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Naruto Manga |OT2| Not A Romance Manga

Mitsuki looked cool in the manga but somehow looks screwed up in the colored versions.

SP and their bad character designers/artists.

Have you seen Sasuke or even worse....Gaara 0_0

It wasn't. Karin held onto the umbilical cord after helping Sakura give birth.

Something everyone saw coming from miles away.



So Psycho Mantis, what do you think of the latest development?

Holy shit.



Kishi went there.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Kishi ultimate troll. Stay losing Sakura.

That was pretty late in the Gaiden as well. I don't even want to start (probably be a ridiculously long post) referencing earlier stuff xD

Man people keep falling for Kishi's trolls every single time. It never ever gets old.



Doesn't change how bad the ending was. This was neji dying all over again except instead of destiny, its on genetics.

Well it's to be expected. Kishi still a bad writer even during the dna doubt. Sasuke still a deadbeat. Sakura now is shown a dumbass. Why trash your own house if your kid is answering easy questions that can be explained without consequence? Why did it take a gaiden for simple questions to be answered?

There is no point where either sasuke or sakura come out in a good light. What a messed family sarada has. Still having tough time to believe Sarada came from these two shits let alone one as she is a shining light compared to garbage parents.

Having tougher time seeing boruto a super brat. I am not looking forward to movie.


Well it's to be expected. Kishi still a bad writer even during the dna doubt. Sasuke still a deadbeat. Sakura now is shown a dumbass. Why trash your own house if your kid is answering easy questions that can be explained without consequence? Why did it take a gaiden for simple questions to be answered?


How is sauce a deadbeat. He's out working, he's basically the CIA.

Sakura seems , way better as a person, and while messing up your own is bad. You can chalk that up to over emotional shonen anime characters. Because your daughter kind of asked a messed up question

I'm all for shitting on sakura and calling sasce a jerk, but don't make shit up
The ending was what made Gaiden.

Truly showed how little some of you understand these characters, what this manga is about (I wasn't surprised in certain cases though).

Now I certainly agree that Kishi did undermine the series by not elaborating on so many things. The biggest would certainly be what was Sasuke doing on his journey. I understand what Kishi was trying to do. He essentially wanted Sasuke to be like Itachi (and we all know how some people are divided on that subject), to sacrifice his happiness and life to ensure the one's he loves are safe. Kishi then tried to make situation as dire as he could in the mini series, with the threat being bigger than Kaguya, Sasuke having to go to different dimensions, but that just opens up a whole new can of worms which I'm sure some may be addressed in the upcoming film but I'm also sure some won't.

Furthermore, certain things happened conveniently, to ensure that the mother was unknown till the end. Sakura conveniently fainting, Sasuke not being at the DNA test etc.....though at this point its clear Kishi wanted to keep the fools hooked.

I've hinted at it before but there were times were Kishi was being passive aggressive towards the people who actually bought the red herring. ChoCho, a character who clearly looked like the child of her parents goes on a journey to find her real parents......sounds familiar, Mitsuki's convo in chapter 1, the whole this woman has the glasses that look like mine (or clothes) therefore....

Now, I've already explained numerous times the DNA/bonds theme, if you still don't get it.....oh look Kishi outright showing it:


Now back to the point of Gaiden (apart from the DNA/bonds theme and setting up the new threat)....to ridicule the people who thought Karin was the mom, to point out the lack of awareness to people who thought Sasuke would betray his friends after his reconciliation, to show how even a 12 year old girl understands these characters and relationships.

All in all will you finally understand these characters and the manga's themes or will you continue to wear the dunce hat for the next 5 or however many years?

In the end:


Sarada understand the love between Sasuke and Sakura and understands the love they have for her. She is finally happy.

About Boruto. He's not going to remain a brat forever. The movie will resolve more things. By the end (heck it seems the trailer even spoils it) he too will be happy.

You may ask whats the point of all this conflict.....conflict drives the plot and draws attention. Kishi is not the type of person to draw 10 chapters of ninja slice of life....or Naruto is not that type of manga. This is the manga thats always been about perseverance and ended with this message:


Expect conflict, in whatever form it comes in.

Naruto has never been a manga where all the tiny details come together and everything locks into place. You can call it its weakness. What Naruto has been about is the significance of bonds and to this day it still is. I admire that.


Lmao people are still pressed about the outcome of the Gaiden...this is giving me Narusaku fans at the end of the manga flashbacks

& the house thing is so petty and irrelevant, it was a comedic moment. They were already living in a new house by the time they got back to the village ffs. Let it go.


The ending was what made Gaiden.

Truly showed how little some of you understand these characters, what this manga is about (I wasn't surprised in certain cases though).

Now I certainly agree that Kishi did undermine the series by not elaborating on so many things. The biggest would certainly be what was Sasuke doing on his journey. I understand what Kishi was trying to do. He essentially wanted Sasuke to be like Itachi (and we all know how some people are divided on that subject), to sacrifice his happiness and life to ensure the one's he loves are safe. Kishi then tried to make situation as dire as he could in the mini series, with the threat being bigger than Kaguya, Sasuke having to go to different dimensions, but that just opens up a whole new can of worms which I'm sure some may be addressed in the upcoming film but I'm also sure some won't.

Furthermore, certain things happened conveniently, to ensure that the mother was unknown till the end. Sakura conveniently fainting, Sasuke not being at the DNA test etc.....though at this point its clear Kishi wanted to keep the fools hooked.

I've hinted at it before but there were times were Kishi was being passive aggressive towards the people who actually bought the red herring. ChoCho, a character who clearly looked like the child of her parents goes on a journey to find her real parents......sounds familiar, Mitsuki's convo in chapter 1, the whole this woman has the glasses that look like mine (or clothes) therefore....

Now, I've already explained numerous times the DNA/bonds theme, if you still don't get it.....oh look Kishi outright showing it:


Now back to the point of Gaiden (apart from the DNA/bonds theme and setting up the new threat)....to ridicule the people who thought Karin was the mom, to point out the lack of awareness to people who thought Sasuke would betray his friends after his reconciliation, to show how even a 12 year old girl understands these characters and relationships.

All in all will you finally understand these characters and the manga's themes or will you continue to wear the dunce hat for the next 5 or however many years?

In the end:


Sarada understand the love between Sasuke and Sakura and understands the love they have for her. She is finally happy.

About Boruto. He's not going to remain a brat forever. The movie will resolve more things. By the end (heck it seems the trailer even spoils it) he too will be happy.

You may ask whats the point of all this conflict.....conflict drives the plot and draws attention. Kishi is not the type of person to draw 10 chapters of ninja slice of life....or Naruto is not that type of manga. This is the manga thats always been about perseverance and ended with this message:


Expect conflict, in whatever form it comes in.

Naruto has never been a manga where all the tiny details come together and everything locks into place. You can call it its weakness. What Naruto has been about is the significance of bonds and to this day it still is. I admire that.

So, basically, throughout this whole post you're indirectly admitting this entire Gaiden was pointless trolling that served no narrative purpose, and all the characters are pretty much back at square one (Sasuke leaving AGAIN, Sakura not even getting a goodbye kiss, and Sarada still not seeing her dad)

Bolt was MIA

Hinata and Himawari didn't even get mentioned let alone shown

Sakura still is the same shitty character she was since Part 1 (though to be fair, no author could fix that in 10 chapters)

Sasuke is still a complete dick and a deadbeat father who Kishi somehow thinks LEAVING AGAIN, somehow is okay, because Sarada "understands".

Naruto's speech about bonds is completely pointless, because it emphasized bonds with those who aren't of blood (i.e Iruka) yet, turns out Sakura's the mother all along? Wasting time with a pointless troll when we could use this Gaiden to SHOW the state of the rest of the world after the War, but nope, got to pander to pairing idiots for sales.

We have Kabuto teaching a bunch of orphans and giving them names. This screams bad idea and just how Kishi doesn't have the balls to make his villains actually have consequences for their actions. "Naruto can change everyone!" Nope. That's just a pathetic excuse for shitty writing.

You know who had the best development in the Gaiden? Karin. You know why? Because she MOVED ON, and proved she actually loved Sasuke by not interfering with what presumably makes him "happy". She helped Sakura, her former 'rival' for Sasuke's affections give birth to Sarada, and went out of her way to make sure they were okay. Hell, the ending implies they were friends, not enemies. That's actual maturity and character growth.

You see that Sasuke and Sakura have gotten far shittier. You claim it's "lol salty" all you want. It's the truth.

Do you see that Sakura's been taking care of that girl on her own and it's still ok at the end of the day? You see that Sasuke himself said it was all his fault chapters ago and yet you don't mention that? Do you see these things? Do you see the fact that Sasuke didn't even give Sakura a kiss, hell, a forehead poke when he did that in 699 when he clearly showed more interest from his words in the Gaiden?

As they say, actions will speak a hell of a lot louder than words.

Here you are gloating because you're right, when the truth of the matter is: No one really gave a shit if we were actually right or not. Especially considering that nothing was resolved or presented to the audience. Nowhere does Sasuke have to address that he missed his kid's entire life. Nowhere does he have to own up to the fact that he never tried to get in contact with her at all, and if Sarada hadn't run away from home, they wouldn't even be in each other's presence right now and he would still be wandering around without having spoken to his daughter, ever, and having no plans to not continue his journey without doing so. You have no evidence to the contrary, so we have to accept that as fact.

This wouldn't be as bad, if Sasuke had at least wrote letters consistently to his family back in the village, but nope, he couldn't even be arsed to do that, for the sake of his mission. I don't buy for a goddamn second he was busy 24/7/365 days a year that not even his own daughter whom he claims to love isn't important enough to at least WRITE to. This is the same person whose ENTIRE CHARACTER revolves around his bonds with his family that drove him to do unspeakable acts, yet when he finally has his own flesh and blood, he ignores her for over a decade to the point where said daughter only knows his existence through a, for-all-practical purposes, single mother??? Do you NOT see the irony and contradiction here?

Also to the point, Sarada has no reason to care for or love Sasuke aside from the fact that she's his biological daughter. He never raised her. He never cared for her. He barely spoke more than a few sentences to her after he nearly killed her for intruding. They never bonded through this Gaiden. Naruto bonded with Sarada and was more of a father to Sarada than Sasuke ever could hope to be, which even further throws the failure of Kishimoto when he tries to throw themes that fall apart when you apply logic to them.

Again, this isn't even unprecedented. Naruto was happy to see his mom and father (who were dead, and thus couldn't logically be there for him), but he was still angry at the Fourth for putting the Nine-Tails inside of him, even if he did come around eventually. Hell, even years later, who's the first person Naruto thinks about when it comes to a father figure? Minato? LOL, no. It's Iruka. Why? Because Iruka gave a shit and was ACTUALLY THERE, to support him when no one else besides Hiruzen did.

THIS is why this Gaiden is shitty. Because it's sloppily written, terrible ideas with even worse execution, and shows that he has no concept of healthy human interaction. Your pairing is in no better shape than it was in November of 2014. If anything, it's worse, yet you're too blinded by your silly fan fiction interpretation of this manga and trying to rub it in for being "right".

If this is your standard for an acceptable paternal/daughter relationship, than I honestly have nothing to say, because nothing you argue at that point is worth taking seriously.


House is but minor stuff. real issue was bonds and how it was diminished by ending.

What makes family matter are not by blood but by bonds. There was great potential in that considering how it was built up and it was shat on.

I mention neji because he was ultimately right in the end. Everyone's destiny is predetermined. Naruto wasnt a nobody, he ended up being ninja jesus by blood and by fate. He worked hard yes but he literally had everything going for him: superior genes, destiny by incarnation, etc.

The moral of gaiden story that bonds are most important only to reveal sarada is blood related diminishes and makes that message a joke. The 9 previous chapters wasted by the end. What the hell was the whole point of those 9 previous chapters?

Tis not fun to see sarada struggle the way she did. Did she need it? Perhaps... Sarada and Naruto mvps of gaiden though.

Why is naruto so based but the rest of team 7 so shit?
It would still be more impactful if Kishi actually pulled the trigger on it. It's easy to say blood doesn't matter if you are hedging by saying that they're still blood related, especially in the context of a culture that highly values blood relations. He's not really challenging anything because he's still bowing to the cultural expectation. Same issue with sports genre stuff where the message always seems to be that its about trying your best and having fun, but the team still wins the 'big game' in the end; it's saying one thing but doing another, it's not exploring the actual consequences of what the message entails. There's got to be a trope or something about this, it seems like a fairly common thing that crops up across genres/mediums.

And Kishi went pretty far out of his way to contort the story in such a way to even have any ambiguity present. There's no logical reason that anything would play out like this if anyone acted rationally, so I can't really blame readers for assuming that there was some substance underlying those decisions. Why didn't Shizune say she was born outside the village for example. Her acting like it was some secret shame only makes sense in the context of her parentage being in question. If it wasn't then she has zero reason to not simply say, "Oh, you were born outside the village when Sakura was with Sasuke, did you not know that?". And most annoying is that Karin has the cord despite the entire Japanese tradition regarding this practice to be about having the mother/child keep it.
guys there is no way to convince Sauce fans

Part 2 had so much Sauce and Gaiden revolved around Sauce so to them it was fulfilling
and quite frankly they're right by saying this is what Naruto is, since Kishi has that Sauce and Uchiha fetish
& the house thing is so petty and irrelevant, it was a comedic moment. They were already living in a new house by the time they got back to the village ffs. Let it go.

you mean apartment


Gaiden was pretty bad, the entire bonds not from blood speech was pointless on Sarada because Sakura was the mom. (Why the fuck would Karin keep that, there were probably plenty of other memento's from that time)

The most interesting parts was the start and seeing Oro again, considering he was still an evil asshole, but it just got past the point that everyone stopped giving a shit. (It's stated that his body can only last about 4-5 years before he needs to switch, We know what he's been doing)

A far better idea was to have Karin the mom, either by self or an experiment, but she no loner considers herself the mother since Sakura was the one that raised her. Plus this entire thing was fucking dumb, because why didn't someone say. (Yo you were born outside of the village, that is why there is no birth papers) Why was people being cryptic with her?
what I want to know is why did Sakura still decide to never tell Sarada about Karin

since you know Karin gave Sarada her glasses and helped deliver her..... Karin even said her and Sakura are friends.... So I don't get the reason for Sakura not telling her about Karin

then again Sakura is the one who cut ties with Ino because of the Sauce even though Ino protected her from bullies


Lol Sakura and Ino never stopped being friends

& it seems Sarada never asked about the photo despite it being there presumably all her life. She didn't seem to know who Suigetsu was either. Maybe Sakura skipped the part about her dad and his terrorist faction when she talked to her kid about her dad. Who knows.

No one cares about Karin anyway.


Lol Sakura and Ino never stopped being friends

& it seems Sarada never asked about the photo despite it being there presumably all her life. She didn't seem to know who Suigetsu was either. Maybe Sakura skipped the part about her dad and his terrorist faction when she talked to her kid about her dad. Who knows.

No one cares about Karin anyway.

I actually think they did, or at least the friendship was super strained because of Sakura. Ino how to bow out because I think she realized having Sakura as her friend was way more important than getting Saskue's dick.

I wish there were more character moments like that.

Plus it's not like she had to tell Sarada about the terrorist part, just say they were a group of friends that did missions together.
currently Sakura and Ino are friends but they cut of their friendship or rather Sakura did temperately due to her and Ino liking the same guy
and don't act surprised because we still saw Sakura use and manipulate people in order to get to Sasuke even in Part 2

Idk about you but I don't see why Sakura wouldn't just talk about Karin and how she gave Sarada her glasses without mentioning Team Hebi since you know she can still talk about Sasuke to her child who did even more crazier stuff then Karin ever did


currently Sakura and Ino are friends but they cut of their friendship or rather Sakura did temperately due to her and Ino liking the same guy

and don't act surprised because we still saw Sakura use and manipulate people in order to get to Sasuke even in Part 2

Idk about you but I don't see why Sakura wouldn't just talk about Karin and how she gave Sarada her glasses without mentioning Team Hebi since you know she can still talk about Sasuke to her child who did even more crazier stuff then Karin ever did

You know, that picture really makes Sakura look like the aloof character that Ino was trying to get to weird enough...which is weird to think of Sakura like that.
If we get part 3 it has to move on from Naruto/Sasuke and not start over with kids, I rather we start with adult Bolt and move the series on a mature settings..


You're carrying stuff they said/did in their childhood, you know when they were children and applying it to the adults they are now. These fixations are silly especially in the context of Naruto where people can overlook murder and assassination attempts. Surely Ino and Sakura are over a childish spat they had as little girls, they're both married with kids now, who cares about that?

Even when she gassed Sai and the others, again no one cared. Shit happens.
nah I'd rather have a build up

the problem with Shippuden was that everything just became my explosion is bigger then your explosion

which is fine if you know how to actually make unique techniques

Sasuke has more creative attacks then current Naruto's explosions but he is also quite dull with the attacks effects


You're carrying stuff they said/did in their childhood, you know when they were children and applying it to the adults they are now. These fixations are silly especially in the context of Naruto where people can overlook murder and assassination attempts. Surely Ino and Sakura are over a childish spat they had as little girls, they're both married with kids now, who cares about that?

Even when she gassed Sai and the others, again no one cared. Shit happens.

I mean, sure now they are. But I was talking up to the exams. When Sakura and Ino were rivals and when you find out the reason and when they finally made up, it seems really silly that Sakura did that. Even sillier that it was Ino that gave up on Sasuke during the exams.


I mean, sure now they are. But I was talking up to the exams. When Sakura and Ino were rivals and when you find out the reason and when they finally made up, it seems really silly that Sakura did that. Even sillier that it was Ino that gave up on Sasuke during the exams.

Girls fall out over boys all the time. & Ino has barely interacted with Sasuke throughout the manga, before or after "giving up on him", it doesn't matter.
I never thought I'd see the day where the best character arc in a Naruto story was ... the arc of a chubby black girl trying to find her father.


Girls fall out over boys all the time. & Ino has barely interacted with Sasuke throughout the manga, before or after "giving up on him", it doesn't matter.

To be fair, that is a lot of problems with the character interactions as a whole. Still usually a character arc like that have both characters realizing it isn't worth it. Honestly, I notice Naruto as a series on a whole doesn't have real character arcs. Characters find something out and their personality completely changes from that information.


Live for the Sauce
Drink the Sauce
Love the Sauce

If we get part 3 it has to move on from Naruto/Sasuke and not start over with kids, I rather we start with adult Bolt and move the series on a mature settings..

How about we get what 90% manga should of been. Ninja kids going on missions together


So, basically, throughout this whole post you're indirectly admitting this entire Gaiden was pointless trolling that served no narrative purpose, and all the characters are pretty much back at square one (Sasuke leaving AGAIN, Sakura not even getting a goodbye kiss, and Sarada still not seeing her dad)

What the hell lol? I can't believe this is an actual take away after reading this.

reading comprehension classes for adults


You're carrying stuff they said/did in their childhood, you know when they were children and applying it to the adults they are now. These fixations are silly especially in the context of Naruto where people can overlook murder and assassination attempts. Surely Ino and Sakura are over a childish spat they had as little girls, they're both married with kids now, who cares about that?

Even when she gassed Sai and the others, again no one cared. Shit happens.

more importantly, per Kishimoto, a rivalry is an intense form of friendship; Ino and Sakura are still all over each other even after they supposedly stop being close



Shippuden 418 new ED is an absolute classic. Teuchi da god.


Just started watching the anime again and I can't help but be disappointed. The animation for the 7th gate opening was awful here's hoping they actually make it beautiful after this dragged out AND CHANGED SCENES in this filler/canon flashback. Fuck Studio Pierrot so much. Guy's flashback is one of my favorites in the manga and holds one of my favorite panels in the entire series where Guy turns around and thanks Kakashi for his "support" with his hands all bruised and battered. That within the context of what was happening in the moment was super awesome to see. It's sad to see it this way as it doesn't pose well for Naruto vs Sasuke 2.

Over the past few years I've slowly come to the realization that the way anime is made now with new animation process is absolutely jarring to me. It's no longer pleasant to my eye and I don't know exactly what's changed with the animation process as I'm not knowledgable on that subject but whatever changed has made One Piece and Naruto animes really hard to watch. Maybe it could just be that Toei and SP suck at animation. I had no issues with Bones (Space Dandy), Madhouse (HxH), ufotable, Studio Wit (AoT) which I'm sure are using similar animation techniques (maybe they are just better animators than Toei and SP). It's not budget because even the new DBZ and Naruto movies, although way prettier than their anime counterparts, I still think episodes from Naruto vs Sasuke 1 look better (also think the series I mentioned above look better than these big budget movies). Naruto episodes from 02-06 in general look better to me. Anime is becoming slim pickens for me.
So, basically, throughout this whole post you're indirectly admitting this entire Gaiden was pointless trolling that served no narrative purpose, and all the characters are pretty much back at square one (Sasuke leaving AGAIN, Sakura not even getting a goodbye kiss, and Sarada still not seeing her dad)

Bolt was MIA

Hinata and Himawari didn't even get mentioned let alone shown

Sakura still is the same shitty character she was since Part 1 (though to be fair, no author could fix that in 10 chapters)

Sasuke is still a complete dick and a deadbeat father who Kishi somehow thinks LEAVING AGAIN, somehow is okay, because Sarada "understands".

Naruto's speech about bonds is completely pointless, because it emphasized bonds with those who aren't of blood (i.e Iruka) yet, turns out Sakura's the mother all along? Wasting time with a pointless troll when we could use this Gaiden to SHOW the state of the rest of the world after the War, but nope, got to pander to pairing idiots for sales.

We have Kabuto teaching a bunch of orphans and giving them names. This screams bad idea and just how Kishi doesn't have the balls to make his villains actually have consequences for their actions. "Naruto can change everyone!" Nope. That's just a pathetic excuse for shitty writing.

You know who had the best development in the Gaiden? Karin. You know why? Because she MOVED ON, and proved she actually loved Sasuke by not interfering with what presumably makes him "happy". She helped Sakura, her former 'rival' for Sasuke's affections give birth to Sarada, and went out of her way to make sure they were okay. Hell, the ending implies they were friends, not enemies. That's actual maturity and character growth.

You see that Sasuke and Sakura have gotten far shittier. You claim it's "lol salty" all you want. It's the truth.

Do you see that Sakura's been taking care of that girl on her own and it's still ok at the end of the day? You see that Sasuke himself said it was all his fault chapters ago and yet you don't mention that? Do you see these things? Do you see the fact that Sasuke didn't even give Sakura a kiss, hell, a forehead poke when he did that in 699 when he clearly showed more interest from his words in the Gaiden?

As they say, actions will speak a hell of a lot louder than words.

Here you are gloating because you're right, when the truth of the matter is: No one really gave a shit if we were actually right or not. Especially considering that nothing was resolved or presented to the audience. Nowhere does Sasuke have to address that he missed his kid's entire life. Nowhere does he have to own up to the fact that he never tried to get in contact with her at all, and if Sarada hadn't run away from home, they wouldn't even be in each other's presence right now and he would still be wandering around without having spoken to his daughter, ever, and having no plans to not continue his journey without doing so. You have no evidence to the contrary, so we have to accept that as fact.

This wouldn't be as bad, if Sasuke had at least wrote letters consistently to his family back in the village, but nope, he couldn't even be arsed to do that, for the sake of his mission. I don't buy for a goddamn second he was busy 24/7/365 days a year that not even his own daughter whom he claims to love isn't important enough to at least WRITE to. This is the same person whose ENTIRE CHARACTER revolves around his bonds with his family that drove him to do unspeakable acts, yet when he finally has his own flesh and blood, he ignores her for over a decade to the point where said daughter only knows his existence through a, for-all-practical purposes, single mother??? Do you NOT see the irony and contradiction here?

Also to the point, Sarada has no reason to care for or love Sasuke aside from the fact that she's his biological daughter. He never raised her. He never cared for her. He barely spoke more than a few sentences to her after he nearly killed her for intruding. They never bonded through this Gaiden. Naruto bonded with Sarada and was more of a father to Sarada than Sasuke ever could hope to be, which even further throws the failure of Kishimoto when he tries to throw themes that fall apart when you apply logic to them.

Again, this isn't even unprecedented. Naruto was happy to see his mom and father (who were dead, and thus couldn't logically be there for him), but he was still angry at the Fourth for putting the Nine-Tails inside of him, even if he did come around eventually. Hell, even years later, who's the first person Naruto thinks about when it comes to a father figure? Minato? LOL, no. It's Iruka. Why? Because Iruka gave a shit and was ACTUALLY THERE, to support him when no one else besides Hiruzen did.

THIS is why this Gaiden is shitty. Because it's sloppily written, terrible ideas with even worse execution, and shows that he has no concept of healthy human interaction. Your pairing is in no better shape than it was in November of 2014. If anything, it's worse, yet you're too blinded by your silly fan fiction interpretation of this manga and trying to rub it in for being "right".

If this is your standard for an acceptable paternal/daughter relationship, than I honestly have nothing to say, because nothing you argue at that point is worth taking seriously.


I agree with you in a less harsh way. lol

Speaking of pairing stuff, this gaiden served to show that Sakura chose poorly. Naruto is clearly the best husbando. lol

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
The ending was what made Gaiden.

Truly showed how little some of you understand these characters, what this manga is about (I wasn't surprised in certain cases though).

Now I certainly agree that Kishi did undermine the series by not elaborating on so many things. The biggest would certainly be what was Sasuke doing on his journey. I understand what Kishi was trying to do. He essentially wanted Sasuke to be like Itachi (and we all know how some people are divided on that subject), to sacrifice his happiness and life to ensure the one's he loves are safe. Kishi then tried to make situation as dire as he could in the mini series, with the threat being bigger than Kaguya, Sasuke having to go to different dimensions, but that just opens up a whole new can of worms which I'm sure some may be addressed in the upcoming film but I'm also sure some won't.

Furthermore, certain things happened conveniently, to ensure that the mother was unknown till the end. Sakura conveniently fainting, Sasuke not being at the DNA test etc.....though at this point its clear Kishi wanted to keep the fools hooked.

I've hinted at it before but there were times were Kishi was being passive aggressive towards the people who actually bought the red herring. ChoCho, a character who clearly looked like the child of her parents goes on a journey to find her real parents......sounds familiar, Mitsuki's convo in chapter 1, the whole this woman has the glasses that look like mine (or clothes) therefore....

Now, I've already explained numerous times the DNA/bonds theme, if you still don't get it.....oh look Kishi outright showing it:


Now back to the point of Gaiden (apart from the DNA/bonds theme and setting up the new threat)....to ridicule the people who thought Karin was the mom, to point out the lack of awareness to people who thought Sasuke would betray his friends after his reconciliation, to show how even a 12 year old girl understands these characters and relationships.

All in all will you finally understand these characters and the manga's themes or will you continue to wear the dunce hat for the next 5 or however many years?

In the end:


Sarada understand the love between Sasuke and Sakura and understands the love they have for her. She is finally happy.

About Boruto. He's not going to remain a brat forever. The movie will resolve more things. By the end (heck it seems the trailer even spoils it) he too will be happy.

You may ask whats the point of all this conflict.....conflict drives the plot and draws attention. Kishi is not the type of person to draw 10 chapters of ninja slice of life....or Naruto is not that type of manga. This is the manga thats always been about perseverance and ended with this message:


Expect conflict, in whatever form it comes in.

Naruto has never been a manga where all the tiny details come together and everything locks into place. You can call it its weakness. What Naruto has been about is the significance of bonds and to this day it still is. I admire that.

Congratulations on being on-point about Kishi's overall shittyness?

I mean, you're saying all this as if there is a single person in here who doesn't understand what point Kishi is trying to make. I mean really, it's elementary school stuff and even an idiot can figure out his "point" or the "complexity of his characters" (lol) or the "theme" or whatever. It's as subtle as a nuclear warhead exploding in front of your face.

We're just laughing at the absurd low-quality-ish way he's using to explain that point/theme to us :p To act like you're the only one that can see/understand "the theme or character complexity" or whatever point Kishi is trying to make is just lolworthy, sorry :p

So, basically, throughout this whole post you're indirectly admitting this entire Gaiden was pointless trolling that served no narrative purpose, and all the characters are pretty much back at square one (Sasuke leaving AGAIN, Sakura not even getting a goodbye kiss, and Sarada still not seeing her dad)

Bolt was MIA

Hinata and Himawari didn't even get mentioned let alone shown

Sakura still is the same shitty character she was since Part 1 (though to be fair, no author could fix that in 10 chapters)

Sasuke is still a complete dick and a deadbeat father who Kishi somehow thinks LEAVING AGAIN, somehow is okay, because Sarada "understands".

Naruto's speech about bonds is completely pointless, because it emphasized bonds with those who aren't of blood (i.e Iruka) yet, turns out Sakura's the mother all along? Wasting time with a pointless troll when we could use this Gaiden to SHOW the state of the rest of the world after the War, but nope, got to pander to pairing idiots for sales.

We have Kabuto teaching a bunch of orphans and giving them names. This screams bad idea and just how Kishi doesn't have the balls to make his villains actually have consequences for their actions. "Naruto can change everyone!" Nope. That's just a pathetic excuse for shitty writing.

You know who had the best development in the Gaiden? Karin. You know why? Because she MOVED ON, and proved she actually loved Sasuke by not interfering with what presumably makes him "happy". She helped Sakura, her former 'rival' for Sasuke's affections give birth to Sarada, and went out of her way to make sure they were okay. Hell, the ending implies they were friends, not enemies. That's actual maturity and character growth.

You see that Sasuke and Sakura have gotten far shittier. You claim it's "lol salty" all you want. It's the truth.

Do you see that Sakura's been taking care of that girl on her own and it's still ok at the end of the day? You see that Sasuke himself said it was all his fault chapters ago and yet you don't mention that? Do you see these things? Do you see the fact that Sasuke didn't even give Sakura a kiss, hell, a forehead poke when he did that in 699 when he clearly showed more interest from his words in the Gaiden?

As they say, actions will speak a hell of a lot louder than words.

Here you are gloating because you're right, when the truth of the matter is: No one really gave a shit if we were actually right or not. Especially considering that nothing was resolved or presented to the audience. Nowhere does Sasuke have to address that he missed his kid's entire life. Nowhere does he have to own up to the fact that he never tried to get in contact with her at all, and if Sarada hadn't run away from home, they wouldn't even be in each other's presence right now and he would still be wandering around without having spoken to his daughter, ever, and having no plans to not continue his journey without doing so. You have no evidence to the contrary, so we have to accept that as fact.

This wouldn't be as bad, if Sasuke had at least wrote letters consistently to his family back in the village, but nope, he couldn't even be arsed to do that, for the sake of his mission. I don't buy for a goddamn second he was busy 24/7/365 days a year that not even his own daughter whom he claims to love isn't important enough to at least WRITE to. This is the same person whose ENTIRE CHARACTER revolves around his bonds with his family that drove him to do unspeakable acts, yet when he finally has his own flesh and blood, he ignores her for over a decade to the point where said daughter only knows his existence through a, for-all-practical purposes, single mother??? Do you NOT see the irony and contradiction here?

Also to the point, Sarada has no reason to care for or love Sasuke aside from the fact that she's his biological daughter. He never raised her. He never cared for her. He barely spoke more than a few sentences to her after he nearly killed her for intruding. They never bonded through this Gaiden. Naruto bonded with Sarada and was more of a father to Sarada than Sasuke ever could hope to be, which even further throws the failure of Kishimoto when he tries to throw themes that fall apart when you apply logic to them.

Again, this isn't even unprecedented. Naruto was happy to see his mom and father (who were dead, and thus couldn't logically be there for him), but he was still angry at the Fourth for putting the Nine-Tails inside of him, even if he did come around eventually. Hell, even years later, who's the first person Naruto thinks about when it comes to a father figure? Minato? LOL, no. It's Iruka. Why? Because Iruka gave a shit and was ACTUALLY THERE, to support him when no one else besides Hiruzen did.

THIS is why this Gaiden is shitty. Because it's sloppily written, terrible ideas with even worse execution, and shows that he has no concept of healthy human interaction. Your pairing is in no better shape than it was in November of 2014. If anything, it's worse, yet you're too blinded by your silly fan fiction interpretation of this manga and trying to rub it in for being "right".

If this is your standard for an acceptable paternal/daughter relationship, than I honestly have nothing to say, because nothing you argue at that point is worth taking seriously.

Hahaha. Well put.


LMAO It's funny to me that most issues people have with some characters, comes from shitty writing. So it's not that serious guys


It is heart-warming that Naruto thinks of Iruka first when it comes to a dad, then Jiraya. The two characters that been in his life the most.


She doesn't. The umbilical cord had Karin's DNA on it because Karin delivered Sarada.

Fuck gloves

Suigetsu took Sarada's umbilical cord and compared it to Sarada's saliva, that's why it was a match. There was no Karin in there.

I think so at least.
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