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Naruto Manga |OT2| Not A Romance Manga


Slug summon carries Tsunade and Sakura.

Sure they are good medics, and can punch things I guess, but it's the slugs that really make them important and top tier soldiers. Being able to heal large groups of soldiers at a time is invaluable.

Though Naruto can also do it with his Kyuubi chakra, and his versions also buffs the shit out of their combat abilities at the same time.
Naruto always stealing Sakuras niches, and doing it better, well still having his own shit.


but does Kurama's chakras actually heal anyone besides Naruto?

I thought it was just a kind of chakra boost which is why Sakura and Hime still have to heal Shikamaru after he's zapped by the god tree even though he has the fox chakra cloak


Besides, one of the Kages uses magma. Kind of hard to punch ground made of magma.

But then again, Ninja world probably has some special rules/magic regarding convection. I dunno


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Barring the sauce and Naruto

Sakura is obviously on top. lee, neji and choji are basically on the same level. Shino might be in there too but he hasn't shown much and I'd rather put him in with kiba, shikamaru hinata and tenten.

Ino is such a one trick pony I dunno where to put her, she beats alot of people though because of war feats.

Kishi hasent shown shino much basically because he made him too OP, nobody notices a bug crawling on them or in them in this case until its already too late, much less a ninja bug.


I forgot that hinata is now a master in jyuuken and has shown the speed to tag someone on sakura's level. You guys are ridiculous, this is like saying Fugaku is capable of all itachi's feats just because they both have sharingan.

She hasn't even shown kaiten her best showings were on borrowed chakra.
lol sakura's level?

Ok, i think im done here.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Guys all this arguing over kage level, kishi at times can forget this, but the point of the fights in naruto is that they rely on their strengths and weaknesses and rely on outsmarting their opponents even if their opponents are technically stronger then them and not just out-punching them.

For instance, jubito is tons of times stronger then even the 1st hokage so they all had to rely on outsmarting him and using nature chakra to defeat him or atleast do some type of real damage to him. Kishi made a unstoppably strong villain only to make sure he tears him down a peg. The points of the sakuraVhinata discussion is something you cant just swat off and that is that Hinata can disable sakura literally without touching her. That is what the gentle fist was created for in the first place, it basically shuts down people like sakura completely and unlike lee and guy, sakura doesnt have the speed to counter it.
Guys all this arguing over kage level, kishi at times can forget this, but the point of the fights in naruto is that they rely on their strengths and weaknesses and rely on outsmarting their opponents even if their opponents are technically stronger then them and not just out-punching them, for instance, jubito is tons of times stronger then even the 1st hokage so they all had to rely on outsmarting him and using nature chakra to defeat him or atleast do some type of real damage to him. Kishi made a unstoppably strong villain only to make sure he tears him down a peg. The points of the sakuraVhinata discussion is something you cant just swat off and that is that Hinata can disable sakura literally without touching her. That is what the gentle fist was created for in the first place, it basically shuts down people like sakura completely and unlike lee and guy, sakura doesnt have the speed to counter it.

Pretty much.

Said the same myself.
I wish people could hold "2 truths" in their head at a time.

You may like a character but ... there's good and bad match ups. Someone who uses CHAKRA to turn their meager punches into explosive shockwave bs probably shouldn't fight people who have mastered a fighting style that shuts down chakra points at close range and can attack at long range. Kabuto VS Tsunade sure as hell didn't work in her favor and he said hand to hand isn't his strong suit IIRC. He just used a fighting style that weakens you internally how ever he likes if he can get close enough.

Sakura is best used as Crowd Control for groups of people not paying attention to her, for a sucker punch to someone who doesn't actually know what her punch can do OR as a support member who can try to strategically land a blow well someone's distracted with their team mates. That's very much ok, she's always been "support".

One on one hand to hand against the well recognized styles that is gentle fist/ Guy's gates/ eyeball boy hex is not something she wants.
I don't get why people can't rationalize that showings of destructive power doesn't make someone immune to bad match ups.


but Sakura does have actual counters to Hinata's tech. for one thing, she is fast enough to blitz someone with a face full of sharingan. Then there's her summoning tech, her alternate sources of chakras to counter the gentle fists' debilitating impact, seamless and seal-less regeneration abilities, and terrain-altering one-hit quitters. what exactly is Hinata going to do when Sakura lands a hit or decides to include Katsuyu?



Well I'm betting on Sakura, I don't think the chakra seal would counter gentle fists.

Sakura would have to use chakra to actually open the seal in the first place, and she would not be able to do that if completely sealed.

Kyuubi chakra worked because it was a completely outside source that the Kyuubi was pumping into him, so he himself didn't have to activate it.


Guys all this arguing over kage level, kishi at times can forget this, but the point of the fights in naruto is that they rely on their strengths and weaknesses and rely on outsmarting their opponents even if their opponents are technically stronger then them and not just out-punching them.

I don't see how that bodes well for Hinata, considering Sakura's recognized as one of the smartest Ninja around. Also, she trained with Tsunade, the best medical ninja, and knows a lot about chakra and stuff. I am 99% she has countermeasures for something like Hinata's attacks.


Well I'm betting on Sakura, I don't think the chakra seal would counter gentle fists.

Sakura would have to use chakra to actually open the seal in the first place, and she would not be able to do that if completely sealed.

Kyuubi chakra worked because it was a completely outside source that the Kyuubi was pumping into him, so he himself didn't have to activate it.

or Sakura can unseal it out the gate, covering her body with it in order to always have access to her instant regeneration abilities, a tactic both her and Tsunade use in the manga


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I don't see how that bodes well for Hinata, considering Sakura's recognized as one of the smartest Ninja around. Also, she trained with Tsunade, the best medical ninja, and knows a lot about chakra and stuff. I am 99% she has countermeasures for something like Hinata's attacks.

My brain almost blew up at your post, and I like sakura. She is nowhere near the smartest ninja around, especially when you rank her up to shikamaru or even her own husband.
Tsunade could most likely get around Huugas, Sakura, I havent seen anything that would suggest she would. Sakura works best when she is part of a team, she was at her best when she was fighting sasori and that was because she had another kage level person as back up.


or Sakura can unseal it out the gate, covering her body with it in order to always have access to her instant regeneration abilities, a tactic both her and Tsunade use in the manga
I love how you assume that she even has the seal. It takes Sakura 3 years to store enough chakra for the seal. Its not something you can use every battle.

And even if she does have the seal and does activate it, one blow to her chakra network and her chakra enhanced abilities like the seal, or the medical ninjustu or the "monster" strength are nil.

I don't why people keep trying to make up shit that's not ever stated in the source materials to give Sakura buffs. The seal is not outside her chakra network like kurama is to Naruto. The seal is her continually storing chakra to one point of her body (the forehead) and releasing it after some time. She has to divert chakra thru her system to her forehead. When she releases it, the chakra then circulates again thru her system. You can't dance around that. And Tsunade said herself that she cannot heal damage done to the chakra circulatory system.

A fight with Hinata could leave Sakura permanently unable to use chakra and somehow even more useless. And thats not even her final form.



Sakura is book smart, but she isn't exceptionally smart. The third databook rate her intelligence as a 4, same as Shino. Shikamaru is a 5. Hinata is a 3.5 just like Sasuke and Tenten. That is a 0.5 higher than Neji and Naruto.


the three year bit only refers to how long it takes to master the strength of one hundred seal

and where are the receipts for Hinata completely sealing someone's entire chakra network with one hit?
Kage level person who outright stated she had recognized Sasori attack pattern quickly and could probably defeat him without her assistance.

ok let's not get crazy, it was revealed in the end that Sasori threw the match and there were more than enough instances of Chiyo saving Sakura and vice versa. Neither of them stood a chance alone.


to be clear, Sasori doesn't lose the match on purpose; Chiyo's final attack leaves him with a small opening to counter but he cannot do so because he's overwhelmed by emotional feedback


ok let's not get crazy, it was revealed in the end that Sasori threw the match and there were more than enough instances of Chiyo saving Sakura and vice versa. Neither of them stood a chance alone.

Well, she was still able to adapt to attacks in a short time and there's nothing that outright refutes Chiyo's assessment, in fact considering the praise Sakura gotton from other characters probably stronger than Chiyo, it's reinforced.


the three year bit only refers to how long it takes to master the strength of one hundred seal

and where are the receipts for Hinata completely sealing someone's entire chakra network with one hit?
Um according to who?

Are scans allowed? Manga facts below

As well as databook 4

柔歩双獅拳 Juuho Soushiken (Gentle Step: Twin Lion Fists)
Taijutsu, Kekkei Genkai, Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary, Short Range

Strong will held in the fists!!
Its form is double lion heads!!
日向一族の中でも宗家にしか伝わっていない、柔拳秘伝高等体術。両手から放出するチャクラを形態変化させる ことで、リーチと破壊力を格段に向上させる。その腕はまるで獅子のような様相を呈し、触れた相手の経絡系を 喰らい尽くすのだ。
A secret high-level juuken technique, taught only to the main family of the Hyuuga clan. By changing the shape of chakra released from both hands, [the user] greatly increases reach and destructive power. The arms become entirely like lions which drain the chakra network of those they touch.
チャクラコントロールを少しでも誤ると失敗するため、習得は極めて困難緻密な技量と“白眼”があればこその 芸当である。
Because it will fail at even the slightest mistake in chakra control, it is extremely difficult to learn this ability, which is a feat that requires the Byakugan.
Well, she was still able to adapt to attacks in a short time and there's nothing that outright refutes Chiyo's assessment, in fact considering the praise Sakura gotton from other characters probably stronger than Chiyo, it's reinforced.

uh the fact that both of them would've died many different times if the other wasn't there is what outright refutes it.

Go reread that fight, Chiyo using Sakura as a puppet, saving her a bunch of times, giving her info about Sasori, getting that experience is what allowed her to adapt on her own. Chiyo saved her when she first got hit by the poison and was about to get skewered by kunai, Chiyo used Hirako's tail to save Sakura from getting sliced in half like half a chapter into the fight. Shit Chiyo saved Sakura about 5 different times from Iron Sand attacks until she recovered from the initial poison and finally starting putting in that work.

I'm not even getting to the 100 puppets part, where they both would have gotten completely overwhelmed without the other.

can you find this statement where Chiyo said Sakura could win by herself? I recall the only thing she said was that Sakura was beginning to see through his attack pattern when she started fighting against the Iron Sand.
Sakura is book smart, but she isn't exceptionally smart. The third databook rate her intelligence as a 4, same as Shino. Shikamaru is a 5. Hinata is a 3.5 just like Sasuke and Tenten. That is a 0.5 higher than Neji and Naruto.

Databook stats are hardly relevant. Most the community know this. Use the manga for reference.

Sakura's intelligence just like Shikamaru's is not book smarts but analytical skills. She is able to quickly understand Sasori's attacks and is even the one who explains how Tobi's "disappearing act" works.

I love how you assume that she even has the seal. It takes Sakura 3 years to store enough chakra for the seal. Its not something you can use every battle.

And even if she does have the seal and does activate it, one blow to her chakra network and her chakra enhanced abilities like the seal, or the medical ninjustu or the "monster" strength are nil.

I don't why people keep trying to make up shit that's not ever stated in the source materials to give Sakura buffs. The seal is not outside her chakra network like kurama is to Naruto. The seal is her continually storing chakra to one point of her body (the forehead) and releasing it after some time. She has to divert chakra thru her system to her forehead. When she releases it, the chakra then circulates again thru her system. You can't dance around that. And Tsunade said herself that she cannot heal damage done to the chakra circulatory system.

A fight with Hinata could leave Sakura permanently unable to use chakra and somehow even more useless. And thats not even her final form.

Wrong, it takes 3 years to form the seal not use it lol. After its formed, Sakura can use it at will.

How many times does it have to be said that Hyuuga attacks are null against Sakura and Tsuande due to the seal
Seriously, now its just denial.

You just made the rest of the paragraph up.

Its never stated anywhere that the seal is part of the chakra network. Furthermore, the more important aspect is that its sealed. Only through activation does it provide chakra to the rest of the network. Exactly like Kurama, who only provided Naruto's chakra network with chakra after he was triggered.

Once again this is ignoring the obvious scenario that Hinata won't be even able to land consecutive hits without getting 1 hit killed by Sakura's punch, or Sakura being faster, or Sakura being able to summon Katsuyu.


Sakura's intelligence just like Shikamaru's is not book smarts but analytical skills. She is able to quickly understand Sasori's attacks and is even the one who explains how Tobi's "disappearing act" works.
That still doesn't put her anywhere near the level of Shikamaru. She did what basically any of the main characters does in their fights. Realize the abilities of her opponent.

How many times does it have to be said that Hyuuga attacks are null against Sakura and Tsuande due to the seal. Its never stated anywhere that the seal is part of the chakra network. Furthermore, the more important aspect is that its sealed. Only through activation does it provide chakra to the rest of the network. Exactly like Kurama, who only provided Naruto's chakra network with chakra after he was triggered.
Neji laughed at Naruto for forming hand seals after his chakra got locked. Would Tsunade/Sakura be able to unleash the seal if their chakra is completely locked, as it still requires hand seals? Naruto at that point didn't need the seals because Kurama is a separate entity that can react independent. Would the same go for the rebirth seal?
That still doesn't put her anywhere near the level of Shikamaru. She did what basically any of the main characters does in their fights. Realize the abilities of her opponent.

Neji laughed at Naruto for forming hand seals after his chakra got locked. Would Tsunade/Sakura be able to unleash the seal if their chakra is completely locked, as it still requires hand seals? Naruto at that point didn't need the seals because Kurama is a separate entity that can react independent. Would the same go for the rebirth seal?

Considering how a lot of the rookies and even Kakashi were there when confronting Obito......no she did not do what any main character would of done. Her intelligence is known to the second best after Shikamaru.

You don't need hand seals to release the seal.


Considering how a lot of the rookies and even Kakashi were there when confronting Obito......no she did not do what any main character would of done. Her intelligence is known to the second best after Shikamaru.
Shikimaru basically handled strategy to defeat two Akatsuki members at the same time. Sasuke and Naruto often come up with strategies to take out very strong enemies as well.

You don't need hand seals to release the seal.
Shikimaru basically handled strategy to defeat two Akatsuki members at the same time. Sasuke and Naruto often come up with strategies to take out very strong enemies as well.


I don't see how this goes against Sakura being one of the most intelligent.

Use the manga please:


You know what, lets say Sakura does need one hand signature to release the seal (even though she does not).......you think Sakura won't even have the time to do one hand signature when the battle commences, bearing in mind Sakura's speed is even quicker than Hinata's. This is getting desperate.


I'm not Sakura fan, but I do think she would win a fight between Hinata. Hinata isn't even about that life TBH. I believe she is Faster, Stronger and Smarter then Hinata in battle.
The diamond is Sakura's own chakra. It is stored in one chakra point in her forehead

How many times do we have to say it..... Naruto could stand after Neji's assault due to a foreign source engulfing his body with chakra.... A source that has a mind of its own as seen in the Naruto and Sasuke fight.

Sakura can store as much chakra as she wants but if her chakra points are sealed then she can't channel it through her body...
Example if he chakra points in her left arm are sealed she wouldn't be able to channel chakra to that arm therefore making her not be able to use your strength with that arm.
Sealing at least one point screws some stuff up.... sealing all means you can't do shit

This is the Hyuga speciality.... this is what part of their body KKG and eye KKG is made to do. There is a reason Kishi never made Tsunade and Sakura have their chakra points sealed. The can't do shit when it happens. Tsunade herself stated after Naruto used Rasen Shuriken that her healing can't fix damaged chakra networks.


Hinata would likely lose a fight against Sakura but don't give me this shit that Sakura can neglect Chakra point sealing.



y'all are just making stuff up now

tsunade says can't reattach severed nerve channels and chakra tubes to cells; gentle fist doesn't cause that kind of damage


I don't see how this goes against Sakura being one of the most intelligent.
Based on effective battle strategy in the manga, she isn't near Shikamaru. She isn't near Sasuke and Naruto either, who have blitzed her on the strategy front from back in the first Zabuza fight.

Use the manga please
The exact same panel from the manga. With all the references to the fact it is a jutsu with seals. I wanted to avoid posting scans because that isn't allowed, but if you don't accept anything else:


You know what, lets say Sakura does need one hand signature to release the seal (even though she does not)......
Which isn't based on anything in the manga....

You think Sakura won't even have the time to do one hand signature when the battle commences, bearing in mind Sakura's speed is even quicker than Hinata's. This is getting desperate.
If she does it before the fight, it would get sealed with the Hakke... As for the arguments of speed and strength: Neji versus Lee. Gai thinks Lee needs to unleash a gate to beat Neji back during the Chuunin exams. That is blitz speed Lee. And that is a physical fighter that can't mold chakra. He would be in essence the most dangerous opponent for a Hyuuga. So a Hyuuga should be able to beat a Chakra enhanced Sakura. Is Hinata after The Last strong enough, that is the question.


but those seals are specifically for genesis rebirth

you should've included the the page immediately before the scene you've cited where tsunade unleashes her chakras without performing any hand signs

Based on effective battle strategy in the manga, she isn't near Shikamaru. She isn't near Sasuke and Naruto either, who have blitzed her on the strategy front from back in the first Zabuza fight.

The exact same panel from the manga. With all the references to the fact it is a jutsu with seals. I wanted to avoid posting scans because that isn't allowed, but if you don't accept anything else:


Which isn't based on anything in the manga....

If she does it before the fight, it would get sealed with the Hakke... As for the arguments of speed and strength: Neji versus Lee. Gai thinks Lee needs to unleash a gate to beat Neji back during the Chuunin exams. That is blitz speed Lee. And that is a physical fighter that can't mold chakra. He would be in essence the most dangerous opponent for a Hyuuga. So a Hyuuga should be able to beat a Chakra enhanced Sakura. Is Hinata after The Last strong enough, that is the question.



The diamond is Sakura's own chakra. It is stored in one chakra point in her forehead

How many times do we have to say it..... Naruto could stand after Neji's assault due to a foreign source engulfing his body with chakra.... A source that has a mind of its own as seen in the Naruto and Sasuke fight.

Sakura can store as much chakra as she wants but if her chakra points are sealed then she can't channel it through her body...
Example if he chakra points in her left arm are sealed she wouldn't be able to channel chakra to that arm therefore making her not be able to use your strength with that arm.
Sealing at least one point screws some stuff up.... sealing all means you can't do shit

This is the Hyuga speciality.... this is what part of their body KKG and eye KKG is made to do. There is a reason Kishi never made Tsunade and Sakura have their chakra points sealed. The can't do shit when it happens. Tsunade herself stated after Naruto used Rasen Shuriken that her healing can't fix damaged chakra networks.


Hinata would likely lose a fight against Sakura but don't give me this shit that Sakura can neglect Chakra point sealing.



Making stuff up on the fly. Nowhere is it said that the seal is stored on a chakra point. Furthermore, all that is needed is an external source of chakra to one's conventional system. Sakura and Tsuande have the seal, Naruto has the Kyuubi.


Of course not. Just denying Kage Level Sakura and her Shikamaru like intelligence.

Sakura doesn't have Shikamaru's genius IQ, but she got book smarts and the intellect to master several top tier jutsu that require more than just brute force, and she is easily, easily Kage level. She surpassed Tsunade when she was 16-17, you can imagine she is even stronger now albeit rusty. The rest of Konoha 11 couldn't touch her - with the exception of Lee who would have to go Eight Gates to beat her, and would still soundly lose if he used 7.

Reminder: a single punch by Sakura broke one of Kaguya's horns - Kaguya, who is much stronger than Madara ever was, and who didn't suffer so much as a scratch from a direct hit by Sasuke's Susanoo.
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