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My still unanswered NPD question

thought I'll get it answered now. I asked this during the Oct NPD in relation to Fable (abotu 2-3 times and no one had an answer)

How does NPD take into consideration the matter of returns or does it not. Lets say:

Game X sell through = 80% at retail
returns = 10%

a) NPD = 80%
b) NPD = 70%

In the instance that a) still counts; the fact that

1) a return is used to get money back ... then ?? the monetary value comes from the retail shop (like EB/BESTBUY?)

Or in the instance of situation a or b)
2) a swap of a game... then does the NPD value of say GAME B go up?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The return takes away 1 from the sales of the game. I'd imagine it does the same thing with the money portion of the NPD as well. Basically when a game is returned its as if the sale never happened.

If game A is returned and game B is bought then its game A - 1 and game B + 1 (money and sales).
The number they give is the net sales = game sales - game returns. Simple.

NOTE: Trade-ins are NOT returns. They are not reported to NPD in any way.
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