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My Little Pony FiM Season 2 |OT| - Quality Has No Demographic


Orcastar said:
Let's not forget that at the start of episode 1, Twilight was reading the story behind Luna's banishment from a history book. (Or was it a book on old pony legends? I forget.) Who knows how accuratetly it depicted what really happened? And I'm not talking about Celestia being a tyrant and purposefully supressing the truth or anything like that, but simply pointing out that the whole story might not have been recorded in history books.
That's true. 1000 years is a long time. There's no way to relate an Equestrian year to an Earth year or know the lifespan of a pony but in any case it was long enough that nopony else had even heard the story before.

SRG01 said:
They really should get Patrick Stewart in one of the episodes... :)
This would be the greatest thing ever.


Unconfirmed Member





Kills Photobucket
Orcastar said:
Let's not forget that at the start of episode 1, Twilight was reading the story behind Luna's banishment from a history book. (Or was it a book on old pony legends? I forget.) Who knows how accuratetly it depicted what really happened? And I'm not talking about Celestia being a tyrant and purposefully supressing the truth or anything like that, but simply pointing out that the whole story might not have been recorded in history books.
That's more or less how Twilight saw it, as she never pieced together that the story was about Celestia or that NMM was her sister.

I think it's far to take the story at face value, unless the show says otherwise.

No one knowing who NMM was kind of a plothole in ep 1 for me, as even if it's an "old mares tale" it seems the type of story everyone might have heard, but not believed (which also doesn't make much sense, as why would a story about a magical royal pony that can raise the Sun and the Moon not instantly be equated to Celestia?).


Finally got around to watching the 1080 on Youtube. Amazing stuff! It feels like they stepped up the animation and the camera angles and stuff this time around, even though they were pretty flash hot already.


Confused101 said:
I found it funny that Rarity mentions that she doesn't want to get wet, yet she gives Twilight her umbrella. Granted, she was wearing full rain repellent gear but still.

Generosity, remember?

It was a pity only a few of the dischord elements were already present though, Dischord basically had to generate Fluttershy's out of magic.

Dash is Loyalty and Fear, Pinkie is Laughter and Wrath, Rarity gets Generosity and Aravice, Applejack is Honesty and... uh... white lies I guess? Fluttershy gets Kindness but had meanness forced upon her.

Twilight doesn't get a dischord element just yet!

OMG Aero

BY2K said:
Every time I come into this thread listening to music this gif is synced up perfectly with it.
The Awesomest said:
I like how Discord teased Applejack about the fair play/no wings thing
Something I saw pointed out on another site is that in the stain glass part where Discord says he doesn't turn ponies into stone, he knocks on the picture of Fluttershy who was almost turned to stone by the cockatrice.
I wonder if these are just continuity nods or whether Discord has been keeping an eye on things in season 1.
ahoyhoy said:

Idea by Cad.
Tail Whip is a status move it cannot be super effective.
OMG Aero said:
I wonder if these are just continuity nods or whether Discord has been keeping an eye on things in season 1.
He knows all about them and the element they represent so I'm inclined to believe that he's been keeping an eye on things all along.
Jintor said:
Finally got around to watching the 1080 on Youtube. Amazing stuff! It feels like they stepped up the animation and the camera angles and stuff this time around, even though they were pretty flash hot already.
That's what I thought as I was watching it. If there were ever an MLP movie this is how it would look.


Unconfirmed Member
One thing that got me curious about the future episode, or any future episode for that matter... (I'll spoiler for those that care about)

I believe this image was released with other images from season 2. It shows Rainbow Dash without wings, but gets em' back at the end of episode. Also shows Fluttershy with wings... I guess it could be an error in the long run, but it does get me curious.


n8BitMan said:
One thing that got me curious about the future episode, or any future episode for that matter... (I'll spoiler for those that care about)

I believe this image was released with other images from season 2. It shows Rainbow Dash without wings, but gets em' back at the end of episode. Also shows Fluttershy with wings... I guess it could be an error in the long run, but it does get me curious.

That still looks like just something promotional given how offmodel everyone is.
I'm pretty sure that picture was around before the series started.

I remember it being posted in the very first thread, maybe along with Pegasus Pie and other really early promotional pieces from before S1.


Unconfirmed Member
Slamtastic said:
I'm pretty sure that picture was around before the series started.

I remember it being posted in the very first thread, maybe along with Pegasus Pie and other really early promotional pieces from before S1.
I'm not completely sure, as it seems kind of hard trying to pin point where exactly the picture was brought up, but I'm pretty sure this was one of the supposed first images of season 2, released shortly after the announced season 2 or something.

I recall because people were worried about it as such, because how the ponies are posed and such, which might lead to mediocre animation or what have you.
BDGAME said:
I love this first episode. When Celestia talk about the past, I remember this:


It was a chaos before the gods!

And that's a really good villain!

I definitely got a Greek mythology vibe from the backstory we got here. Like Zeus overthrowing Kronos and the titans. And I had forgotten before watching that that Zeus only imprisoned the Titans, not killed them.

n8BitMan said:
I'm not completely sure, as it seems kind of hard trying to pin point where exactly the picture was brought up, but I'm pretty sure this was one of the supposed first images of season 2, released shortly after the announced season 2 or something.

I recall because people were worried about it as such, because how the ponies are posed and such, which might lead to mediocre animation or what have you.

I also remember that being an S2 promotion image.


n8BitMan said:
I'm not completely sure, as it seems kind of hard trying to pin point where exactly the picture was brought up, but I'm pretty sure this was one of the supposed first images of season 2, released shortly after the announced season 2 or something.

I recall because people were worried about it as such, because how the ponies are posed and such, which might lead to mediocre animation or what have you.

This is where I first saw it

Still think it's a prerelease season 1 image.
It perfectly mirrors the ending scene in episode 2.


I smirked... then I noticed which final destination/fox it was. There is no need to bring such sad subjects in to this thread.

One day I'll get over Brawl. Won't be any time soon, but it'll happen eventually...

I hope.


Just watched Ep. 1, I loled at how easy Discord delt with Fluttershy, if anything she would be the easiest for him to deal with.
Can't wait for Ep. 2 ;.;

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I think the reason Twilight wasn't trolled by Discord was due to her element being neutral (i.e. Magic)
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