Did Kishi legit make Sasuke a deadbeat dad. I mean, if so, it'd be another of those 'what the fuck are you doing with his character'. I mean, make him bad or good. He can't expect us to root for a character like this. (Maybe there's some threat that he's protected Sarada or the village from, which kept him away or some punishment. Kishi did mention both of these reasons for Sasuke leaving in the first place.) If not, then screw it. That's horrible.
I don't think you genetically inheret a phrase?Seems that Sakura raised Sarada as her own daughter if in fact she is Karin's daughter.
True, but i honestly cannot get over the fact that Sakura got shitted on from the first chapter (she faints a lot? lol) to make it even worse a new member of the new generation is not her biological child (if it's true that Sarada is indeed Karin's daughter. i found Sakura to be annoying back in the old series but I thought Kishi would make her more likeable... guess not lol
I know it's just going to be a fake out, but god damn.
May be just a red herring, but I once thought Kishi was clever enough to make obito a red herring too so...
Sakura's Photoshopping herself into the pic with Sasuke was the best.
For some reason, the Sadist in me wants it to be true.
Yeah true, but I still hope this "fresh" start could help him with writing his kinda new story with no "limitation"...can't wait for next week!I still want the half Uzumaki hand Uchiha child to be Sarada and Buroto's child lol
Hope this isn't a fake out. XD
Same. Its too much fun watching this shit unfold on fan forums and tumblr. God bless that NaruSaku forum back in the days when the manga was ending. Good times. Yep this mini series is promising.
Either way it's hilarious. This is either NTR or the Sause is a deadbeat dad.
Same. Its too much fun watching this shit unfold on fan forums and tumblr. God bless that NaruSaku forum back in the days when the manga was ending. Good times. Yep this mini series is promising.
Lets hope. Either way, the chapter has got people talkin and waiting for the next, whether they liked it or not. So I guess in that regard it was successful. I actually really liked it because it came out swinging on a topic that's so sensitive in the fanbase. Unfortunately, don't think there's a chapter next week due to Golden Week? There's not supposed to be anyway, but it cold leak.
Either way it's hilarious. This is either NTR or the Sause is a deadbeat dad.
Either way he's a deadbeat dad. So its NTR + Deadbeat or just Deadbeat.
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Oh Kishi I missed you so much. Naruto father game is OP because of his clones.
Bolt is still a little shit though, even more so considering Naruto is trying to be there for him.
He's Naruto's son. Of course he's going to be a trouble maker.
I know this is probably a fakeout but holy shit I can't stop laughing