strong than drag on and on and on. I'd love a good solid series finale over a Simpsons style fate. 25 seasons of pony with extreme character derailment and celebrity cameos every other episode. No thanks.
When Friendship is Magic has to end, end it properly. My preferred ending would be an episode about learning the final friendship lesson: That sometimes, you have to let go and not be the one holding your friends back. That doesn't mean you stop being friends, it just means you won't see each other every day anymore. Now wouldn't that be a fitting, yet both sad and happy, way to end it?
Then a Friendship is Magic: The Next Generation in a couple of years.
Just to feed OP's curiosity:
-New writer hired about a month ago. Why is this evidence? Well, S3 Voice Acting work has been going on since...last November. And VA work comes AFTER episodes are completed, writing-wise. So there's no way they're still working on writing for only 13 episodes. And why would they hire a new writer if they don't have any writing to do? =P
-All the effort Hasbro put into advertising the S2 finale. Why is this evidence? Well, I don't see why they'd advertise extremely hard for a show that they're planning on canceling right after.
-One of the Hub or Hasbro execs said in an interview that viewer count skyrockets every time a new pony episode airs, and he does NOT think they can make good sales on re-runs alone.
-The Hub is a new network, so they're striving for good shows and content. Killing off their most popular show would be shooting themselves in both feet.
Need I go on?
Even worse was Celestia in these two episodes. Not only did she refuse to listen to Twilight at all she's also weak as shit. What a terrible leader. She should go sit season 3 out. Time for Luna to take over.
Yeah, I think we'll at least get a full third season, and if the ratings keep up, a fourth. The Hub needs ponies right now. All I'm saying is that I want the show to end properly when it finally does end. Like Avatar did. Like Transformers usually does. Not just stop like Samurai Jack or Pirates of Dark Water. A movie would be a fine ending, too. Like Samurai Jack should have had.Just saw this on ponychan.
I didn't mind her losing, and thought the explanation as to why was acceptable. I've always seen Celestia as less of a god character, and more of the Gandalf or Dumbledore character. Wise, powerful, but not 100% infallible.
Celestia is stronger than Luna though. Story called for Celestia to get beaten. I would have preferred a longer fight, but with only 40 minutes, what can you do.
A Spirit Bomb made in Equestria would be massive. "Ponies! Lend me your power and friendship!" Poor whoever is the target of that.If it was 3 part ending, maybe a DBZ style fight between Celestia and Chrysalis! Oh the possibilities. ;P
Actually Season 1 was split between DHX and Top Draw with DHX doing 15 episodes (including Return of Harmony part 1 and 2) and Top Draw doing the other 13. So it is entirely possible that DHX is doing half of season 3 (especially since they got done with Season 2 a bit earlier than season 1)
Beating a show into the ground is not the only alternative to a Disney-style cut-and-run philosophy.If this is the alternative, I'd rather the show ended strong than drag on and on and on. I'd love a good solid series finale over a Simpsons style fate. 25 seasons of pony with extreme character derailment and celebrity cameos every other episode. No thanks.
Yeah, I think we'll at least get a full third season, and if the ratings keep up, a fourth. The Hub needs ponies right now. All I'm saying is that I want the show to end properly when it finally does end. Like Avatar did. Like Transformers usually does. Not just stop like Samurai Jack or Pirates of Dark Water. A movie would be a fine ending, too. Like Samurai Jack should have had.
I like stories that end. But it doesn't have to be anytime soon, of course. I just hope that Friendship is Magic gets the ending it deserves when time comes to say goodbye to Equestria.
Everyone on GAF is at least a little bit banned.No thanks, I like my account shiny and unbanned.
Expecting everyone to watch stuff the moment it airs, especially in the age of DVR and digital distribution, is completely asinine.I admit, that was my bad.
I though about it, then thought "Well, it has already aired".
Welp, I just had episode 4 of Korra spoiled. Thanks a bunch, Slam. :|
you should watch it still
As she would say: Best. Show. Ever!Season 3 leaked!