How About No
They're custom portraits! The hardest thing though is deciding which ones to take.
But there's clearly a human male on the equipment screen!
They're custom portraits! The hardest thing though is deciding which ones to take.
But there's clearly a human male on the equipment screen!
Whether he's being serious or not this would have been an interesting episode.
Whether he's being serious or not this would've certainly been an interesting episode.
I like how Han not shooting first somehow magically turns him into a giant sissy, as opposed to if he would've shot first.
Internet logic!
Yeah, I blanked out reading all of that. The Harrison Ford "who gives a shit" .gif could not possibly be more apt right now.
Han Shoots First = Badass
Greedo Shoots First = Not as Badass
Yeah, I blanked out reading all of that. The Harrison Ford "who gives a shit" .gif could not possibly be more apt right now.
Whether he's being serious or not this would've certainly been an interesting episode.
The heck? "Derp" is not a well known term, and agree that it was blown out of proportion in this, but you seriously think she lied about not knowing it? Lied when she said that the new voice more in line with what she imagined.....
Yeah, I got the gist of it, but it also makes no sense all because of who shot first. Han's character doesn't change at all. He's still a jerk with a heart of gold, no matter what.
That establishes him as a scoundrel willing to do what it takes to survive. I think it makes his assistance at the end all the more special.
Yeah, I got the gist of it, but it also makes no sense all because of who shot first. Han's character doesn't change at all. He's still a jerk with a heart of gold, no matter what.
I thought everything he said before the gunshot established that, not the gunshot itself. But I also am able to pay attention without the use of lasers.
Dude, sign me up.Grand Cadence Oligarchy
Step aside, New Lunar Republic
Boo fake Princess! She's just a Unicorn. I like her well enough not to mind if she pretends to be a Princess, but I won't tolerate claims that she's Celestia/Luna tier.Step aside, New Lunar Republic
What is the "crystal empire?"
Finally got my tablet only to find out that it doesn't come with a stylus. It works with fingers but not my DS stylus.
oh nice, a Bamboo Pen & Touch if I'm not mistaken (looks like mine anyway)
odd that the pen wasn't included though
Have you tried asking in the Arts & Farts thread in the OT? They may be most knowledgeable in this.I bought the "Bamboo Touch" one instead of Pen & Touch. Do you know if those iPhone / iPad pens work on these things or any way to get a cheap Bamboo pen?
Have you tried asking in the Arts & Farts thread in the OT? They may be most knowledgeable in this.
I bought the "Bamboo Touch" one instead of Pen & Touch. Do you know if those iPhone / iPad pens work on these things or any way to get a cheap Bamboo pen?
I bought the "Bamboo Touch" one instead of Pen & Touch. Do you know if those iPhone / iPad pens work on these things or any way to get a cheap Bamboo pen?
I think you're reading too much into it.
Welp. I'm going to ban myself for 2 weeks. See you guys then.
Welp. I'm going to ban myself for 2 weeks. See you guys then.
not like this
not like this!
See you on the other side Mazzy.
not like this
not like this!
4.5 hour lapse between posts
The community is dying
Just like my tapeworms! Hoot hoot.You have to move on, and accept that he'll continue living in your heart.
You've gotta save us H'BN!
Just like my tapeworms! Hoot hoot.
Welp. I'm going to ban myself for 2 weeks. See you guys then.
Welp. I'm going to ban myself for 2 weeks. See you guys then.