People just being Salty at Hinata on those sites
even with the other more accurate translation people tend to complain..... seriously I can't understand peoples love for past Sakura (not current since we haven't seen her yet do the infamous annoying things she is known for)
I mean they're just characters from fiction :/
Hinata was also called Byakugan Princess before this scan by the way... by Hamura himself
and before that she was always addressed by the Hyuga with the -sama honorific
For all we know, both Hinata and Sakura could have done something really important between the Last and now, of course they could have showed it.
How come it's salt and only that when that post calls out a ton of inconsistencies and makes very clear arguments as to how and why the writing in Naruto has been especially awful as of late?
The Last[/I] - which is the most egregrious addition to the Naruto franchise yet. I remind you, this is the same movie in which Sakura of all people presumes to be a match-maker and in which Naruto couldn't tell the difference between actual love and loving ramen. I wouldn't ever hold up The Last as an indication of anything pertinent to the manga.
How come it's salt and only that when that post calls out a ton of inconsistencies and makes very clear arguments as to how and why the writing in Naruto has been especially awful as of late?
A lot of people hate Sasuke and are "salty" about his role in the manga. Does that make their complaints in valid?
I don't think it has much to do with liking or preferring Sakura, and more to do with just despising inconsistency and disregard for continuinty - which is something Kishi has done plenty of times before, but that shouldn't make it acceptable or justify dismissing criticism. Certainly not when it's this bad.
Hamura said that in The Last - which is the most egregrious addition to the Naruto franchise yet. I remind you, this is the same movie in which Sakura of all people presumes to be a match-maker and in which Naruto couldn't tell the difference between actual love and loving ramen. I wouldn't ever hold up The Last as an indication of anything pertinent to the manga.
Of course Hinata got the honorific. For better or worse, she was still a Hyūga and the daughter of the clan leader. That didn't stop her from being perceived as weak and being passed over for her superiorly talented younger sister. That was the merit to Hinata's character to begin with, she was the black sheep, an underdog like Naruto that had to prove herself and needed to find the right motivation. They threw that out in favour of "look at this hot super talentedp princess that was always awesome." They essentially did the same with Naruto when they abandoned the underdog theme.
The points from that rant are weak, there is for instance no real confirmation that Hanabi is actually the heir of the clan at the moment nor was Shizune really a 'student' of Tsunade, it is the niece of her dead lover.
Ultimately, as Hanabi showed more talent and confidence than her elder sister Hinata, their father decided to make Hanabi the heiress to the clan,[1] and instead focused his gruelling training regime on her instead of her sister, whose training he considered to be a waste of time.[4]
"As to late?"
The writing in Naruto had always those rough patches that made it clear there many thing Kishimoto never planned in advance, even if he had a general outline to work with. People who harp about things being worse post the ending were not paying attention to how mind numbingly dumb some of the decisions Kishimoto made in the last 15 years of writing this series.
Sure, there were many moments of brilliance, and it was overall entertaining, but let's not pretend that Kishimoto wasnt dropping the ball all throughout this long race.
If anything, his last stretch of chapters for the manga + his work post ending was better than a large majority of the final arc.
Naruto also thought that an S-Rank mission involved observing and making notes about the genetali of armadillos. He was also the guy who keeps on forgetting that Ninjutsu doesn't work on Rinnegan users despite fighting them on many occasions.
Naruto always had those moments where he would interpret things in the stupidest way possible in the manga proper, and I guess he took Hinata's "daisuki" in the same way he understood his feeling towards Sasuke as friendship.
the other old translations with the wording claiming Hinata shaking up the world is likely a mistranslation
I can also believe that every member in K11 is considered a person of current respect due to what they've done in the war
The Last is canon.... Kishi didn't want to express Naruto and Hinata feelings since he thought it would be embarrassing for him to write such a thing when they are still at a young age.... So he did a timeskip
regardless of being a fan of any character in the series the author will always have the final say of what a character can and can't do
Sakura helping out Hinata isn't something out of character.... Naruto didn't show any in-depth love towards Sakura throughout part 2
them sharing a bond because they're tea-mates doesn't equal romantic desire
Therefore jumping to high end assumptions and coming to baseless conclusions for a character just because she was called currently something of a high status compared to her Part 1 self is yes mostly salt since she was already someone of a high status and from the war we saw that her father currently respects her
Sakura was unhappy about Naruhina in the manga?
... ?Sakura helping Hinata isn't out of character necessarily, but I still find it dumb when she seemed so unhappy about Hinata loving Naruto in the manga.
MS take a lot of liberties, and have been for years, so this is really isn't a valid complaint since they're often inaccurate themselves.
Kishimoto apparently wrote the first three pages or whatever. The gag manga that follows isn't by him. So I've been told.
Kishimoto and other sources consistently referred to Sakura as the heroine long before Hinata was pushed to the forefront. They are directly contracting that now and it's even become a running joke that the VA are commenting on these days.
Naruto was originally an underdog story - I say originally because that hasn't been the case for years, and these character descriptions aren't annoying because they put Hinata and Sakura on a pedestal or anything, they're annoying because they are misrepresentative of those characters and the manga the one-shot is based upon.
Also, by what measure did Hinata "shake up the world" or whatever. She's lost every fight she's ever been in, lol. It's that type of aggrandisment that irritates.
Sakura looks concerned, at worst![]()
and she is pretty much the only central character with an emotional compass and she can get in tune with most people, even ones with experiences that don't totally/mostly align with her own; of course she would be instrumental in bringing her BFF and Hinata together
... ?
[EDIT] - Ah, got it. That's called empathy.
On a sidenote: I'm certain that if Sarada had pink hair and green eyes, she wouldn't be as praised half as much considering she displayed that same, whiny, ingrate behaviour that had people on the Sakura hate train since chapter 3.
Naruto isn't particularly intelligent, but the one thing that sets him apart from others and makes him special is his empathic perception. He understands people instinctively and is capable of perceiving things about him. Mind you, this is the same guy that got Zabuza to cry when he was 12 years old. The fact that Kishimoto decided that he didn't know what Hinata meant at the time is nothing short of retarded.
I'm also pretty sure Hinata didn't use that word, which could have been interpreted that way, but that'd be just as ridiculous considering the context in which it was said and his reaction of total shock.
I never said she did that for her own personal gainI'd love an explanation for how Sakura's confession was something she was doing for her own personal gain and not for Naruto. How would that benefit her personally?
They told Sakura that Sasuke was a crimminal and that everyone was going to go after himSakura hugging Naruto even though she knew about Hinata's feeling and doing the fake confession isn't due to having romantic feelings for Naruto rather it is just Sakura being ignorant/selfish of how other people's feelings could be harmed to her thoughtless actions.
werd. She didn't realize the bromance was ignorant and selfish because she thought this conflict rotated around herself
I never said she did that for her own personal gain
what I said was
They told Sakura that Sasuke was a crimminal and that everyone was going to go after him
Sai told Sakura that she is making Naruto feel too much pain..... She assumed that Naruto was madly in love with her
this two things added created a scenario
she would tell Naruto a lie not believing that something so fruitless would harm him and that she was going to end Sasuke herself
She assumed that Naruto was doing the whole Sasuke re-trivial thing for her due to his love for her.... and not because Naruto cared deeply for Sasuke more then that promise of a lifetime
without considering what Naruto might feel she came to the conclusion that Naruto would allow Sakura to kill Sasuke if she told him that she loved him and that he didn't need to go after Sasuke anymore
so ignorant and selfish because she thought this conflict rotated around herself.... which leads to the problem that she innocently believes what she was doing wasn't wrong
Not Selfish, more arrogant, thinking that Naruto was ONLY doing it for her. Despite her seeing first hand about how Naruto cared about Sasuke.
She was really basically saying I like you not sasuke so you don't gotta do anything heheShe was basically saying "I don't want you to do this on my account" that doesn't mean she felt she was the sole reason, it was apparent to everyone that Naruto was even more obsessed with Sasuke than she was.
I don't see how it's selfish to tell your friend not to put himself in harm's way because of you, even if he had his own motivations for chasing Sasuke Naruto has always wanted to retrieve him for the both of them.
That's pretty much why it was so annoying. By trying it out it basically tells you what she thinks of Naruto. And he saw through it immediately lol. Way to know the guy you've been around that long well.She just believed that the bliss of being lied to was enough to stop Naruto in his tracks..... That kinda makes Naruto shallow and what is sad about that is that she assumed that Naruto was just that.
Sakura learning about Hinata loving Naruto made Sakura feel some emotion
maybe sadness that Hinata sacrificed herself.... maybe Sakura compared it to herself and her love for Sasuke
multiple things could've been running through her mind
Sakura hugging Naruto even though she knew about Hinata's feeling and doing the fake confession isn't due to having romantic feelings for Naruto rather it is just Sakura being ignorant/selfish of how other people's feelings could be harmed to her thoughtless actions.
She thought using Naruto's emotions for her own personal use wasn't a bad idea even though it was a lie..... She was the one that sent Naruto on some guilt mission even though we later learn that Naruto did it more for himself... She was the one that even used Kiba, Lee and Sai in order to ambush Sasuke.... Cutting ties with Ino for a crush in part 1.... Running towards Madara without a plan in order to impress the Sauce.... and the list goes on
Her being foolish towards the effects of her craze is part of her character. One of the many reasons why people don't like her as a character.
Another point is that when I mean K11 have received respect in the war I mean the fictional Naruto world likely knows of the members from K11.
Ino and Hinata.... Plus a bunch of other members from their clan held off the 10 tails, tails and Blasts for some time.
These rookies advanced forward and put a bunch of work and effort throughout the war and them being close friends to the hero of the world is a added bonus.
Hinata helping out Naruto emotionally isn't something the Naruto world would likely talk about rather that was something that effected Naruto personally like the other times that Hinata gave Naruto a speech which eventually helped him. Personally this connection that Naruto had with Hinata was stronger because of these events compared to Naruto being close to Sakura, Sakura didn't snap/save Naruto when he was mentally in the slumps and Naruto didn't express his true character towards Sakura one and one either.
People aren't going to try and defend the reasoning behind Kishi's attitude towards his characters and why he did something or why he should've done something else but if we go and ramble about what if scenarios for characters then we might as well change every story known in this planet.
So much wrong with this post, where do I start.
1) Sakura hugging Naruto after Pain arc......its called be grateful. She sincerely thanked him for saving everyone by defeating Pain. Don't blame Sakura for, Naruto not caring about Hinata's love confession lol
2) Sakura wished Naruto to bring Sasuke back, why Naruto, because he's the only one who can stop him.....Naruto is the one who made it into a lifetime promise. Don't fool yourself into thinking that Naruto did not care about Sakura's wish or did not want to bring back Sasuke himself. Later in Shippuuden Sakura worries about Naruto's life and after Sai making it worse, assumes he is being fuelled by that promise. She fakes the confession in a vain attempt to ensure Naruto's safety.
3) Sakura put Kiba, Lee and Sai to sleep because she did not want them to be involved with dealing with Sasuke. She saved them from fighting with him. She wanted to bear the burden of killing Sasuke herself, it was not their burden to carry.
4) You seriously misread the manga if you believe Sakura's friendship with Ino was stopped due to Sasuke alone. The actual reason is Sakura wanting Ino to recognise her as an equal, this is all explained in the fight. Hence them making up after the fight, hence them continuing their friendship despite being "rivals in love".
5) Sakura attacking Madara was her trying to step up to Naruto and Sasuke's godlike powers.
Her care for so many characters is why she is loved so much. I don't even want to respond to your K11 fan fiction. Stick to the manga.
6) Acting like Sakura did not console Naruto emotionally.....she did it at the end of their reunion with Sasuke is the one I can remember.
... ?
[EDIT] - Ah, got it. That's called empathy.
I never said MS was always right, just that people should wait for other translations and if they can look at how some translators interpret the raws. Clearly though MS is better in this case, the other team making an embarrassing mistake.
No one is contracting Sakura is the heroine of the manga. Like I said, anyone whose read the manga knows that. Kishi just stated in a recent interview for those still unaware.
I guess I just have a different view on things. I always saw Naruto as a story of a kid who never gave up and how that perseverance not only saved the shinobi world and helped him achieve his dreams but also saved his dearest friends.
Lmao at Hinata "shaking up the world", I haven't seen the raws but that wasn't in the other translation. No one thinks that xD
Sakura learning about Hinata loving Naruto made Sakura feel some emotion
maybe sadness that Hinata sacrificed herself.... maybe Sakura compared it to herself and her love for Sasuke
multiple things could've been running through her mind
Sakura hugging Naruto even though she knew about Hinata's feeling and doing the fake confession isn't due to having romantic feelings for Naruto rather it is just Sakura being ignorant/selfish of how other people's feelings could be harmed to her thoughtless actions.
She thought using Naruto's emotions for her own personal use wasn't a bad idea even though it was a lie..... She was the one that sent Naruto on some guilt mission even though we later learn that Naruto did it more for himself... She was the one that even used Kiba, Lee and Sai in order to ambush Sasuke.... Cutting ties with Ino for a crush in part 1.... Running towards Madara without a plan in order to impress the Sauce.... and the list goes on
Her being foolish towards the effects of her craze is part of her character. One of the many reasons why people don't like her as a character.
Another point is that when I mean K11 have received respect in the war I mean the fictional Naruto world likely knows of the members from K11.
Ino and Hinata.... Plus a bunch of other members from their clan held off the 10 tails, tails and Blasts for some time.
These rookies advanced forward and put a bunch of work and effort throughout the war and them being close friends to the hero of the world is a added bonus..
Hinata helping out Naruto emotionally isn't something the Naruto world would likely talk about rather that was something that effected Naruto personally like the other times that Hinata gave Naruto a speech which eventually helped him. Personally this connection that Naruto had with Hinata was stronger because of these events compared to Naruto being close to Sakura, Sakura didn't snap/save Naruto when he was mentally in the slumps and Naruto didn't express his true character towards Sakura one and one either.
People aren't going to try and defend the reasoning behind Kishi's attitude towards his characters and why he did something or why he should've done something else but if we go and ramble about what if scenarios for characters then we might as well change every story known in this planet.
I'm not sure how could anyone infer from that panel that Sakura was unhappy about Hinata loving Naruto. At most, it was her just making a mental note while looking concerned healing Hinata, not to mention she had other things that made her more unhappy than Naruto having a potential love interest.
I'm not sure what that has to do with what I wrote, but no, it wouldn't matter? If Sarada's story played it out the same way it did, it wouldn't make a difference if she had black or pink hair.
And in what way is Sarada was ever shown to be whiny? She was a kid who was questioning where her father was and why her family situation as fucked up as it was. She is nothing like Sakura was during her introduction.
Again, Naruto thought going to a remote island to check out armadillo dicks warranted it being an S-Rank mission. Naruto always had those moments where he was ungodly stupid, so him not getting what Hinata meant at the time during Pain's attack does have foundation in the manga (in that sometimes, Naruto is just stupid).
Is it absurd that it took 2 years for Naruto to get back to Hinata and figure out that she liked him in a romantic manner? Yes it is.
But the reason why I can buy it (in story) is Naruto had no idea about what it means to have someone who loves him in a romantic way before hand, and couple that with Hinata's behaviour, things took a long time to process. Things were already set to end up between the 2, and Kishimoto didn't want to show how it happened in the manga because he felt it wasn't required or he couldn't draw it or what have you.
Pretty sure it was the word she used.
You said Kishimoto's post ending stuff had been good. One of the things he gets praise for is Sarada. I don't see why he should.
Sarada seems less susceptible to similar criticism because she resembles her father, has a Sharingan and is thus likely to be relatively stronger and more relevant.
"My mom is not real mom! Who cares what happens to her?"
"Sorry, Seven, but I'm not going back to the village cause I don't know who I am anymore."
This type of self-absorbed shit wouldn't have flown if it were Sakura. It just wouldn't. The only reason she got away with being so disrespectful to Sakura in the first place was A) because it's Sakura, and B) SasuSaku is a joke.
Otherwise, her bratty behaviour isn't far off from that of Sakura in her early introduction phase.
This is a really weird comparison to make. Sarada is a child who's frustrated with her home life. She's spiraling because she was under the impression her mother had been lying to her for her entire life.
I don't remember Sakura going through anything in the early bits of the manga outside of her crush for Sasuke and in turn, Naruto's crush on her. She was a brat, the series acknowledges she was a brat and she grows and changes into a more mature individual.
And this is coming from someone who likes Sakura (and Hinata!)
.Maybe this, maybe that, but you're willing to ignore all context and categorically deny any possibility that I might be right given the most recent events and data book information we had at that time.
Regardless of any romantic based specualtion from either side what my posts and my later posts showcase is that Sakura usually does things without thinking it through
Though I contest that she didn't have any romantic feelings for him at the time, I'd say it had nothing to do with any of those feeling; it was an emotionally charged moment of gratitude.Hence the problem..... Okay it makes sense if she loves Naruto too but if she didn't and she went out of her way to hog him for herself even though she knew that a few feet away there was someone more deserving it kinda is selfish
The bold right here shows me you don't understand Sakura very well.
There was nothing selfish about Sakura gaving that false confession. Misguided, mistaken, even hurtful - yes, but not selfish. What is so selfish about trying to make someone happy the only way you know how?
I'm not even going to touch on the rest of that since all you're doing is presenting Sakura as some nefarious user.Again I'd reiterate... This statement wasn't about the confession it was about the other things she did or actions she committed
what did I say about the confession is this
She did it for a good reason but Sakura throughout the series was living in this rose tinted world were Team 7 didn't have problems and that Naruto and Sasuke had a closer connection to her then to themselves
I mean she didn't know throughout part 1 how Naruto really acts like.... Naruto told Hinata after barely any intro time about his true self during the Chunin exams then he did to Sakura.
Sakura didn't even know anything about the truth with Itachi throughout part 2 and the other reason for Sasuke's darkness compared to the rest of Team 7 when you not include Sai
I mean Yamato knew more about the real Sasuke then Sakura thanks to Obito...
So her trying to do something good in her sense was the wrong sense
Why? Because she never knew Naruto like how she claimed she did.... She didn't know Sasuke either.
She just believed that the bliss of being lied to was enough to stop Naruto in his tracks..... That kinda makes Naruto shallow and what is sad about that is that she assumed that Naruto was just that.
Well I doubt she is because what she mostly does she does it without realizing she is in the wrong
Ino deserves the most credit for diverting the Jūbidama.
Everyone was fighting off the mini Jūbi and all Hinata really did was have her "moment" taking out one whilst her peers were taking out dozens at a time.
Ino's clan was assisted by the Hyuga's byakugan to redirect the blast
Ino was assisted by Hinata while the others where assisted by other Hyugas
What Hinata did later on was also push back the 10 tails assualt on Naruto with the other Hyugas... protecting him when his chakra was low
Pushing back a tail towards a mountain with the help of the Kyubei chakra, and like the rest of K11 fighting in the front line during the war and K11 particularly fighting against those Juubi clones
lol, so we're just going to ignore the fact that Hinata was literally right next to Naruto when he hit his slump - AFTER NEJI DIED?
Are we also going to ignore the fact the fact that after that, when certain death seemed imminent, it was Sakura that spoke for Naruto to the whole shinobi alliance to give them a pep talk?Yes Neji died and Hinata was crying because of it.... She like Sai and Ino (who had their parents killed) had to emotionally snap out of it since they are in battle field
Hinata the one that still to this day visits Neji's grave (seen in chapter 700) and even in part 1 didn't hate him is emotionally detached from Neji
Okay so
Don't give up....Hooray..... Hooray
Other then the fact that this wasn't anything that effected Naruto the character (unless you are saying she knows him the most that she could speak for him..... since you know she is his teamate and bloody everyone knows how Naruto treats everyone) then her giving the whole Shinobi alliance confidence wasn't really as dramatic as you make it to be...
Now, I'm not sure why or when this diverted into an NS vs NH debate, since that was neither my intention nor point, but if you go down this road, you're simply going to lose every argument without exception.
I was using her connection to Naruto (which is really lackluster to prove a point that she didn't try and fully learn about her teamates and Team 7s extreme imbalance and pain.
It's not rambling when you point out specific things and make points specific to those things using specific evidence.
Nice try dismissing my arguments as bluster though.
The only nice try is jumping to assumptions and refutes without backing them up.
Kishi made Sakura.... if you read the manga from beginning to end Sakura as a character continuously shares a conscious of doing things without much thought
this isn't somethinog that is out of her character mentality but the very origin of her character itself
It's really not.
Sarada and Sakura both unjustly took out their own grievances on someone else by making hurtful comments. Granted, failing to be acknowledged by your crush and having an absent father are 1:1, but neithr justify Sakura shit-talking Naruto or Sarada shit-talking her own mother.
Sakura did grow up and change, but the fandom held her worst moments against her for the entirety of the series.
Sarada gets an instant pass because she's an Uchiha and doesn't have that nonsensical crush weighing her down, but I am convinced that if she resembled Sakura physically, pink hair and all that, the fandom would have been just as brutal with her.
To be clear, I don't dislike Sarada (or Boruto, of whom I have other criticisms).
That is kind if silly, since even now, Sarada looks a lot more like Karin than either of her parents. Plus there is a difference between shit talking someone you haven't meant. (And a rather nasty one at that, insulting someone who is an oprhan) compared to what Sarada did who at the moment thought her mother had lied to her. Her dad cheated on her mom and everyone was lying to her.
There is also the fact that Sarada actually showed a lot of good points, like her scene with Boruto.
It's really not.
Sarada and Sakura both unjustly took out their own grievances on someone else by making hurtful comments. Granted, failing to be acknowledged by your crush and having an absent father are 1:1, but neithr justify Sakura shit-talking Naruto or Sarada shit-talking her own mother.
Sakura did grow up and change, but the fandom held her worst moments against her for the entirety of the series.
Sarada gets an instant pass because she's an Uchiha and doesn't have that nonsensical crush weighing her down, but I am convinced that if she resembled Sakura physically, pink hair and all that, the fandom would have been just as brutal with her.
To be clear, I don't dislike Sarada (or Boruto, of whom I have other criticisms).
Lionsgate Ramping Up Naruto Movie with Michael Gracey
Lionsgate has signed Michael Gracey to direct an adaptation of the popular Japanese manga series Naruto.
The studio is in negotiations for the film rights to the Naruto series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, first published in 1997. The manga, which has sold more than 200 million copies in print, follows adolescent ninja Naruto Uzumaki, who dreams of becoming the village ninja, the communitys protector and leader.
Avi Arad and his son Ari Arad are producing through Arad Productions. Erik Feig, Geoff Shaveitz and Kelly OMalley will oversee for the studio.
Naruto has generated an anime series in Japan that premiered in 2002 and lasted 220 episodes, while the Naruto: Shippuden sequel has been airing since 2007. In addition to the anime series, Studio Pierrot has developed 10 movies.
Gracey is a former visual effects specialist who has moved into directing. Hes been attached to several studio projects that are in development Universals adaptation of the New York Times best-seller Daughter of Smoke and Bone, his Elton John biopic Rocketman with Tom Hardy attached and Foxs P.T. Barnum biopic The Greatest Showman on Earth.
Sarada also looks more like Sasuke than Sakura, and I think that's a big of the reason why she didn't get shat on, that and because she was directing her anger at Sakura who isn't exactly a beloved character.
Sarada was shit-talking her own mother, the woman that raised her, and insulted her marriage, showed contempt and said she didn't care what happened to her whilst held captive by their enemy - merely because at the time she thought they weren't related by blood.
That isn't that far off from than assuming someone you perceiving as purposefully annoying you is rambunctious because a lack of parents - which isn't that far from the truth.
Sakura had many redeeming moments, moments that far outweigh her bad, but nobody let that ever get in the way of shitting on her and deeming her weak and useless. Granted a lot of this had to do with shipping wars, but all the same, Sakura never got a fair shake.
Regardless of any romantic based specualtion from either side what my posts and my later posts showcase is that Sakura usually does things without thinking it through
Hence the problem..... Okay it makes sense if she loves Naruto too but if she didn't and she went out of her way to hog him for herself even though she knew that a few feet away there was someone more deserving it kinda is selfish
Again I'd reiterate... This statement wasn't about the confession it was about the other things she did or actions she committed
what did I say about the confession is this
Well I doubt she is because what she mostly does she does it without realizing she is in the wrong
Ino's clan was assisted by the Hyuga's byakugan to redirect the blast
Ino was assisted by Hinata while the others where assisted by other Hyugas
What Hinata did later on was also push back the 10 tails assualt on Naruto with the other Hyugas... protecting him when his chakra was low
Pushing back a tail towards a mountain with the help of the Kyubei chakra, and like the rest of K11 fighting in the front line during the war and K11 particularly fighting against those Juubi clones
Yes Neji died and Hinata was crying because of it.... She like Sai and Ino (who had their parents killed) had to emotionally snap out of it since they are in battle field
Hinata the one that still to this day visits Neji's grave (seen in chapter 700) and even in part 1 didn't hate him is emotionally detached from Neji
Okay so
Don't give up....Hooray..... Hooray
Other then the fact that this wasn't anything that effected Naruto the character (unless you are saying she knows him the most that she could speak for him..... since you know she is his teamate and bloody everyone knows how Naruto treats everyone) then her giving the whole Shinobi alliance confidence wasn't really as dramatic as you make it to be...
The only nice try is jumping to assumptions and refutes without backing them up.
Kishi made Sakura.... if you read the manga from beginning to end Sakura as a character continuously shares a conscious of doing things without much thought
this isn't somethinog that is out of her character mentality but the very origin of her character itself
To be clear, we're talking about when Sakura said those things about Naruto that pissed off Sasuke, right?
Because if so then yeah, I think there's a huge difference between lashing out at your parents because you're having a breakdown and making assumptions about a dude behind his back. I don't think Sarada needed justification in that scene, because she was literally being irrational/hysterical.
And I do agree that Sakura gets a lot of unfair hate in the fandom. I mean, I like joking about her (I like joking about all the characters) but it does get pretty nasty/excessive at times, but I don't agree that Sarada is the same and only getting a pass because her hair is shaded in, lol.
Or Maybe Sarada showed more character in a shorter amount of time, and the one things she showed to be whiny about had good reason to. Outside Part 1 Sakura who main problems was the fact she found Naruto annoying and Sasuke didn't notice her.
There is a difference, one is clearer worse than the other, but breaking it down it's the same type of behaviour.
You really find it unfeasible to think that if Sarada looked nothing like an Uchiha she wouldn't get hate? lol, people would probably just call her Sakura II and be glad they have a new object of hate.
Sakura was also dealing with wanting her former best friend to acknowledge her as her equal and contended with guilt over being a liability to her team, people getting hurt when they helped her and generally being unable to understand or help Sasuke.