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Mystery Science Theater 3000: On April 14th, We've Got Movie Sign

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Doesn't the dollar amount update in real time?

This is a unique case in that independent merchandise sales are being counted toward the stretch goals despite not being counted on Kickstarter.

EDIT: $419,950 was raised over the past 24 hours. With 24 hours left, it's only $469,097 to go until $5.5m and 12 episodes.


This is a unique case in that independent merchandise sales are being counted toward the stretch goals despite not being counted on Kickstarter.

EDIT: $419,950 was raised over the past 24 hours. With 24 hours left, it's only $469,097 to go until $5.5m and 12 episodes.
Further, I just looked over some of the other big Kickstarter projects, and the final day always raises at least 2 times the second-to-last day.

I don't want to be overconfident, but this looks like a lock. They might even get to 5.5 without the add-on reward numbers.


I don't want to be overconfident, but this looks like a lock. They might even get to 5.5 without the add-on reward numbers.

Joel did mention somewhere that, if necessary, he did have another stretch goal in mind. I'm thinking shorts, most likely.


In fact, just in case we do reach $5.5MM and unlock all twelve episodes before our Final Countdown ends, I've got one last "stretch goal" in mind… but I'll tell you more about that later.


Very impressive, Joel. I'm saddened none of the originals are coming back but that doesn't stop me from being happy for the series' return.
Also, if you'd like, PM me what you donated/spent on add-on rewards so I can get a GAF total to post in the OP.

The reason I'm asking for a PM rather than post is that I wouldn't want someone to feel that their donation wasn't enough. Every little bit helped!


Man, I need that overnight update. We are closing in on the final, but we still have about 400k to go based on current numbers.

Edit: $395k~ based on some quick math.


PM sent!

There was talk earlier about how people found he show, so I figured I'd share my story.

My family had rented a beach house in the summer of '89 or 90. I was 13/14 at the time. They had this weird channel I'd never heard of on the cable system there, the Comedy Channel. Might have been Ha!, it was a long time ago.

I saw MST3K and was amazed! This was a show that seemed to be designed for me! My Dad and I loved watching old monster movies and laughing at them, and these guys were doing it for real!

I went home and told all of my friends about this insane show, but we didn't have the channel. After a while it felt like something I'd dreamed. Was it even real? (This was all pre-Internet.).

We finally got Comedy Central on our cable system and the rest is history.

Anyway, I'm happy to have the show back after all this time, and I look forward to chatting with you guys(as well as anyone in real life who will listen) as the new shows come out.


I ended-up changing-up my donation scheme: $100 kick, plus the $199 digital package.

I found MST3k around 1990, during the Comedy Central years. I lived in front of Comedy Central from 1990-1996 (high school/college years) - Kids in the Hall, Monty Python, Whose Line Is It Anyway, SNL reruns, SOAP, Short Attention Span Theater, etc. But it was MST3k that was my favorite.

This has me thinking: I really, really hope that there's a sign like this at the start of each episode:

It's a small thing, but it helps set the tone right away!

Edit: just asked Joel on Twitter. Hopefully he'll see!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
My "how I discovered MST3K" story isn't terribly exciting. I was channel-surfing in 1997 (I think I was about 14 at the time) and happened to land on Sci-Fi while "The Thing That Couldn't Die" was on. I laughed harder than I'd ever laughed before, and the very next week started taping the show. And subsequently wore those goddamn tapes out over the course of the next 6-7 years.

Speaking of tapes, anyone else in here old enough to have tape traded when it was still a thing? I did, once or twice. Was how I saw my first Joel episodes. Hercules and the Captive Women, War of the Colossal Beast, and...one other, can't remember which it was. Maybe Fire Maidens from Outer Space? Anyway, I'm glad I got to experience tape trading right at the tail end of it being a thing people did, before the internet made it obsolete.
For me it was my freshman year of college in '91, everyone had gone home for Thanksgiving and one of my friends from high school was having a get together at his house that night. So a bunch of us show up and the Turkey Day marathon was on and we all end up just watching that. Pod People was just starting when I got there, it was amazing and all the more so because one of our friends with us fortuitously had the last name of McCloud, so you can imagine how much funnier that bit was with him in the room.


I remember finding the show when it first aired on KTMA. It was this funny, low budget, public access-type show that my siblings and I enjoyed. And it's not like there was much else to watch, since I think it aired on Sunday evenings. But it left enough of an impression that I followed it over to its move to cable TV. Though since my cable provider didn't have the comedy channel at first, I missed the whole first season and wound up starting with "Sidehackers" at the start of season two.
My "how I discovered MST3K" story isn't terribly exciting. I was channel-surfing in 1997 (I think I was about 14 at the time) and happened to land on Sci-Fi while "The Thing That Couldn't Die" was on. I laughed harder than I'd ever laughed before, and the very next week started taping the show. And subsequently wore those goddamn tapes out over the course of the next 6-7 years.

Speaking of tapes, anyone else in here old enough to have tape traded when it was still a thing? I did, once or twice. Was how I saw my first Joel episodes. Hercules and the Captive Women, War of the Colossal Beast, and...one other, can't remember which it was. Maybe Fire Maidens from Outer Space? Anyway, I'm glad I got to experience tape trading right at the tail end of it being a thing people did, before the internet made it obsolete.
I tape traded in the UK with a friend when season 8 was first airing.

I didn't get to see any Joel until I got broadband and video compression started to get good.


I tape traded in the UK with a friend when season 8 was first airing.

I didn't get to see any Joel until I got broadband and video compression started to get good.

I didn't have cable TV for a long time when I was a kid and I only saw Mike episodes until I bought some of the DVD box sets.
Sci-fi had repeats Saturday morning and my mom had them on in the background while she was doing stuff around the house. My first clear memory was Time Chasers with Servo saying "We have three vintage cars and dammit man we're gonna use them!" or something like that.
Sci-fi had repeats Saturday morning and my mom had them on in the background while she was doing stuff around the house. My first clear memory was Time Chasers with Servo saying "We have three vintage cars and dammit man we're gonna use them!" or something like that.

Sure I'm an unappealing actor in a bad movie! Sure!


Went ahead and got the $200 digital add-on package to help push this over the top (had pledged $100 and picked the 85 digital reward via the Kickstarter).

Come on 12 episodes....


By my reckoning they're pretty much at the 11-episode mark now, if they were to consider the stretch goals in a more granular way.


I'm not sure when or how I got into MST3K, though I assume my dad got me into it. He watched the show on Sci-Fi, and I remember watching -- either with him or on my own -- the episodes on Saturday mornings, like around 10am, but I wasn't too closely invested in it. I liked it but wasn't a fan yet. It was only some time after the show had ended and I began rediscovering some of the shows online, or getting my dad some of the DVDs as a gift, that my interest in it exploded.

I do distinctly remember catching Puma Man -- without riffs! -- very very late on TV, while I was over at a friend's place. That may have been my first exposure to the show, or at least the movies.
Very briefly MST3K was shown on a local UHF-like channel and I saw a commercial for it, I would have been 11 and it would have been early Joel-era stuff.. I watched it once or twice and then it disappeared. I found it again on cable at my grandparents a year or two later, but couldn't really watch it regularly. I started buying the VHS tapes from Best Brains, and during the Sci-Fi era I could drive, and would go to my grandparents and record it on VHS.


I got into MST3K on the Comedy Channel. That was back before everyone had a billion stations, and my dad got a black box off some truck. Parents were divorced, so my weekends were largely waiting for MST3K to come in in between bouts of playing NES in the basement.

After that stopped working, I needed to wait when cable gave us free trials of Comedy Central to watch the program. Magically it became a free station at some point.

However, at my mom's I needed to wait until SciFi got it. Used to record them all in VHS whenever possible and rewatch for weekly viewing.
When the show moved to Sci-Fi, which our area didn't get at the time, I had to have my grandma in Wisconsin tape the episodes for me. She messed up the first 3 episodes, so I didn't see a Sci-Fi era one until The Deadly Mantis and was confused that Crow's voice was different.

Do we actually know how close we are to 5.5 right now with the add-ons? Is it likely to make it?

I would cautiously say it's going to happen, but that shouldn't discourage people from donating!


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I came relatively late to the game, too. My area didn't get Comedy Central until we were pretty deep into the 90s and Mike had already taken over.

I watched a lot of Comedy Central and just stumbled upon Alien from L.A one afternoon. The show got canceled a little later, obviously, and I was able to watch all the Sci-Fi era as it aired.

Man, how did any of us know to switch to Sci-Fi channel? Was it a case of us already watching the channel and seeing an ad? I honestly don't remember.


Man, how did any of us know to switch to Sci-Fi channel? Was it a case of us already watching the channel and seeing an ad? I honestly don't remember.
I don't remember how I found out about the news. I might've found out about it from the info club, places like Usenet, or even a bit of coverage in the local paper. I do remember the show's resurrection on the Sci-Fi Channel wasn't a surprise, even though it was quite different from before in terms of format and cast.


What year was the sci-fi transition? I remember knowing it was going down. Must of been a magazine or early Internet?


My first MST3K memory is...well I don't know. I must have found it on Comedy Central because I have commercials burned into my head for "Limboland", "Lounge Lizards", "Dr. Katz", and "Two Drink Minimum". I remember falling in love with the show after seeing "Gamera vs. Guiron". Yes, I memorized the "Gamera is filled with meat!....." song, and terrorized my mother with it. Since the show was on so late (READ: Past my bedtime), I ended up setting up our VCR to always record episodes so I could watch them the next day. This caused me to accidentally record over a home movie once with a copy of "Attack of the Killer Shrews". My mother was not pleased.

Aww hell, I'm in. Just backed it. I can't fucking believe we're getting more MST3K. Totally going to celebrate by watching a random Episode I have around here. Hello "Last of the Wild Horses!"
I got into MST3K around the middle of season 1. I was 12 at the time and the loved the goofiness of it all. Joel always came across as this friendly father figure to the bots which I found to be endearing. When they switched things up in season 2 the show really took off for me and I started recording every episode on Betamax for repeat viewings during the week.

When Mike came on the scene I was never worried since I knew he was the head writer. Lots of folks love to fight over which host was best but I could never choose between the two. Joel was the creator and obviously steered the show to be as kid friendly as possible while still sticking in some more intelligent adult humor at times. I felt the show "grew up" in a lot of ways once Mike was the host. With Mike, the show was a bit darker in its humor and definitely had more grown up oriented jokes which I think is why so many current fans prefer Mike. I loved the childlike innocence Joel infused into the show and in a lot of ways I felt I grew up with Joel and the bots. But some of the movies Mike watched were just so easy to riff on, especially Laserblast, Space Mutiny, Boggy Creek II, and my favorite, Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders. Joel's take on the show was perfect for the time and Mike's direction was good timing too as their audience grew up with them.

I ended up backing today even though I was holding out, unsure about the new crew. I finally realized that the magic I experienced growing up with the previous 2 crews can never be replicated; nor should it be. I backed because Joel is trying to bring back the magic in a new way, with people who truly love and understand the show. I want them to make a brand new experience for the old and new audience.

Joel, I hope you land a deal with Netflix or Hulu in the future. We all love making fun of cheesy movies, but you guys always did it best.


I'm sure there will be soon. It's only a little after 8 AM on the west coast. Who knows how much sleep Joel has been getting!

I hope it's enough! I'd hate for him to sound really tired during the countdown party.

(About Gypsy:)
Well, it's hardly word, but I'm sure I recall Joel mentioning her in one of the videos, so she hasn't been completely airbrushed from history.

I wish I'd thought of using the term "Automata non grata" back then.
I got into MST3K around the middle of season 1. I was 12 at the time and the loved the goofiness of it all. Joel always came across as this friendly father figure to the bots which I found to be endearing. When they switched things up in season 2 the show really took off for me and I started recording every episode on Betamax for repeat viewings during the week.

When Mike came on the scene I was never worried since I knew he was the head writer. Lots of folks love to fight over which host was best but I could never choose between the two. Joel was the creator and obviously steered the show to be as kid friendly as possible while still sticking in some more intelligent adult humor at times. I felt the show "grew up" in a lot of ways once Mike was the host. With Mike, the show was a bit darker in its humor and definitely had more grown up oriented jokes which I think is why so many current fans prefer Mike. I loved the childlike innocence Joel infused into the show and in a lot of ways I felt I grew up with Joel and the bots. But some of the movies Mike watched were just so easy to riff on, especially Laserblast, Space Mutiny, Boggy Creek II, and my favorite, Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders. Joel's take on the show was perfect for the time and Mike's direction was good timing too as their audience grew up with them.

I ended up backing today even though I was holding out, unsure about the new crew. I finally realized that the magic I experienced growing up with the previous 2 crews can never be replicated; nor should it be. I backed because Joel is trying to bring back the magic in a new way, with people who truly love and understand the show. I want them to make a brand new experience for the old and new audience.

Joel, I hope you land a deal with Netflix or Hulu in the future. We all love making fun of cheesy movies, but you guys always did it best.

The think the show was more laugh out loud funny with Mike, but I like both him and Joel pretty equally.
I know we're going to make it (less than $335,000 to go), but I want to see this thing pick up speed so we can find out what that new stretch goal is...

It would also be nice to get an update on the add on figure.
I ended up backing today even though I was holding out, unsure about the new crew. I finally realized that the magic I experienced growing up with the previous 2 crews can never be replicated; nor should it be. I backed because Joel is trying to bring back the magic in a new way, with people who truly love and understand the show. I want them to make a brand new experience for the old and new audience.

Joel, I hope you land a deal with Netflix or Hulu in the future. We all love making fun of cheesy movies, but you guys always did it best.

That's the spirit. Have some warm fuzzy feelings as a reward.


I started watching MST3K when I was 13 (10 years ago now, jeez) and first saw them on Netflix. I would rent episodes on Netflix, and bought various DVD sets over the years.

What the hell is this "TV" you guys watched it on?
The think the show was more laugh out loud funny with Mike, but I like both him and Joel pretty equally.

Mike definitely had more laugh out loud episodes but I think that has a lot to do with the movies he watched and the darker humor he was allowed to run with. Although there were a lot of jokes in the Joel seasons that I did not get since I was younger. Go back and watch something like The Magic Voyage of Sinbad and I bet there are a ton of subtle adult jokes that a younger person might not pick up on. I think the Joel seasons were more accessible to a wider audience while the Mike era was definitely aimed at a late teen and older audience.

I love going back and watching the earlier episodes because I can always count on getting a joke that I did not get when I was 12-15.
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