I'll take your word for it.... For now.
Thanks! I'll tell Twi.... I mean my friend I made a frie.
Returning to normalcy (I feel embarrassed just writing that stuff):

I'll take your word for it.... For now.
Thanks! I'll tell Twi.... I mean my friend I made a frie.
Thanks! I'll tell Twi.... I mean my friend I made a frie.
And after some playful roleplay I shall be branded the lunatic forever.
Oh come on i'm sure it's not like that. Everyone who thinks Razek is a loon, raise your hooves!
Man you guys are great lol.
That's always been my favorite interpretation of Scootaloo, that she's essentially handicapped for life and will never be a natural flyer like her idol.
That's always been my favorite interpretation of Scootaloo, that she's essentially handicapped for life and will never be a natural flyer like her idol.
It'd be a surprisingly bold (but totally organic) lesson for this show to tackle. Definitely wouldn't mind if it became canon.
EDIT 2 you better not screw this up again gaf.
What surprises me about the Scootaloo thing is that Faust did have creative control of S1 and there are no hints that Scoot is different than other Pegasus ponies. We never see young Pegasus ponies fly outside a few rare occasions, and one of those was the pilot, which has the same pilot oddities any series has. Just doesn't make much sense to me.
I think it's implied when she uses a scooter to get around instead of just flying to places.
But we know there's flight school for them to learn to fly. Just like there's magic schools to learn magic. No one says anything about Sweetie Belle not using magic.
But we know there's flight school for them to learn to fly. Just like there's magic schools to learn magic. No one says anything about Sweetie Belle not using magic.
But we know there's flight school for them to learn to fly. Just like there's magic schools to learn magic. No one says anything about Sweetie Belle not using magic.
Yeah, I'm kinda worried that without Faust we'll end up with a generic, safe, "follow your dreams hurr" thing where Scootaloo ends up flying successfully, missing the point of her being the Scooter pony, and instead giving us Rainbow Dash 2.0.
And after some playful roleplay I shall be branded the lunatic forever.
Regarding Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and whether the mane 5 were friends before Twilight came to Ponyville...
In the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Rainbow Dash seems pretty desperate for cider, right? So what does she do? She wakes up early and goes to Fluttershy's house to wake her up early, and drags her naked out of bed.
While dragging Fluttershy incoherently to the event, Dash asks "Don't you remember what happened last year? Or the year before that? Or pretty much any cider season ever? ... Pinkie Pie." This would seem to suggest that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have been doing this for years.
And then when they get to the event (where Pinkie has conveniently suggested that half the town should camp overnight), Fluttershy has the spot in line ahead of Rainbow Dash. I don't think anyone would believe that Fluttershy took that spot. Rainbow Dash gave the earlier spot to her. Probably forcefully.
And then Fluttershy gets the last mug of cider. When Rainbow Dash's drink fails to pour, she doesn't for one moment look toward's Fluttershy's drink with envy. She's just mad at Applejack for never making enough for everyone, and mad at Pinkie Pie for hogging too much of it.
And then Fluttershy, noticing how upset Rainbow Dash and the others are getting, says "For the record, I don't mind..." before Rainbow Dash cuts her off sharply and acts as if Fluttershy said nothing. Fluttershy was willing to give up her mug of cider. Rainbow Dash was going to allow none of that. She wants a drink, but she doesn't want Fluttershy's drink, and nobody else is going to take it either. Not on her watch. Not even when she's desperate enough to eat dirt.
FlutterDash is best team.
Now I'll definitely never believe anything I'm told in IRC ever again...Remember those 5" Target plushies? Well, here are some 12" versions from - you guessed it - WalMart.
You can't prove that the author of Cupcakes isn't Lauren Faust either. Just saying.You can't prove that Egophiliac isn't Lauren Faust.
Hooves off, Twi is mine!Thanks! I'll tell Twi.... I mean my friend I made a frie.
Yet Rainbow Dash was ready to prank Fluttershy in Griffon the Brush Off before Pinkie stopped her and noted that Fluttershy is too sensitive for it.Regarding Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and whether the mane 5 were friends before Twilight came to Ponyville...
In the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Rainbow Dash seems pretty desperate for cider, right? So what does she do? She wakes up early and goes to Fluttershy's house to wake her up early, and drags her naked out of bed.
While dragging Fluttershy incoherently to the event, Dash asks "Don't you remember what happened last year? Or the year before that? Or pretty much any cider season ever? ... Pinkie Pie." This would seem to suggest that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have been doing this for years.
And then when they get to the event (where Pinkie has conveniently suggested that half the town should camp overnight), Fluttershy has the spot in line ahead of Rainbow Dash. I don't think anyone would believe that Fluttershy took that spot. Rainbow Dash gave the earlier spot to her. Probably forcefully.
And then Fluttershy gets the last mug of cider. When Rainbow Dash's drink fails to pour, she doesn't for one moment look toward's Fluttershy's drink with envy. She's just mad at Applejack for never making enough for everyone, and mad at Pinkie Pie for hogging too much of it.
And then Fluttershy, noticing how upset Rainbow Dash and the others are getting, says "For the record, I don't mind..." before Rainbow Dash cuts her off sharply and acts as if Fluttershy said nothing. Fluttershy was willing to give up her mug of cider. Rainbow Dash was going to allow none of that. She wants a drink, but she doesn't want Fluttershy's drink, and nobody else is going to take it either. Not on her watch. Not even when she's desperate enough to eat dirt.
owls car
Yet Rainbow Dash was ready to prank Fluttershy in Griffon the Brush Off before Pinkie stopped her and noted that Fluttershy is too sensitive for it.
That's not a car. It's a van. A rusty old beater van. The side of the tailgate (wait, why does a van have a tailgate?) that doesn't look so rusty has been crudely repaired with another piece of metal, so basically it's even rustier than the rusty side. That van probably has "free candy" written across the side.owls car
Yet Rainbow Dash was ready to prank Fluttershy in Griffon the Brush Off before Pinkie stopped her and noted that Fluttershy is too sensitive for it.
You're welcome.
FlutterDash is best team.
I have ~2% share in this thread, and now I'm giving it to DrForester. He's not just beating you by 20 votes, he's beating you by 170.everyone, shut up.
I have ~2% share in this thread, and now I'm giving it to DrForester. He's not just beating you by 20 votes, he's beating you by 170.
The King has spoken!
i think people are getting sick of it lol.
im bowing out like Gfex, its time.
Meine Herrschaft wird in den Ländern des Equestria verlängern!
Topshot said:
everyone, shut up.
Dark Phoenix has found the best thing of all time.
I shall usher in a new era of Pony Gaf kind!
You will all receive well paying careers!
Your children will be taught the true version of history!
Military benefits!
Apple Pie!
Are you ready!?