Could you please elaborate on this? Was considering buying it.
I personally don't remember what they're talking about, but there certainly could be something -- it's got 'gross' humor throughout, in general [bonus points for shooting guys in the nuts, etc]. That said, I thought it was a super fun rail shooter and the DS4 works well for targeting even without a camera. I had a blast with it, but I'm not easily offended and I wouldn't care if a game did offend me.
I have questions two:
Is Invisible Inc. good on PS4? (Not "is it good," "is it good on PS4.")
What are the highlights/hidden gems here between PS4 and Vita? That's a loooot of games on sale!
i'll save the highlights for others, but some hidden gems, depending on taste:
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender DX $3.59
Blue Estate $3.89
Dont Starve $5.99
Minutes $4.79
Outlast $7.99
So it's the "I future proofed myself and bought year ps plus cards for $30 when they were sale on black friday so I'm good until 2020 so I get cheap plus and enjoy these discounts" sale for me then.
I can already tell tomorrow's PS Plus thread will be fun. I can't wait.
I miss my stash of $15 year cards from the Target Price mistake. I thought I bought a lot. I should have bought 50.
Does anyone have thoughts on any of the following?
Enter the Gungeon $10.49
Guns, Gore & Cannoli $4.99
Invisible, Inc $11.99
Ironcast $9.74
Kholat $11.99
Letter Quest Remastered $6.99
Neon Chrome $9.74
Party Hard $9.09
Risk of Rain $6.99
Schrodingers Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark $3.99
There Came an Echo $7.49
The Witness $27.99
Croixleur Sigma $10.49
Severed $10.49
Deadlight: Directors Cut (PS4) $13.99
Shadow Complex Remastered (PS4) $10.49
Shadow of the Beast (PS4) $13.99
Strike Vector EX (PS4) $10.49
For reference, i'll be going vita where there is an option to, else ps4. i also will be paying the ps+ price.
That list is too long, and I need to chop it down to something more... reasonable.