Hahaha. Do people not know that The Last has already become the most successful Naruto movie?
At least it looks like she has finally moved on from her crazy conspiracy theories.
I think certain hate towards SP is justified. They sometimes do not do manga scenes full justice, make characters out of character (in filler obviously), and the animation can look bad. However we should also thank them for the things they have done very well. The fight animation are some of the best in anime for instance.
Regarding romance, I think its a bit unfair to compare it DBZ. A big theme in Naruto has been about the value of bonds whether its friendship or love and characters did openly confess their love throughout the series.
Here's the manga cover for the final volume of Naruto:
Rumour has it there will be 2 mini chapters on the Sasuke and his family and Naruto and his family.
Volume 1 cover for nostalgia:
What a journey.