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Naruto Manga Thread (OT) - The End is here

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Just gonna stand there and watch me be Genjutsu'd?

But that's alright, because I like the way it hurts

That made me laugh way harder then It should of




Dude is dead. After losing everything, it's safe to assume he sees no reason to keep living, he admit his dream failed.

He turned into a tree. Unless that was his plan all along.

That was a zestu.

Do you recall the spiral-lookin' White Zetsu that Obito essentially used as a suit in his flashback with Madara? That's him, except he's controlling somebody else's body this time.

Yamato's, to be specific.

Like the Amaterasu Itachi set to release from Sasuke's left eye, that's something that would have needed to be prepared well in advance. He's dead now, Izanagi can't be cast.

Didn't the first time he came back alive he was already buried in a tombstone? It was shown in the most recent chapters.
The last 3 chapters have been 'bleh'. Also, Sakura should have been killed aaages ago.

Does it make me a bad person that for moment I was kinda glad it appeared that he had just ran her through before remembering that she is in the movie and then getting a bit sad over it?


Didn't the first time he came back alive he was already buried in a tombstone? It was shown in the most recent chapters.
Yes, just as dead as Itachi was when that Tensha Fūin: Amaterasu he set up was released.

The point is that Madara's Izanagi, like Itachi's Tensha Fūin: Amaterasu, was prepared well in advance. To the best of our knowledge, no such preparation for Izanagi was made this time; Madara's staying dead.


Man I'm rereading the chapters where Sasuke first puts together the Hebi/Taka team and they're pretty great. The characters all get a lot to do, the dialogue between them is fun and natural, and Sasuke is not even that big of a dick yet... kind of wish these characters got to amount to more than what they ended up being.

EDIT: Also, this is probably a mistranslation, but what was that "thing" Suigetsu said Karin did to Sasuke in chapter 352?
Don't understand why you people consider this chapter as a "nuke" to SasuSaku. Hell, I even view it as a strengthening case for it because just how (stupidly) strong Sakura's love for Sasuke is made clear in here, considering what the Grampa Ghost and Lame-Without-Sharingan guy were discussing and how Naruto has a ph.D in turning rejection/hate into acceptance/love.

I'd love to be proven wrong however.

Right that is how they are taking it. Sakura's love for Sasuke is serious and she's been harbouring it for years. However Sasuke's lack of care is also serious lol
Kishimoto ruined Sakura for real this time. I don't know... maybe he likes to draw her as a submissive character which is disgusting imo. An actual ending with her and Sasuke together would be lame at this point.

Anyway, I'm tired of Sasuke's crap. He doesn't deserve a happy ending.

Kishimoto misogyny has been apparent for a while now. Particularly his depictions of Sakura and Karin.
I don't remember this scene. What is it about?

umm, that was after Naruto went K4 in the Penis arc. He was knocked out and Sakura was lamenting how she can only do stupid things for him, to which Yamato pointed out it doesn't matter what she does, but how she feels about him, to which she goes "O_O" and then Yamato is like "heh, I can tell by looking at you, the truth is you..." and then Naruto wakes up. As I said we haven't gotten a even a beep since then, and in the mean time we got 3rd parties making the observation how she loves Sasuke, so as Frog-fu said there's a possibility Kishi dropped it. I just considered it a trump card, because in all this pairings misery that was the only scene where there was a remote hint the other might reciprocate. Context wise it made sense.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Right that is how they are taking it. Sakura's love for Sasuke is serious and she's been harbouring it for years. However Sasuke's lack of care is also serious lol


I dunno. Practically the most significant thing barring SasuSaku from happening right now is Sasuke, and I just can't picture Naruto failing to convert the bastard to the land of sunshine and shit.

Ah well. NaruSaku isn't dead yet, but in my mind the couple dealt the most blow by the latest chapter is exactly it. But well, I am still favoring it greatly more than SasuSaku or NaruHina--especially the 1st one, but ah, we'll see.
Do you recall the spiral-lookin' White Zetsu that Obito essentially used as a suit in his flashback with Madara? That's him, except he's controlling somebody else's body this time.

Yamato's, to be specific.

Like the Amaterasu Itachi set to release from Sasuke's left eye, that's something that would have needed to be prepared well in advance. He's dead now, Izanagi can't be cast.

Not that well in advanced. Since you need both Senju and Uchiha DNA. Madara literally bit off Hashirama flesh and somehow programmed Izanagi in his eye while fighting.


I honestly think the Sakura hate is underserved, but then again she's always been given a bad rap and I think it's got a lot to with people bandwagoning on the idea that she "weak" and "useless" and "a complete bitch"- but I digress.

I do think her actions in 693 were consistent with her character, it was literally the only thing she could have done aside from standing there stunned or doing something as stupid as trying to stop the fight from happening by force. Granted, if she was speaking the past tense, it makes her look significantly better, but even if it was in present tense, I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference in the long run if that SasuSaku shit ends because of it.

I am very disappointed in Kishimoto when it comes to Sakura in general. Naruto's character took a hit post time-skip when he showed up after 2.5 years with hardly anything to show for it, and I think it's fair to say Sakura was actually more impressive as a shinobi (not stronger, though the gap was much smaller). It seemed Kishimoto had every intention of developing their relationship into something beyond platonic and that he was making Sakura more strong-willed character, up until the Itachi arc I suppose. After that she was relegated to damsel in distress.

I think it was back in 2010, maybe '11, when Kishimoto was answering fan questions and it had become pretty clear that the fans weren't pleased with her character, and not even some of the VAs were, like I recall Naruto's VA disliking her. (I'll find a source of this later). Anyway, some people said Sakura was using Naruto's emotions against him with the false confession, which seemed to annoy Kishimoto because he said that he was aiming to depict an honest but very stubborn girl. He didn't elaborate much further on what that meant, but he did say he was annoyed by harsh fan mail from Hinata fans criticising Sakura for not being like Hinata, which he seemed to actually mock as I hear, and respond to with "Sakura is not Hinata" and that was how she was because she was the most humanistic character in his view, or something along those lines. Kishimoto then said he'd try to make her be more of a heroine since, which I suppose he has done because the Fourth Shinobi World War arc happened and Sakura had her moments to shine.

I think Kishimoto is well aware he fucked up a character that had potential to be awesome and has been trying to make up for it since. I don't know what his angle is with 693, maybe it's meant to push Sakura to move on or something, I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did, and given his propensity to rush development when it's convenient, I can easily imagine Sakura doing a complete 180 before the manga ends.

umm, that was after Naruto went K4 in the Penis arc.

Hehehe, penis.
umm, that was after Naruto went K4 in the Penis arc. He was knocked out and Sakura was lamenting how she can only do stupid things for him, to which Yamato pointed out it doesn't matter what she does, but how she feels about him, to which she goes "O_O" and then Yamato is like "heh, I can tell by looking at you, the truth is you..." and then Naruto wakes up. As I said we haven't gotten a even a beep since then, and in the mean time we got 3rd parties making the observation how she loves Sasuke, so as Frog-fu said there's a possibility Kishi dropped it. I just considered it a trump card, because in all this pairings misery that was the only scene where there was a remote hint the other might reciprocate. Context wise it made sense.
Thanks. I really didn't remember this. But Kishimoto probably dropped it.
So this is where Sasuke dies? Because I don't see him losing and sucking up to Naruto as Hokage or whatever.
Interesting... I was pretty sure he would be "saved" by Naruto in the end. But his speech doesn't match with someone who would give up. If Sasuke is a man of word, he dies with his convictions. But I really doubt Kishimoto would do something like that because it would mean Naruto failed.


I honestly think the Sakura hate is underserved, but then again she's always been given a bad rap and I think it's got a lot to with people bandwagoning on the idea that she "weak" and "useless" and "a complete bitch"- but I digress.

I do think her actions in 693 were consistent with her character, it was literally thing she could have done aside from standing there stunned or doing something as stupid as trying to stop the fight from happening by force. Granted, if she was speaking the past tense, it makes her look significantly better, but even if it was in present tense, I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference in the long run if that SasuSaku shit ends because of it.

I am very disappointed in Kishimoto when it comes to Sakura in general. Naruto's character took a hit post time-skip when he showed up after 2.5 years with hardly anything to show for it, and I think it's fair to say Sakura was actually more impressive as a shinobi (not stronger, though the gap was much smaller). It seemed Kishimoto had every intention of developing their relationship into something beyond platonic and that he was making Sakura more strong-willed character, up until the Itachi arc I suppose. After that she was relegated to damsel in distress.

I think it was back in 2010, maybe '11, when Kishimoto was answering fan questions and it had become pretty clear that the fans weren't pleased with her character, and not even some of the VAs were, like I recall Naruto's VA disliking her. (I'll find a source of this later). Anyway, some people said Sakura was using Naruto's emotions against him with the false confession, which seemed to annoy Kishimoto because he said that he was aiming to depict an honest but very stubborn girl. He didn't elaborate much further on what that meant, but he did say he was annoyed by harsh fan mail from Hinata fans criticising Sakura for not being like Hinata, which he seemed to actually mock as I hear, and respond to with "Sakura is not Hinata" and that was how she was because she was the most humanistic character in his view, or something along those lines. Kishimoto then said he'd try to make her be more of a heroine since, which I suppose he has done because the Fourth Shinobi World War arc happened and Sakura had her moments to shine.

I think Kishimoto is well aware he fucked up a character that had potential to be awesome and has been trying to make up for it since. I don't know what his angle is with 693, maybe it's meant to push Sakura to move on or something, I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did, and given his propensity to rush development when it's convenient, I can easily imagine Sakura doing a complete 180 before the manga ends.

I haven't seen any effort to improve Sakura's character tbh. Summoning Katsuya and activating the Yin Seal is all well and good but the real problem is her characters's actions and the way she handles situations. Every character doesn't have to be likable and I don't expect her to reach Sasuke/Naruto's power level but it's getting to the point where it's kind of ridiculous. Every time Sakura takes a step forward she's sure to take 20 steps back sooner or later.
Battered wife syndrome is strong in Sakura. The thing is, she hardly knows Sasuke. She only went on missions with him for several months. Same with Naruto. I would put his ass down the moment he put his hand through my chest.


I haven't seen any effort to improve Sakura's character tbh. Summoning Katsuya and activating the Yin Seal is all well and good but the real problem is her characters's actions and the way she handles situations. Every character doesn't have to be likable and I don't expect her to reach Sasuke/Naruto's power level but it's getting to the point where it's kind of ridiculous. Every time Sakura takes a step forward she's sure to take 20 steps back sooner or later.

Sakura has improved in the sense that she has become more self aware and considerate, and she's had her moments throughout the war arc, mostly concerning Naruto's wellbeing and such.

It's all retrospective patchwork by an author that knows he fucked by neglecting his character for far too long. That's why he's giving her one S-ranked jutsu after another and new feats. No one can deny Sakura is powerful now, even if she doesn't quite compare to her demigod teammates, but she's definitely top tier as far as the shinobi world goes.

If Kishimoto has never relegated her to damsel in distress, more people would like her character.


Not that well in advanced. Since you need both Senju and Uchiha DNA. Madara literally bit off Hashirama flesh and somehow programmed Izanagi in his eye while fighting.
There's still a lot of debate surrounding the prerequisites of Izanagi. Some believe that Senju DNA is only necessary to execute a more ”complete" Izanagi; Obito may have alluded to this when he mentioned to Konan that "some"(meaning: Danzō) have boasted an incomplete Izanagi.

It's antipode, Izanami, certainly doesn't require Senju DNA, and has the same cost.
I do think her actions in 693 were consistent with her character, it was literally thing she could have done aside from standing there stunned or doing something as stupid as trying to stop the fight from happening by force. Granted, if she was speaking the past tense, it makes her look significantly better, but even if it was in present tense, I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference in the long run if that SasuSaku shit ends because of it.

Pretty telling that a desperate confession mirroring her 13 year old self is consistent with her character :lmao Kishi has dropped the ball with her.


Pretty telling that a desperate confession mirroring her 13 year old self is consistent with her character :lmao Kishi has dropped the ball with her.


Dropping the ball would be an understatement. Kishi should have let her move on after that shit at the bridge.

If he had done that, left out that fodder nin trying to make a move on Sakura, and her lamenting the fact Sasuke had gone evuhl and didn't care, then NaruSaku might have actually been given a competently written ending with a little more tweaking.
And the sad part is, I honestly believe that Sakura is by far the biggest waste of potential in the manga by an absolute landslide.

She could've EASILY been the Zuko of Naruto in terms of growth, if Kishi knew what the fuck he was doing.
I think she showed some good growth as a person in part 1 mostly and has improved greatly strength wise in shippuden. Obviously not naruto sasuke level but no one is.

It's just all marred by the steps back she keeps taking personality wise. It's like one aspect of her personality remained stagnant while the rest grew. Obviously that one part being her feelings toward others. Kishi acts frustrated or clueless but I don't buy it. He knows exactly what he is doing with the various fan based and what not.
Improved stength wise by the eleventh hour asspull that gave her Tsunade's forehead dot. Doesn't really make up for her being the damsel in distress 9 out of 10 times.


(From tumblr)
Is this how Naruto fans feel when people are discussing shipping wars?

I lol'd.
Guys you have to just deal with how any character has turned out in the series

  • Naruto finds Obito cool and can't see the problems some cases...
  • Sasuke makes some points with the corrupt ninja world but always adds a unnecessary extreme twist for no reason...
  • Sakura is gaga over Sasuke for no real reason even though Naruto worked his ass off for her

Kishi made them this way.... There is no reason to continue to say that this character could of been dealt better

Come on if we went by that logic then every bloody character in every type of fiction could go through that exact same argument


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The problem with Sakura is she's just as crazy as Karin romantically but kishi wants us to take sakura seriously. That plus damsel in distress plus strong independent knoichi prodigy plus the bridge confession scene equals a poorly written annoying character most people can't relate to because she's so inconsistent
I wouldn't even care about how terrible Sakura is if there were some other well-written, redeeming females in this series. And there briefly was, for about 20 chapters when Tsunade was first introduced. Since then.....
Guys you have to just deal with how any character has turned out in the series

  • Naruto finds Obito cool and can't see the problems some cases...
  • Sasuke makes some points with the corrupt ninja world but always adds a unnecessary extreme twist for no reason...
  • Sakura is gaga over Sasuke for no real reason even though Naruto worked his ass off for her

Kishi made them this way.... There is no reason to continue to say that this character could of been dealt better

Come on if we went by that logic then every bloody character in every type of fiction could go through that exact same argument

I think you missed the point of why we said that in the first place...
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